Fiendish Lore (the other fiends)


Monster Junkie
This is an attempt to gather all information on the fiends other than demons, devils and yugoloths, both for our own enjoyment and for the authors of a possible (hopeful!) Fiendish Codex III.

Feel free to add to this! Any reference to these fiends, their home planes, fortresses, magic items associated with, etc. are all desired.

For fiend, I'm using the current WotC definition of "evil outsider".

Please post any yugoloth-specific info to this thread instead.


  • Farastu (tarry) demodand
  • Kelubar (slime) demodand
  • Shator (shaggy) demodand

Related Creatures:

  • Tarterian Creature template (Dungeon Magazine #111)
  • Tarterian Dragon (3E Draconomicon)

Demodands feature prominently in the Shackled City Adventure Path.

Dyr’ryd: A massive and deformed shator who founded the Cagewrights (Shackled City Adventure Path)

There's a Shator imprisoned within Ravenloft, and the Shator Xideous is lurking in the criminally and irreversably insane ward of the Gatehouse in Sigil, working on a revision to the Book of Keeping. The latter one has a price on his head by the 'loths.

Wulfgar encounters a farastu in The Hafling's Gem.

“The Gehreleth are known to worship or honor a patron deity called Apomps, the Three-sided One. This entity not only can manifest as any of the three Gehreleth races, it is in fact directly supposed to be the father and promoter of each Gehreleth. The Three-sided One breathes life into the fallen and rotting corpses of those foolish enough to venture into the Lower Planes transforming them into Farastu. This entity presents each of the Gehreleth an obsidian triangle, which is considered the personal link they have with Him. This is their only loyalty. Should the triangle for any reason be taken from them, they will do much to retrieve it. Possession of the triangle, I suspect, allows each Gehreleth to posses the memories of the whole race to a limited extent. They know who has summoned others of their kind, and their plans of revenge can span the lives of many individuals."

“Each of the races has certain peculiarities. The Farastu and the Kelubar can undergo a lengthy and painful process of self-liquefaction into the secretion they most frequently exude. These pools of tar and slime can be bottled and stored for centuries as a kind of 'instant army'."

“The Farastu, if they are not banished after summoning, delight in setting themselves up as kings of stupid, easily bullied inhabitants of the local plane. The Farastu pursue this promotion as compensation for the servility they must observe in the Lower Planes. It is believed that the Three-sided One promotes this practice, as it permits him to know of the goings-on on other planes. Apomps seldom promotes a Farastu on any plane save for Carceri."

“The Kelubar are mad for wands and other small hand-held magical items. By sneaking such easily concealed magical items back to the Lower Planes, the Kelubar can gain an important edge in the power struggles that characterize Gehreleth society."

“The Shator often travel to other planes for their favorite occupation - writing. Shator works are of two categories: magical texts on how to summon creatures from the Lower Planes other than Gehreleth (usually named creatures that the Gehreleth have some particular hatred for), and philosophical texts that promote ideas of futility and cosmic angst. When dwelling in the Prime Material Plane, the Shator hide behind a human whom they set up a philosopher or poet. These men and women come to bad ends when the Shator has decided that its mission is done."

“When dwelling on other planes, the Shators’ favorite pets are chimerae. Oddly, they sometimes show concern for these beings treating them like a human treats a kitten.”

(Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix)

Demondands sometimes use shrieking terrors (MMIII) as advance troops.


In 1E and 2E, hordlings were NE residents of Hades.

In 3E, hordlings are CE fiends from Hades, Carceri, Pandemonium, or the Abyss. (Dungeon Magazine #124)

A few rare artifacts, such as Arodnap's Rox and the ruinous Bringer of Doom are linked to the hordlings and can transport them in large numbers to other planes. (Dungeon Magazine #124)

Sample Hordlings from Dungeon Magazine #124:

  • Dread Gnasher
  • Skullreaver
  • Spittlemaw
  • Vulturewretch

Night Hags

Night hags are attributed to the creation of the altraloths. (Dragon Annual 2)

For reasons unknown, some night hags give birth to accursed offspring known as dusk hags. (Eberron Campaign Setting)

Cegilune is the goddess of the Night Hags, or possibly just the most powerful one of their kind who has since gained a shred of divinity.

