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D&D 5E Final Fantasy XV for D&D



Picture taken in game by Unknown

The largest and oldest living creature known to man. Said to have been born at the dawn of time itself, the adamantoise first appears in documents produced circa the advent of the Kingdom of Lucis. According to said records, metal procured from its shell was used in the construction of conduits used to channel the Crystal’s power into the Wall around the Crown City.

Fighting the Adamantoise
Fighting the adamantoise is a colossal undertaking even for the most experienced of adventuring parties. A GM should keep the following in mind while running a combat encounter with the adamantoise:
  • The adamantoise far exceeds the size category of “Gargantuan”, but its body lays flat to the ground, barring any creature from entering it. Only by successfully climbing the adamantoise or flying above it can a creature share its space.
  • The adamantoise is a grueling seemingly never-ending fight. It near-limitless hit points and powerful AOE attacks can quickly result in a TPK. Ensure the party has an abundance of healing and powerful equipment to combat this.
  • The adamantoise acts similar to that of a common animal. It will likely not initiate combat, but it will instinctively attack whichever creature did the most damage to it since the end of its last turn.

Slaying the Adamantoise.
If a party succeeds in slaying the adamantoise, they can make a DC 22 Wisdom (Nature) check to discern the composition of the adamantoise’s body. A successful check reveals veins of adamantine in its shell and trace amounts in its skin. A party can spend up to 360 days of downtime harvesting the adamantine for 8 hours a day, gaining 100 pounds each day (36,000 lbs. total). In addition, the heart of the adamantoise can be forged into a powerful talisman.

Adamantite Bangle
Wondrous Item, Artifact (requires attunement)
While attuned to and wearing this item, you gain the following benefits:
  • Your Constitution score is increased to 30
  • You gain 20 hit dice. The size of these hit dice is equal to the size of your classes hit dice. If you have more than one class, then they are the same size as the largest hit dice.
  • You always gain the maximum possible value from hit dice. This applies both to your maximum hit points (including those already gained) and rolling hit dice for traits, abilities, and regaining hit points during a short or long rest.

The adamantoise is a mythical creature of titanic power, its mere presence brings about changes in the area they reside:
  • All terrain within 1,000 feet of the adamantoise becomes difficult terrain over the course of 1d4 years.
  • Water sources within 5 miles of the adamantoise for 2d6 years or more, dry up in that time, leading to drought.
If the adamantoise is slain, these effects revert over the course of a year and a day.

Gargantuan Beast (Titan), Unaligned

Armor Class 18 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 574 (28d20 + 280)
Speed 5 ft.
Initiative 5 (-5)

30 (+10)1 (-5)30 (+10)5 (-3)6 (-2)4 (-3)

Saving Throws Str +19, Con +19, Cha + 6
Damage Resistance acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, thunder
Damage Immunities poison; bludgeoning, piercing and slashing from nonmagical weapons
Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened, Grappled, Invisible, Restrained, Prone
Senses tremorsense 1 mile, passive Perception 8
Languages Understands all but cannot speak.
Challenge 30 (155,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +9

Adamantoise-Sized. The adamantoise occupies a 500-foot by 500-foot area, and is 300 feet tall. No creature can enter its space without climbing on it and doing so requires a successful DC 17 Strength (Athletics) check at the start of the creature’s turn. If a creature successfully climbs atop the adamantoise it can walk atop it as if it were difficult terrain. While in this area, a creature must succeed a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw at the start of each of its turns, or be knocked Prone. If a creature fails the saving throw by 5 or more it is thrown off the adamantoise into an unoccupied space adjacent to the adamantoise, falling if it has no way of holding itself aloft. Additionally, while in this area, a creature has Advantage on attack rolls against the adamantoise and has its critical range increased by 1.

Immortal. The adamantoise does not age and cannot be aged magically. It can survive without any food or water for 50 years at a time by hibernating, after which it awakens.

Legendary Resistance (4/Day). Whenever the adamantoise fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

Legendary Weapons. The adamantoise’s attacks are considered magical for the purpose of overcoming damage resistances and immunities.

