This thread contains in-game spoilers for the game in Final Fantasy 15. If you have not played and/or completed the game, take caution when viewing this thread.I plan to put in this thread every creature from the game FFXV into Dungeons and Dragons official CR system. Creatures will be split into the same subtypes as the games bestiary. I’ll also be building NPC stat blocks for various people in the game. Some of the creatures that I plan on including do not have any official displays in the game, or are very loosely displayed, such as Diamond Weapon from the Kingsglaive movie.
The CR for these monsters will be based mainly on the creatures lore in the game, not necessarily the in-game level and stats. This is to avoid the discrepancy between something like a late-game goblin having stronger stats compared to an early-game behemoth.
While I don’t believe the new 2024 statblocks are perfect, I see the merit of adding certain elements from them into these statblocks. Certain words such as Advantage/Disadvantage, conditions, and more will be capitalized, others, such as damage types, “saving throw”, and more will not be.
Current Project Goals
Bestiary (Main Priority)
Fishing Table (Unlikely)
Magic Items
Cooking System/Dishes (Unlikely)
Possible Class/Subclass (Need Assistance)
World Map, Possibly Dungeon Maps (Lowest Priority)
The bestiary is separated into the following categories, both alphabetically and by challenge rating:
The Astrals
While I originally planned complete this project offline, then post it on the internet as a full PDF one day, I realized getting feedback from people more knowledgable than I am would be a great boon. Also, it will helps to give me redundancy for if my files every became corrupted, destroyed, or otherwise lost.
New ConditionsI’ve made some of the FFXV in-game statuses into DND conditions. Many of the creature statblocks will reference these.
While Confused, a creature suffers the following penalties:
- The creature cannot take reactions.
- On each of its turns, the creature must use at least half of its movement speed (rounded up to the nearest 5-foot interval) to move in a random direction, roll a d8 and assign a direction to each die face.
- The creature makes attack rolls with Disadvantage if the target is more than 5 feet away from them.
- The creature has Disadvantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws.
Magic Items
Here is a list of the magic items created for this thread so far, sorted alphabetically.
Adamantine Bangle - Wondrous Item, Artifact (requires attunement)
Engine Blade - Weapon (Shortsword), Very Rare (requires attunement)
Ribbon - Wondrous Item, Artifact (requires attunement)
Tri-Head Heart - Wondrous Item, Legendary (requires attunement)
Royal Arms
Trident of the Oracle
Also, if anyone sees an error in any of my posts on this thread, feel free to point it out either posting here or sending me a message. Grammar and punctuation of course, but also if you know of a better way to word an ability or trait, feel free to make it known.
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