From the French edition of Dragon Magazine (issue #32, october 1996), the
Night Hag is the grandmother of all hags. I think this article was a rewrite of one published earlier in the US Dragon Mag, Nigel Findley's "Ecology of the Greenhag," which seems to have had similar info.

Some nights, a hag will cross the planes to haunt a mortal's dream, provoking all sorts of nightmares. And indeed, riding the victim as a night mare... Night after night, until the victim dies of exhaustion and sleep deprivation, letting the hag collects its soul as a new larva.

When the victim is a male, the night hag will ride him in other ways too, and get pregnant. She'll give birth to a Green Hag, who she will drop in a craddle after devouring the craddle's previous denizen. The Green Hag will look like a normal infant at first, but as she grows, her real shape become more and more obvious. However, when her "parents" discover she's a changeling, she'll kill them and devour them and then flee to the swamps.

Finally, green hags coupling with ogres or giants will give birth to an Annis.


Ak'chazar (MMIII)
Naztharune (MMIII)
Zakya (Eberron CS)
Rakshasa Rajah (Overlord)(Dragon #337)
Rakshasa Knight - hunt paladins (Dragon #84)
Rakshasa Lord - priests of Ravanna (Dragon #84)

Ravanna (King of Rakshasas) - Lesser god; ten-headed, gifted with invulnerability to gods, demons,and elementals; only non-deities from the Material Plane can harm him. (Dragon #84)

In Dragon #84, Scott Bennie suggests their home plane as Acheron.

Shadow Beasts

"Though they are called fiends and are usually evil, shadow beasts actually hail from the Plane of Shadow, not the Lower Planes whence come most fiends. There they serve powerful warlords--cloakers, nightshades, dread wraiths, and humanoids who have made their homes on that plane of darkness. They are equally happy to come to the Material Plane as mercenaries or regular soldiers in the hire of an evil lord." (Minatures Handbook)

  • Ghirrash - Six-limbed tigerlike (Minatures Handbook)
  • Khumat - Crocodilian (Minatures Handbook)
  • Thaskor - Elephantine (Minatures Handbook)

Other Fiends Not Part of a Specific Group

The following lists Name (Source)[Plane]