Living Mountain. The adamantoise is immune to forced movement as well as any effect that would teleport it or banish it to another plane of existence. In addition, while the adamantoise is motionless and retreated into its shell and sleeping, it is indistinguishable from a normal mountain. Retreating into or coming out of its shell its shell takes the adamantoise 1 minute, and while retreated into its shell or sleeping, the adamantoise is immune to all damage and conditions.

Unerring Ability. Whenever the adamantoise rolls a Strength or Constitution skill check or saving throw it considers any roll of 19 or lower a roll of 20.

Vulnerable Eyes. Each of the adamantoise’s eyes can be targeted separately, each has an AC of 12 and 100 hit points, and can only be targeted by an attack with a range or reach of 60 feet or more. A creature who has climbed atop the adamantoise (see Adamantoise-Sized), only needs a reach or range of 15 feet to target an eye. When one of the adamantoise’s eye is reduced to 0 hit points, it has Disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks relying on sight, and it begins to roll a d20 at the end of each of its turns. Until it rolls a natural 20, the adamantoise is Stunned, and considered vulnerable to all damage. If both of the adamantoise’s eyes are reduced to 0 hit points, the adamantoise is Blinded until at least one eye is restored to full hit points. Each of the adamantoise’s eyes regenerate and regain all hit points after a long rest.

Primordial Might (5/Day). When adamantoise is reduced to 0 hit points, it regains all hit points, loses all unwanted conditions and effects, and recharges it’s Shockwave action and any expended uses of its Legendary Resistance trait. For each time a party activates this trait, reward an additional 155,000 XP (930,000 total).

Head Slam.
The adamantoise slams its head on the ground in a 30-foot wide, 120-foot long line starting from it. All creatures in this area must make a DC 27 Dexterity saving throw, taking 75 (10d12 + 10) bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success. If a creature takes any amount of damage from this attack, it must succeed on a DC 27 Constitution saving throw or be Stunned until the end of its next turn.

Shockwave (Recharge 6). All creatures within 300 feet of the adamantoise must make a DC 27 Constitution saving throw, taking 105 (30d6) thunder damage and become Stunned until the end of its next turn on a failed save, or half as much damage and not becoming Stunned on a successful save.

Earthquake. The adamantoise shakes the ground around it in a 1,000-foot radius. Each creature in this area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 42 (12d6) bludgeoning damage, is knocked Prone, and its Concentration is broken.
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Update: Haven’t been working on this for a bit. Got a little burned out, and realized that I wasn’t having fun doing these creatures in order. To fix that I’m gonna go ahead and do the monster’s i feel like doing first, and work on the others in between them. Other systems are still in the works, but are not my main priority.



Picture taken in game by Unknown

The Draconian, God of War, The Bladekeeper

Bahamut is both a member and the leader of the Hexatheon, the gods of the world of Eos. From within the realm between life and death he surveys and watches over the world, remaining vigilant and protecting it from threats both mortal and divine. In this role, he is uncompromising and ruthless, dispatching any threats through wisdom and influence, and if need be, direct action.

Head of the Astrals. Of all the Astrals, Bahamut is the least known about and the most mysterious. It is known only through myth and legend that he leads the Astrals, overseeing them and the rest of the world. Hat he defeated and slayed Ifrit in the War of the Astrals, laying him asunder upon the Rock of Ravatough. It is also whispered that Bahamut has chosen a king of Lucis to destroy the star scourge which plagues the world. Despite the god’s mysterious nature, he is revered and respected across the world, and feared by many.

An Unseen Hand. Bahamut rarely intervenes in the affairs of the world, either mortal or divine, but when it is required he is immediate and unfaltering in his actions. It is said that through his vigilance alone that the world has avoided so many terrible fates. Most often, he chooses capable but unaware mortals to act on his behalf, gently guiding and nudging the world in unobserved ways. Only when this fails or is insufficient does the Draconian directly intervene, a rare event due to his wisdom in selecting mortals.

Blessing of Bahamut

Though he rarely interacts with the world, Bahamut sometimes chooses individuals that show great promise, and bestows them with a fragment of his power. These individuals are chosen to help Bahamut protect the world, possibly against another of the Astrals or the starcourge.

