Fiendish Lore (the other fiends)

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Shade said:
I'm tempted to included draedens. Don't they seem like the original fiends?

I'd say no, because they aren't linked to the alignments, ie they aren't manifestations of Evil in any of its forms. They seem like something altogether different, just what they are, being up for debate depending on if you have them from another multiverse, or a portion of the very very early Great Wheel, or a now dead previous incarnation of the Great Wheel.

The Draeden stuck in the Abyss isn't a part of it, he was enveloped by it. The admixture of raw Chaos and Evil that pooled and formed the Abyss doesn't have anything to do with him, it's an alien thing to him, a congealed reality that isn't the one he was born into. He isn't a fiend, no more than the Draedens that 'might' be frozen in Para-elemental Ice are primordial ice-paraelementals by virtue of the plane having entrapped them.

Like an elemental that kills someone, the elemental isn't necessarily evil, nor are they a fiend in any way, Draedens seem to be in a similar situation. They aren't manifestations of Evil, they're Draedens.

Anything beyond that is speculation I think, and we'd get into the notion of were the first primordial alignment exemplars born from the first sparks of what would become Limbo, Mechanus, Elysium, the Waste, and the Outlands, or were they sent from some exterior non-existance in the way we'd conceive of it, in order to cultivate and foster the newborn alignment planes.

Baron Opal

First Post
I wrote a bunch of stuff about the Hassitors for a Living City adventure, back in the day. I'll have to see if I still have it somewhere. They really caught my imagination.


Shade said:
I'm tempted to included draedens. Don't they seem like the original fiends?

I think they're aberrations, rather than outsiders. They're not personifications of ideals - they're vast beings older than the planes. Baernaloths and obyriths are older than mortals; draedens are older than alignments.


First Post
Baron Opal said:
I wrote a bunch of stuff about the Hassitors for a Living City adventure, back in the day. I'll have to see if I still have it somewhere. They really caught my imagination.

Totally interested in seeing this!

Erik Mona

You guys should be contributing some of this stuff to Wikipedia. I have been posting some Greyhawk-related research there over the last couple weeks, and it's really fun.

Great thread, btw.




Voidrunner's Codex

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