  • Abominations (Chichimec, phane, infernal, dream larva, phaethon, xixecal, hecatoncheires) - the unwanted offspring of deities (ELH)[varies]
  • Abyssal Drake - the horrific result of an ancient breeding program that combines the nastiest elements of demons, wyverns, and red dragons (3E Draconomicon)[Abyss]
  • Achaierai - Massive evil, clever, and predatory flightless birds with a distinct taste for torture (3E MM)[Acheron]
  • Avari - man-sized, batlike fiends that are the chief rivals of yugoloths for territory. Unfortunately, they are neither as powerful or as numerous as the fiends and have lost much over time. Long ago, avari dwelt in a large central community, but their many wars shattered their unity, forcing them to live in isolated clan in desolate areas of the planes. They dwell there in dank caverns filled with bats, and inhabit similar environs when found on the Material Plane. (Dragon Magazine #101 - Creature Catalog III)[Gehenna]
  • Ba’atun - vicious, white-winged primate-like creatures that find death and destruction as their constant companions. Their origin is surrounded in mystery – perhaps they were demons made from snow, perhaps they are exiles from a frozen realm, or perhaps they have always been here, lurking (UK7 – Dark Clouds Gather)[Material Plane, home plane unknown]
  • Barghest - lupine fiend that resembles a goblin-wolf hybrid with terrible jaws and sharp claws, feeds on blood and souls to grow stronger (MM)[Gehenna]
  • Broodfiend - almost headless, grotesque mix of worm, lizard, bat, and ape, created by avolakias to serve Kyuss (Dungeon Magazine #135)[Kyuss-dedicated areas]
  • Diakk (Carcene and Varath) - evil flightless birds (Planes of Conflict, 1E MM 2)[Carceri]
  • Diurge - Gray-skinned, red-eyed denizens of a nightmare realm known as Darkrealm, a nightmarishly twisted version of a Material Plane world. Diurges live to serve the evil lords of Darkrealm, but are occasionally ordered to travel to the Material Plane to spread chaos. These beings are extremely sadistic, hating everything that lives, and willing to manipulate anyone in the process of achieving their goals. They are horrible conquerors, subjugating other life forms ruthlessly, and causing pain wherever they go. Their lack of individual greed enables them to better work together towards this common goal. (Dragon Magazine #141)[Negative Energy Plane]
  • Dune Stalker - fiends summoned to Material Plane to kill targets or carry out other quests(3E MM2)[Elemental Plane of Earth, Gray Waste of Hades]
  • Earth Glider - cruel, predatory manta-like outsider (Underdark)[Elemental Plane of Earth]
  • Ebon Aspect - an abomination to not only all that is true and just in the world, but also to the traditional faith of the worshipers of Erythnul, Hextor, and Venca (Dungeon #125)[Ebon Triad haunted regions]
  • Ethereal Slayer - carnivorous predators that lie in ambush on the Ethereal Plane (3E MMII)[Ethereal Plane]
  • Hassitor - extinct exemplar race of Acheron (Planes of Law)[Acheron]
  • Hellchain Weaver - eight-legged mass of chains made entirely of cruel hooks, barbed chains, and jagged iron (Dragon Magazine #343)[Nine Hells of Baator]
  • Kaorti - former humanoids warped from contact with the Far Realm (3E Fiend Folio)[Material Plane]
  • Maelephant - elephant-headed fiends originally created by powerful baatezu lords to serve as guardians, many run free since their lords were deposed (3E Fiend Folio)
  • Malfera - predatory creatures from the Demiplane of Nightmares that resemble demonic elephants [Any chaotic-aligned plane or dream plane]
  • Mapmaker - humanoid lizardkin with weaselish features - related to khaastas? (Dragon #47) [Pandemonium]
  • Marrashi - disease spreader that resembles a winged gnoll (3E MM2)[?]
  • Nightmare (includes Cauchemar and Lesser) - proud equine creatures with hearts as black and evil as the dark abysses from which they come (3E MM)[Gray Waste of Hades]
  • Nimicri - a unique vast creature that mimics a town that can duplicate creatures if a single drop of their blood touches it (3E MotP)[Gehenna]
  • Phantasmal Slayer - literally fear incarnate (Heroes of Horror)[Material Plane]
  • Rukarazyll - fungoind monstrosities, consummate deceivers and tricksters (3E MM2)[Elemental Plane of Earth]
  • Shadow Eft - a race of psionic monsters that dwell between worlds, subsisting on psychic residue (Complete Psionic)[Plane of Shadow]
  • Shadowlands Oni
  • Slow Shadow - living incarnations of the interaction between darkness and light (Dungeon Magazine #112)[Negative Energy Plane]
  • Sugo - flattish brown disks with suckered tentacles (Dragon #47) [Acheron]
  • Utukku - lion-headed scaled fiends that kill all outsiders who pass through their territory, including others of their kind. Their lairs in the great ash deserts of Carceri always include impressive defenses, as each utukku must defend itself from all competitors. Utukku want no part of the intrigues of other fiends, and prey on any demons and devils they meet (Dragon #89 - Creature Catalog I, Savage Coast, Dungeon#62)[Carceri]
  • Vaath - a creature of pure sadism that delights in both physical and emotional pain (BoVD)[Carceri]
  • Vaporighu - petty, sadistic, and voracious blobs of hideous, bloated, waddling hairy flesh(3E MMII)[Gehenna]
  • Viltch - resembles a dirty gray, three-legged mandrill; destroys beauty and order (Dragon #94, Creature Catalog II)[Pandemonium]
  • Vision - an eerie, wraith-like creature that haunts the Ethereal and Material Planes, coexisting simultaneously in both planes and yet native to neither. The form of a vision is blurry and indistinct, vaguely resembling a humanoid outline of smoke and shadow (1E FF)[Ethereal Plane]
  • Vorr - a hateful canine of the Abyss (3E Fiend Folio)[Abyss]
  • Yeth Hound - fearsome flying hounds with a frightening bay (MM)[Gray Waste of Hades]
  • Wirchler - a disembodied mouth with two arms (Dragon #47)[Gehenna]
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Shade said:
This is an attempt to gather all information on the fiends other than demons, devils and yugoloths, both for our own enjoyment and for the authors of a possible (hopeful!) Fiendish Codex III.Demodands/Gehreleths

  • Farastu (tarry) demodand
  • Kelubar (slime) demodand
  • Shator (shaggy) demodand

There's a Shator imprisoned within Ravenloft, and the Shator Xideous is lurking in the criminally and irreversably insane ward of the Gatehouse in Sigil, working on a revision to the Book of Keeping. The latter one has a price on his head by the 'loths.

(Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix)


In 1E and 2E, hordlings were NE residents of Hades.

In 3E, hordlings are CE fiends from Hades, Carceri, Pandemonium, or the Abyss. (Dungeon Magazine #124)

I would argue that the 3e treatment made some sort of confusion between the seemingly random (but not chaotic) mutations and myriad forms of Hordelings, and the 'random demon' table in one of the 1e books. They were completely different things, and the flavor text on Hordelings from 'Faces of Evil' should make it pretty clear that they aren't chaotic, but rather true children of the Waste, byproducts of a warped submission to its agony.

Night Hags

Night hags are attributed to the creation of the altraloths. (Dragon Annual 2)

I'd add something about Cegilune being the goddess of the Night Hags, or possibly just the most powerful one of their kind who has since gained a shred of divinity.

Night Hags may also be the result of Hordelings who have undergone a second apotheosis during their stay on the Gray Waste. (I'd check though to see if this is actually in the printed sources, and not just a fan created notion, albeit a very popular one).

Other Fiends Not Part of a Specific Group

Phiull might qualify.
Chronotyryns (sp?) also should qualify (from 3e FF).
The Hassitor (Acheron, extinct) should get a mention too.
Nimicri in and of itself as a single creature is worth noting.


Er... Rakshasas?

"Standard Rakshasa" (MM)
Ak'chazar (MM3)
Naztharune (MM3)
Zakya (Eberron CS)
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From Dragon #47:

Wirchler (a disembodied mouth with two arms) - Gehenna
Mapmaker (humanoid lizardkin with weaselish features - related to khaastas?) - Pandemonium
Sugo (flattish brown disks with suckered tentacles) - Acheron


First Post
From the French edition of Dragon Magazine (issue #32, october 1996), the
Night Hag is the grandmother of all hags. I think this article was a rewrite of one published earlier in the US Dragon Mag, Nigel Findley's "Ecology of the Greenhag," which seems to have had similar info.

Some nights, a hag will cross the planes to haunt a mortal's dream, provoking all sorts of nightmares. And indeed, riding the victim as a night mare... Night after night, until the victim dies of exhaustion and sleep deprivation, letting the hag collects its soul as a new larva.

When the victim is a male, the night hag will ride him in other ways too, and get pregnant. She'll give birth to a Green Hag, who she will drop in a craddle after devouring the craddle's previous denizen. The Green Hag will look like a normal infant at first, but as she grows, her real shape become more and more obvious. However, when her "parents" discover she's a changeling, she'll kill them and devour them and then flee to the swamps.

Finally, green hags coupling with ogres or giants will give birth to an Annis.


Monster Junkie
Shemeska said:
I'd add something about Cegilune being the goddess of the Night Hags, or possibly just the most powerful one of their kind who has since gained a shred of divinity.

Good call.

Shemeska said:
Night Hags may also be the result of Hordelings who have undergone a second apotheosis during their stay on the Gray Waste. (I'd check though to see if this is actually in the printed sources, and not just a fan created notion, albeit a very popular one).


Shemeska said:
Phiull might qualify.
Chronotyryns (sp?) also should qualify (from 3e FF).
The Hassitor (Acheron, extinct) should get a mention too.
Nimicri in and of itself as a single creature is worth noting.

Phiuhls are aberrations and chronotyryns (my favorite new-to-3E creature) are magical beasts, so while fiendish, they don't fit the "evil outsider" definition of fiend. Perhaps I should add a section for "not fiends, but certainly fiendish"?

I'll add the other two. :)

Sammael said:
Er... Rakshasas?

Er...d'oh! I'll add 'em. :eek:

Ripzerai said:
From Dragon #47:

Interesting...I'll have to take a look at those. :cool:

Gez said:

Good stuff. Has it ever been stated if Baba Yaga is a specific type of hag?


Monster Junkie
Dyr’ryd: A massive and deformed shator who founded the Cagewrights (Shackled City Adventure Path)

Voidrunner's Codex

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