Typical Chosen: champion, kingsglaive, knight, veteran

Ability Score Adjustment: Up to a +4 bonus to Strength, Dexterity, or both.

Signature Spells: blade ward (cantrip), wrathful smite (1st level), branding smite (2nd level), crusader’s mantle (3rd level)

The Bladekeeper bestows each chosen with the Bladekeeper trait, and the greatest or most important of these chosen also gain the Draconian’s Chosen trait.

Bladekeeper. The creature cannot be disarmed, and any weapon it is wielding automatically returns to its hand if thrown.

Draconian’s Chosen. Whenever this creature rolls damage dice, it always rerolls dice results of 1. In addition, the creature’s weapon attacks ignore damage resistances.

Bahamut spends the majority of his time within the Heart of the Crystal, a higher plane that lays between life and death. While within the Heart of the Crystal, Bahamut gains the following traits:

God of War. Bahamut gains an additional use of his Member of the Hexatheon trait (415,000 XP total).

Regenerative Form. Bahamut regains 25 hit points and can remove one unwanted condition at the start of each of his turns.

Innate Spellcasting. Bahamut gains the following spells to his Innate Spellcasting action.
At-will: true resurrection
3/Rest each: power word pain
1/Rest each: power word kill

Moreover, while in the Heart of the Crystal, on Initiative count 20, Bahamut can take a lair action to cause one of the following effects. He cannot use the same effect two rounds in a row.

Instruments of War. Bahamut summons 10 (3d6) Bahamut Blades into unoccupied spaces within 300 feet, to a maximum of 30.

Terraflare. His ultimate power, Bahamut summons supreme power and sends it to a point he can see. Each creature within 1 mile of this point must succeed a DC 24 Dexterity saving throw, taking 205 (30d12) force damage plus 205 (30d12) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success. After using this lair action, Bahamut is Incapacitated until after Initiative count 20 of the next round.

Summon Astral (1/Rest). Bahamut summons the aspect of another Astral into an unoccupied space within 1,000 feet. This aspect does not have its mythic trait or mythic actions, and acts as an ally to Bahamut, heeding his telepathic and verbal commands (no action required by Bahamut).

As a deity, Bahamut’s mere presence can affect the area around him, creating the following effects.
  • Creature’s within 120 feet and aware of Bahamut must succeed a DC 24 Charisma saving throw or make all attack rolls with Disadvantage for 1 minute. An affected creature can repeat its saving throw at the end of each of it turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. On a successful saving throw, a creature is immune to this effect for 1 hour.
  • Weapons within 300 feet of Bahamut are altered in his presence. Weapons wielded by creatures hostile to him have their magical bonus to attack and damage rolls reduced by 1. If this would reduce a weapon’s bonus to 0, it is still magical. Conversely, weapons wielded by Bahamut’s allies gain a +1 cumulative bonus to their attack and damage rolls, becoming magical if they were not otherwise. Either of these effects disappear instantly and the weapons return to normal once outside of this area.

Avatar of Bahamut
Gargantuan Celestial (Deity), Lawful Neutral

Armor Class 24 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 546 (28d20 + 252)
Speed 60 ft., fly 180 ft.
Initiative 19 (+9)

29 (+9)29 (+9)29 (+9)22 (+6)30 (+10)24 (+7)

Saving Throws Str +18, Dex +18, Con +18, Int +15, Wis +19, Cha +16
Skills Athletics +18, Acrobatics +18, History +24, Perception +28, Religion +24
Damage Resistance bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing; acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, thunder
Damage Immunities poison, radiant; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Exhaustion, Frightened, Poisoned, Stunned
Senses darkvision 300 ft., truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 38
Languages All, telepathy 300 ft.
Challenge 30 (155,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +9

Astral Might. Bahamut’s attacks are considered magical for the purposes of overcoming damage resistances and immunities. In addition, Bahamut ignores damage resistances and treats damage immunities as resistances.

Astral Nature. Bahamut does not age and cannot be aged by any means. He also does not need to eat, drink, sleep, or breath to survive.

