Fighting the Gray Tide (Miniature Painting)


I've completed the base for a...let me look it up, ah, yes, a Skaven Clawlord mounted on a Gnaw-Beast. I have to assume he's a leader unit for the Skaven army. I'm thinking of using some still water effect to make this look a little more like a pool, but I can't apply the effect until after I mount the miniature. If you look at the hole on the far right, you might notice something that looks like a clawed rat toe. I wish they wouldn't have incorporated part of the minis foot into the base. It just makes things a little more difficult to paint.

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I painted up a bunch of terrain I got from a Russian group, Gabrigame Workshop, that unfortunately is now vanished since the war in Ukraine. It's all high resolution 3d printed:
While I love the frozen adventurers, sometimes it's really nice to see mundane, everyday objects like tables, chairs, shrines, and even pets. They can add a lot of flavor to the table.


While I love the frozen adventurers, sometimes it's really nice to see mundane, everyday objects like tables, chairs, shrines, and even pets. They can add a lot of flavor to the table.
The frozen adventurers are fun pieces, but I’ve used them exactly once in a game. Still, sometimes it’s just about having and painting the pieces rather than their utility.

Voidrunner's Codex

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