Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
I’m probably preaching to the choir here, but I think a huge part of the reason other wizard subclasses have performed poorly is precisely that the existing wizard subclasses were all (or nearly all) school specializations. When you’ve got a clearly defined and complete set of subclasses, anything outside that set has to work harder to feel cohesive alongside that set. The Theurgy Tradition, for example, just feels like an awkward fit alongside the specialist subclasses that all correspond to a school of magic, when Theurgy is decidedly not one of the schools of magic. I feel like Order of Scribes only made it past the post because it does a decent impression of a School Generalist, and Bladesinging and War Magic squeak by because they have associations with elves and dwarves respectively.Nope. Continuity is King. We're getting the four most popular school specialists and we'll like it!
Besides, nearly every new wizard subclass ever featured in UA has been shot down. We got bladesinger, war mage, and scribe, the latter wasn't even a wizard sub to start! Psionics, artifice, theurgy, invention, lore mastery, and rune caster all failed to Spark Joy. Why shouldn't they just pick 4 of the specialists since nothing else has worked?
This is why I think the wisest move would be to combine the various school specialties into one subclass, or make it a core wizard feature you can choose at 1st level.
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