Colossal. Bahamut occupies a 45-foot by 45-foot area and is 60 feet tall. A Large-sized or smaller creature can enter his space and must do so to target him with an attack or effect with a reach or range of 15 feet or less.

Godly Caster. Bahamut can cast any at-will spell as a bonus action. In addition Bahamut can concentrate on up to 2 spells at once. If his concentration is broken, both spells end simultaneously.

Legendary Resistance. If Bahamut fails a saving throw he can expend one unused legendary action to succeed instead.

Limited Magic Immunity. Unless he wishes to be affected, Bahamut is immune to spells of 3rd level or lower and has Advantage on saving throws against all other spells and magical effects.

Member of the Hexatheon (2/Short or Long Rest). If the aspect would be reduced to 0 hit points, it immediately gains all the benefits from long rest, except for replenishing any of this feature’s expended uses. Additionally, the aspect can now use the options in the "Mythic Actions" section for 1 hour. Award a party an additional 155,000 XP (465,000 XP total) for each time it defeats the Aspect of Bahamut and its God of War trait activates. Lastly, Bahamut summons 6 Bahamut Blades (see below) in unoccupied spaces within 300 feet of himself the first time this trait is activated. The second time this trait is activated, all remaining Blades are destroyed and he then summons 12 more.

Bahamut uses his Megaflare if it is available, then makes three Longsword attacks or casts 2 innate spells.

Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target. Hit. 27 (4d8 + 9) slashing damage. If the target is a creature, Bahamut can choose one of the following effects:
  • The target must succeed a DC 26 Strength saving throw or be knocked Prone.
  • The target must succeed a DC 26 Strength saving throw or be moved up to 30 feet in any one direction.
  • The target must succeed on a DC 26 Dexterity saving throw or drop one item it is holding of Bahamut’s choice.
  • The target must succeed a DC 26 Constitution saving throw or be Stunned until the end of Bahamut’s next turn.
Megaflare (1/Long Rest). Bahamut hurls a mote of divine flame at a point he can see within 600 feet. Each creature within 60 feet of this point must succeed a DC 24 Dexterity saving throw, taking 70 (20d6) force damage plus 70 (20d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success.

Innate Spellcasting. Bahamut’s spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 24, +16 to hit with spell attacks). Bahamut can innately cast the following spells at at least 5th level, requiring no components:

At-will: commune (other Astrals only), greater restoration, searing smite, thunderous smite, wrathful smite
3/Rest each: banishing smite, bestow curse, cloud of daggers (6th level, 20 ft. sphere), dimension door (self only), geas (9th level), planeshift (self only), remove curse, staggering smite
1/Rest each: astral projection, teleport

Cunning Action.
Bahamut takes the Dash or Disengage action as a bonus action.

Spellcast. Bahamut casts an at-will spell.

Perfect Parry. Bahamut negates the damage(s) and effects of one attack that targets only him that he can sense.

Bahamut can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. Bahamut regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.

Move. Bahamut moves up to his speed.

Attack. Bahamut makes one attack against a creature within range.

Recharge Ability (Costs 3 Actions, 1/Long Rest). Bahamut recharges his Megaflare attack.

If Bahamut’s mythic trait is active, he can use the options below as legendary actions for 1 hour:

Spellcast (Costs 3 Actions). Bahamut casts an innate spell.

Ultima Sword (Costs 3 Actions, 1/Long Rest). Bahamut chooses a point within 300 feet of themselves and hails down swords in a 60-foot radius around that point. Until the end of Bahamut’s next turn, any creature that starts its turn or enters this area must make a DC 24 Dexterity saving throw, taking 66 (12d10) piercing damage plus 66 (12d10) radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success. While this effect is active, all Bahamut Blades disappear from the battlefield, and afterwards reappear inside Bahamut’s space resuming their normal initiative.
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Blue Orange

Gone to Texas
Neat thread! I love conversions. If you're curious, look up some of the very early Final Fantasies--1 was basically trying to be 1e D&D. The Ahriman is actually linearly descended from FF1's EYE, which had its sprite changed to look less like the Bihoruda--beholder-- it was based on!


