Fighting the Gray Tide (Miniature Painting)


I'm in my mid-40s. Getting a pair of these these was the best decision ever. Not painting without them anymore. Just sayin'.
I have a similar pair and a lighted desk magnifier. They come in extremely handy. Just having the light on the headset is great for seeing the line when I'm cutting leather patterns.

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I've been painting a ton (well, prior to our European holiday) but it's mostly been utilitarian stuff that I haven't been excited to post. Like, 50+ guards from a D&L Kickstarter and terrain pieces from the same, and stuff.

But I have a massive Reaper KS arriving soon, so I promise I will start contributing again. Thanks for keeping the fires burning!

Also, I bought a set of those superbly nerdy Vision Aid glasses and they arrived today!


I don't paint a whole lot of terrain, but the Skaventide boxed set for Age of Sigmar came with some ruins. The bottom trim is a darker shade of blue because I accidentially selected the wrong paint and didn't figure it out until I was halfway finished. At that paint I was like, "Eh, whatever."

I used some AK Interactive streaking grime (oil based) to create some of the streaking effects you see below. They're a bit subtle, but you can see it on the lower photo better than the top. I'm thinking about using some of my Dirty Down moss effect on the bottom, but I'm undecided.



I don't believe in the no-win scenario
I don't paint a whole lot of terrain, but the Skaventide boxed set for Age of Sigmar came with some ruins. The bottom trim is a darker shade of blue because I accidentially selected the wrong paint and didn't figure it out until I was halfway finished. At that paint I was like, "Eh, whatever."

I used some AK Interactive streaking grime (oil based) to create some of the streaking effects you see below. They're a bit subtle, but you can see it on the lower photo better than the top. I'm thinking about using some of my Dirty Down moss effect on the bottom, but I'm undecided.

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I need to get my 3D printer going on some terrain. I just got an ass load of mechs in the KS for Battletech so I dont need to print anymore figures for awhile.

Voidrunner's Codex

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