Love the sheet, but I cannot enter mount information
Under the Spellcasting sheet you can select a mount (e.g. war horse) and override the values also under the Familiar / Animal Companion section
Love the sheet, but I cannot enter mount information
Forge - I think that the font size has been mentioned before, but I am putting in an animal companion other than what you have in the sheet, and the Attack description on CSIV is not shrinking the font size, so part of the text is not showing. Is the font size going to be automatic, or easily adjusted by those of us with poor Excel skills in 2.0?
Not sure if it because of my lack of knowledge of the feral tiefling, but I was thinking about building a feral tiefling wizard but when you select mage armor in the armor and shield section of the start tab, it states that it is "not proficient" with that armor type. How can that be if mage armor is a spell? Am I missing something?