Neat thread! I love conversions. If you're curious, look up some of the very early Final Fantasies--1 was basically trying to be 1e D&D. The Ahriman is actually linearly descended from FF1's EYE, which had its sprite changed to look less like the Bihoruda--beholder-- it was based on!
I noticed that ff shares a lot of creatures with DND, but i didnt know that. It makes a lot more sense now why copyrighted creatures like mindflayers can be in ff
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Descriptive Text.

Bahamut Blade
Large Construct, Unaligned

Armor Class 18 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 63 (6d10 + 30)
Speed 0 ft., fly 300 ft. (hover)
Initiative 15 (+5)

20 (+5)20 (+5)20 (+5)1 (-5)1 (-5)1 (-5)

Saving Throws Dex +7
Damage Resistances radiant; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Damage Immunities poison, psychic
Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened, Poisoned, Prone, Stunned, Unconscious
Senses blindsight 120 ft. (Blinded beyond this radius), passive perception 5
Languages ——
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Divine Creation. The Bahamut Blade’s creature type is considered both Celestial and Construct.

Draconian’s Wings. A Bahamut Blade can enter and occupy the same space as any number of other Bahamut Blades and one Aspect of Bahamut and vice versa, suffering no penalties for doing so.

Flying Charge. If the Blade moves at least 45 feet in a straight line and makes a Slash attack, it deals an additional 16 (3d10) slashing damage. In addition, it can change all damage dealt by this attack to piercing damage.

Magic Weapon. Weapon attacks made by the Blade are magical.

Shared Senses. While within 1 mile of an Aspect of Bahamut, the Blade can see through the aspects senses and vice versa, using their own Wisdom (Perception) bonuses.

The Blade makes three attacks.

Slash. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit. 16 (2d10 + 5) slashing damage.

Parry. The Blade gains a +2 bonus to its AC against one attack against it that it can see.
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Picture taken in game by Unknown

God of Earth. Legends tell of the Archaean absorbing the force of the cataclysmic Meteor as it hurtled down to Eos—and he still shoulders the stone in his deep sleep within the Disc. The Landforger was awakened from that slumber by the Oracle Lunafreya.

Avatar of Titan
Gargantuan Celestial (Deity), Neutral Good

Armor Class 20 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 594 (29d20 + 290)
Speed 90 ft.
Initiative 8 (-2)

30 (+10)6 (-2)30 (+10)16 (+3)20 (+5)18 (+4)

Saving Throws Str +19, Dex +7, Con +19, Int +12, Wis +14, Cha +13
Skills Athletics +28, History +21, Perception +23, Religion +21
Damage Resistance fire, force; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
Damage Immunities poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Exhaustion, Frightened, Poisoned, Stunned
Senses darkvision 300 ft., truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 33
Languages All, telepathy 300 ft.
Challenge 30 (155,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +9

Astral Might. Titan’s attacks are considered magical for the purposes of overcoming damage resistances and immunities. In addition, Titan ignores damage resistances and treats damage immunities as resistances.

Astral Nature. Titan does not age and cannot be aged by any means. He also does not need to eat, drink, sleep, or breath to survive.

Colossal. Titan occupies a 120-foot by 120-foot space and is 180 feet tall. A Huge-sized or smaller creature can enter Titan’s space and must do so to target him with an attack or effect with a reach or range of 40 feet or less. In addition, Titan has Advantage on saving throws against being forcibly moved or knocked prone by such creatures.

Earthglide. Titan can move through dirt, stone, or similar materials as thought they were normal terrain. Additionally, Titan can move through refined metals and veins of metal as though they were difficult terrain.

Godly Caster. Titan can cast any at-will spell as a bonus action. In addition, Titan can concentrate on up to 2 spells at once. If his concentration is broken, both spells end simultaneously.

Legendary Resistance. If Titan fails a saving throw he can expend one unused legendary action to succeed instead.

Limited Magic Immunity. Unless he wishes to be affected, Titan is immune to spells of 3rd level or lower and has Advantage on saving throws against all other spells and magical effects.

