D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

I don't know what you are trying to do with the custom class, but you do have the ability to rename the class level on the Start sheet bottom of section 2, so you could pick the class the best fits your custom class in terms of hit dice, spell ability, etc. Then create a custom subclass with the details you want to change.

Well, meaning that there's no way to enter a custom home-brew kind of class. For instance, there was a class made called the Blood Hunter with some sub-classes within that. You have the option to have custom sub-classes, but not base classes.

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Hello ForgedAnvil,
I am willing to help for a french translation. Does anybody already work on that?
If not, feel free to PM me about that... (I mean.. actually, you're also free to PM me even if somebody is already in charge of the project, this is your trhead after all :cool: )

edit: typo
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Hello ForgedAnvil,
I am willing to help for a french translation. Does anybody already work on that?
If not, feel free to PM me about that... (I mean.. actually, you're also free to PM me even if somebody is already in charge of the project, this is your trhead after all :cool: )

edit: typo

Hi Pharaonkheops, awesome if u can help with the French translations. the translation file is in the download section, please u this as a starting point (I'm working on V2.00 and some things will be removed and new text added so will need a hand to update it when it releases.

once you've translated, pm me and we'll integrate it into the tool :)

Well, meaning that there's no way to enter a custom home-brew kind of class. For instance, there was a class made called the Blood Hunter with some sub-classes within that. You have the option to have custom sub-classes, but not base classes.

No base class support is planned anytime soon, most of what u want to achieve can be done with subclasses but it should be balanced. :)

Anvil - another one I'm not sure if it has been mentioned, but with 1.64 when I enter a custom familier or animal companion on Spellcasting, the Type (beast, fey, etc) is not being carried forward to CSIV. I didn't notice this before, so don't know if this is a new one or something carried over from earlier sheets.

In addition, I noticed that the actual Animal (Wolf, Cat, Frog, etc) is not specifically listed. That would be another good one to add.

Hmm the type should work, its working on my version. do have the example data that u have entered that causes this issue?

Wolf, Cat, Frog should all be on there - what class, subclass are u? if u type cat or wolf it will also show. lemme know

Hi ForgedAnvil, apologies if this was already covered: Is there a way to paste paragraph(s) into multiple cells? Basically, I'm trying to copy/paste several paragraphs into the CHARACTER BACKSTORY section and it's pasting the paragaphs into one, single cell, essentially hiding most of it.

Thanks in advance!

2 things, the spell 'lightning bolt' is showing a level up modifying of 1d8 while the spell is 8d6. I believe it should be a 1d6 per level.

Second, is there a password that we can have to the VBA editor? I build a custom dice roller for my spells that I want to integrate but cant. As of now I have to have a second workbook open and run the macros from there.

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