Reliable Might. Whenever Titan makes a Strength or Constitution check and rolls lower than a 15 on the d20 roll, he instead rolls a 15.

God of the Earth (2/Short or Long Rest). If the aspect would be reduced to 0 hit points, it immediately gains all the benefits from long rest, except for replenishing any of this feature’s expended uses. Additionally, the aspect can now use the options in the "Mythic Actions" section for 1 hour. Award a party an additional 155,000 XP (465,000 XP total) for each time it defeats the aspect of Titan and its God of the Earth trait activates.

Titan Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +19 to hit, reach 60 ft., one target. Hit. 65 (10d10 + 10) bludgeoning damage plus 21 (6d6) force damage. If the target is a creature it must succeed a DC 27 Strength saving throw or be knocked Prone. Titan can also choose one of the following effects when making this attack:
  • If the creature fails its initial saving throw it is also moved in one direction of Titan’s choice. If the creature is Medium-sized or smaller it is moved up to 300 feet. If the creature is Large-sized, it is moved up to 120 feet. If the creature is Huge-sized or larger, it is moved up to 40 feet.
  • All other creatures in a 20-foot cube centered on the initial target must spend their reaction moving outside the the area in the most direct possible path, or make the same saving throw, suffering the same effects as the initial target on a failed save, or half as much damage on a success and not being knocked Prone.
Stomp. Titan slams his foot down in a 40-foot cube inside of or within 30 feet of his space. Any creature within the cube must make a DC 27 Strength or Dexterity saving throw (creature’s choice) or take 78 (12d12) bludgeoning damage. In addition, every creature within 120 feet of Titan must make a DC 27 Dexterity saving throw or be knocked Prone and take an additional 1d6 bludgeoning damage. Any creature within Titan’s space makes the second saving throw with Disadvantage.

Arm Sweep. Titan swings his arm in a 60-foot cone. All creatures in the area must succeed a DC 27 saving throw, taking 44 (8d10) bludgeoning damage and being knocked Prone on a failed save, or half as much damage and not being knocked Prone on a success. Any structures or objects in the area take damage as normal and are collectively moved to one side of the cone determined by the GM.

Boulder Toss. Ranged Weapon Attack: +19 to hit, range 300/1,200 ft., one target. Hit. All creatures in a 60-foot radius centered on the initial target must succeed a DC 27 Dexterity saving throw, taking 62 (8d12 + 10) bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success. Any creature that fails the initial saving throw must also succeed a DC 27 Constitution saving throw or be Stunned until the end of Titan’s next turn.

Innate Spellcasting. Titan’s spellcasting ability is Strength (spell save DC 27, +19 to hit with spell attacks). Titan can innately cast the following spells at 5th-level or higher, requiring no components:

At-will: commune (other Astrals only), earth tremor (20 foot sphere), erupting earth, greater restoration, stone shape, mold earth, transmute rock
3/Rest each: bestow curse, bones of the earth, flesh to stone, move earth, planeshift (self only), remove curse, wall of stone
1/Rest each: astral projection, earthquake (1 mile radius), teleport

Spellcast. Titan casts an at-will spell.

Disrupt Earthen Spell. If a creature Titan can see attempts to cast a spell such as move earth, earthquake, or another spell or a magical effect that would affect the earth, Titan stops the effects of the spell or magical effect from occurring.

Titan can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. Titan regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Attack. Titan makes one attack against a creature within range.

If Titan’s mythic trait is active, it can use the options below as legendary actions for 1 hour.
Spellcast (Costs 3 Actions). Titan casts an innate spell.

Gaia’s Wrath (Costs 3 Actions, 1/Long Rest). Summoning all of his physical strength Titan makes a Titan Fist attack or a Boulder Toss attack. In addition to the attack’s normal effects, all 10-foot sections of land within 300 feet of the target, except those within Titan’s space, erupt upwards in 100-foot tall pillars. These pillars have an AC of 15, 30 hit points, and immunity to poison and psychic damage. Whenever a pillar is destroyed, it crumbles into a pile of loose stones in a 45-foot radius. Any creature within this radius when the pillar crumbles must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 5 (2d4) bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success. The area atop these pillars is difficult terrain, as is the area within 300 feet of these pillars. Lastly, all creatures on the same surface and within 1,200 feet of target, except for Titan and creatures of his choice, must succeed a DC 27 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 66 (12d10) bludgeoning damage, is knocked Prone, and is Stunned until the end of Titan’s next turn. On a successful saving throw, the creature takes half as much damage, is not knocked Prone, and is not Stunned.

Titan sits in the Disc of Cauthess, holding up the meteor that provides Lestalum its thermal power source. Any creature that starts its turn within 3,000 feet of here must begin making Constitution saving throws when it first enters and after each hour it spends in this area or gain 1 level of exhaustion, to a maximum of 5 levels. Any creature within 600 feet of Titan while here takes 1d6 fire damage at the start of each of their turns. A creature resistant or immune to fire damage or immune to the effects of extreme heat does not need to make these saving throws and does not take the aforementioned damage.
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Art by Lucy Rakavka

Goddess of Ice. The Glacian's place among the Six lies opposite that of the Infernian, Ifrit. Roused suddenly from hibernation in Ghorovas Rift, the Frostbearer brought the chill wind of death to bear on half the imperial army before suffering her own corporeal demise.

Avatar of Shiva
Medium Celestial (Deity), Neutral Good

Armor Class 20 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 437 (38d8 + 266)
Speed 45 ft., fly 90 ft.
Initiative 17 (+7)

18 (+4)25 (+7)24 (+7)20 (+5)22 (+6)23 (+6)

Saving Throws Str +13, Dex +16, Con +16, Int +14, Wis +15, Cha +15
Skills Acrobatics +25, Deception +24, History +23, Perception +24, Religion +23
Damage Resistance bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
Damage Immunities cold, poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Exhaustion, Frightened, Poisoned, Stunned
Senses darkvision 300 ft., truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 34
Languages All, telepathy 300 ft.
Challenge 30 (155,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +9

Astral Might. Shiva’s attacks are considered magical for the purposes of overcoming damage resistances and immunities. In addition, Shiva ignores damage resistances and treats damage immunities as resistances.

Astral Nature. Shiva does not age and cannot be aged by any means. She also do not need to eat, drink, sleep, or breath to survive.

Blizzard Aura. Shiva can activate or deactivate a powerful winter storm that remains centered on her at all times, requiring no action. The storm initially forms over the course of 1 minute and occupies a 25-mile radius cylinder that is 5 miles tall. Any creature other than Shiva, any Glacian Sprites (see below), and any creature of her choice that enters this area or starts its turn in this area must make a DC 23 Constitution saving throw or take 10 (3d6) cold damage and gain 1 level of Exhaustion, to a maximum of 5 levels. While in this area any creature other than Shiva, any Glacian Sprites, and any other creature of her choice, can only see normally out to a radius of 30 feet in front of them. Attempts to see or target from 31 feet to 40 feet are lightly obscured, and any attempt to do so past this range is considered heavily obscured.

Godly Caster. Shiva can cast any at-will spell as a bonus action. In addition, Shiva can concentrate on up to 2 spells at once. If her concentration is broken, both spells end simultaneously.

Legendary Resistance. If Shiva fails a saving throw she can expend one unused legendary action to succeed instead.

Limited Magic Immunity. Unless she wishes to be affected, Shiva is immune to spells of 3rd level or lower and has Advantage on saving throws against all other spells and magical effects.

Master of Cold. Whenever Shiva takes cold damage, she instead takes none and regains a number of hit points equal to the damage dealt. Additionally, she can move through ice and creatures made of ice as though they were normal terrain.

God of Ice (2/Short or Long Rest). If the aspect would be reduced to 0 hit points, it immediately gains all the benefits from long rest, except for replenishing any of this feature’s expended uses. Additionally, the aspect can now use the options in the "Mythic Actions" section for 1 hour. Award a party an additional 155,000 XP (465,000 XP total) for each time it defeats the Aspect of Shiva and its God of Ice trait activates.

Frozen Touch. Melee Spell Attack: +15 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit. 35 (6d8 + 6) cold damage plus 27 (6d8) necrotic damage. If the target is a creature it must succeed a DC 27 Constitution saving throw or be Petrified. This Petrification can be removed by greater restoration or similar magic, or by dealing at least 20 fire damage to the creature. A creature brought to 0 hit points by this attack is killed instantly and their body is transformed into frost, ice, snow, or a similar material of Shiva’s choice.

Alter Form. As an action, Shiva can do one of the following:
  • Shiva can become Gargantuan-sized, multiplying the reach and range of all her abilities by 4, retaining all of her statistics otherwise.
  • Shiva can transform into a Medium or Small-sized Humanoid retaining all her current statistics.
While using this ability, Shiva cannot use this ability again until she dismisses her current form as an action or bonus action. Otherwise, Shiva remains in this new form indefinitely.

Innate Spellcasting. Shiva’s spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 23, +15 to hit with spell attacks). Shiva can innately cast the following spells at 5th-level or higher, requiring no components:

At-will: armor of agathys, commune (other Astrals only), greater restoration, ice knife, ray of frost (6d8)
3/Rest each: bestow curse, cone of cold, freezing sphere, planeshift (self only), remove curse, rime’s binding ice (6th level, 90 feet)
1/Rest each: astral projection, teleport, wall of ice (9th level)

Spellcast. Shiva casts an at-will spell.

Disrupt Cold Spell. If a creature Shiva can see attempts to cast a spell such as ray of frost, ice knife, or another spell or a magical effect that would deal cold damage or create ice or a similar effect, Shiva stops the effects of the spell or magical effect from occurring.

Shiva can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. Shiva regains spent legendary actions at the start of her turn.

Attack. Shiva makes one Frozen Touch attack.

Duplicate (Costs 2 Actions). Shiva creates 1 (1d4-1, minimum of one) Glacian Sprites into unoccupied spaces within 30 feet.

If Shiva’s mythic trait is active, she can use the options below as legendary actions for 1 hour.

Spellcast (Costs 3 Actions). Shiva casts an innate spell.

Diamond Dust (Costs 3 Actions, 1/Long Rest). Shiva summons 7 (2d6) Glacian Sprites in unoccupied spaces within 30 feet. All creatures within 120 feet of Shiva must make a DC 23 Constitution saving throw, taking 27 (6d8) cold damage on a failed save, or half as much on a success. In addition, Shiva chooses one creature she can see within 60 feet and forces it to make an additional DC 23 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 71 (11d12) cold damage plus 71 (11d12) necrotic damage and is Petrified. On a successful save the creature takes half as much damage and suffers the effect of the slow spell. This Petrification can be removed by the spell greater restoration or similar magic, or by dealing at least 50 fire damage to the Petrified creature. A creature reduced to 0 hit points by damage dealt by diamond dust is killed instantly and its body is transformed into frost, ice, snow, or a similar material of Shiva’s choice.
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Descriptive Text.

Glacian Sprite
Medium Celestial, Lawful Good

Armor Class 15
Hit Points 37 (5d8 + 15)
Speed 45 ft., fly 90 ft.
Initiative 15 (+5)

12 (+1)20 (+5)16 (+3)14 (+2)16 (+3)18 (+4)

Damage Resistance bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Damage Immunities poison, cold
Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Exhaustion, Frightened, Poisoned
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages Understands all but does not speak
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Cold Absorption. Whenever the Shiva Sprite takes cold damage, it instead takes none and instead regains a number of hit points equal to amount of cold damage dealt.

Glacian’s Focus. While an Aspect of Shiva is within 300 feet of the Shiva Sprite, the aspect can use its action to cast any spell using the Sprite’s as the source of origin and vice versa. In addition, both the aspect and the sprite can sense everything the other can.

Icy Touch. Melee Spell Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit. 13 (2d8 + 4) cold damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution check or have its speed reduced to half until the end of its next turn.

Innate Spellcasting. The creature’s spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). The creature can innately cast the following spells, requiring no components:

At will: ray of frost, armor of agathys

Spellcast. The Glacian Sprite casts an at-will spell.
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