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FR - details on the spellplague

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I already modified my Realms extensively, so I doubt that I'll simply switch to the 4E version. Most likely, I'll take what I like from the concept, and apply it to my campaign - I did not use all of the 3E changes either, and changed the Realms in other ways. (Not Point of Light, but grittier and more "evil".)

What bugs me is they always whack out the SPELLCASTERS! Why can't we have "Swordsman's Pox"...or "Rogues Pustulent Ague" etc? eh?!!
It's all a plot to destroy wizards!!! Keeeeel the heathens!!

On a more serious note, it does bug me, same with the *stupid* Time of Troubles. Sorry that just angered me big time as having Cyric, a total useless louse, taking over the power of the Dead Three made *no* sense to me at all, and he's been useless since.

And again, spell casters got it in the neck...that's just cheap. Who cares HOW mechanics change, they should have no impact on an official D&D game, if the rules are D&D. :/ It's just mechanics, big deal.

Ok clearing up the Realms, good. When I bought the 1st Realms boxed set, it was mysterious, wonderful place ot play...now there's nothing "forgotten" about it!! Everything is mapped, explained, ugh!! That kills a game.

As for high level NPCs...and, so? Where do you think all the high level heroes retire to, but the local tavern owner? ;)
PCs should always be aware they can get their arses kicked, and that locals are not always "helpless ignorant yokels". 'Course it varies place to place etc.

Rulers/BBEG etc don't *have* to be high level or powerful actually. Smarts, birthright etc can put them in power, not dangerosu abilities. You can have a canny low lvl expert/aristocrat on the throne, and some mean SOB guards, advisors etc who support him.

The worst change IMHO, to a D&D timeline etc, was in Dark Sun, the novels etc made a total mockery of the start, garbage that I loathe to this day, because they broke a core rule of the setting: the Sorceror Kings are *extremely* BBEGs whom PCs should NOT be able to touch and should be very scared of. If you remove the SKs, slavery, harsh life etc, you muck up the setting's entire feel, and thus, kill it. Which they did. "Oh folk are free in Tyr!"...eh?!

Whether the deisgners will do that to the Realms 4th ed I don't know.
-Returning mystery, uncertainty etc to the Realms is good.
-Removing loved characters, and folk DO love them, hero or villain, will anger people.
-Slaughtering millions of Faerunian citizens...meh, as a DM...me no likey doing that!
-The gods would kill Cyric, not imprison him, he's proved time and again he's a dangerous moron and incapable of his job. That's not believable. He'd be punished extremely and a capable being put in his place.
-Killing Halaster in the recent Undermountain adventure narked me off no end. I really like that evil, mad old geezer! He is *FUN!* For goodness sake bring him back in 4th ed along with Undermountain, it's just too cool to eradicate ;)

oh well, we'll see.
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The Ubbergeek said:
Halaster is not a god, and he is insane so...
He's fun and a DM's best friend? :D
Nothign like having a legitimate excuse to have a Telekinesis spell come out of nowhere and push a smart alex character into a "ping pong" reverse gravity trap...with a bulette at the end....
*looks innocent* :p


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The Times of Trouble was the big event pushing 2nd Edition, and the Spellplague seems to be the one for the 4th, what was the big event of the 3rd Edition in the realms? The return of Bane?

I think I can live with it.

But it will be sad to see those dieties and NPC's go. Is Elminster dead? If not he probably only survived by the skin of his teeth. He would have to avoid old age somehow, and being a favorite of Mystra is certainly not going to protect him any longer, and of course, the spellplague. He's been something of a nuisance to players in FR, showing up whenever the DM felt like it and stealing their thunder, but he has also been the face of the Forgotten Realms.


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Dronehound said:
The Times of Trouble was the big event pushing 2nd Edition, and the Spellplague seems to be the one for the 4th, what was the big event of the 3rd Edition in the realms? The return of Bane?

There wasn't one thing. Bane's return was part of it, but so was the return of Shade, the spread of Thayan Enclaves, the death of Azoun, and the conquest of Unther.

The worst change IMHO, to a D&D timeline etc, was in Dark Sun, the novels etc made a total mockery of the start, garbage that I loathe to this day, because they broke a core rule of the setting: the Sorceror Kings are *extremely* BBEGs whom PCs should NOT be able to touch and should be very scared of. If you remove the SKs, slavery, harsh life etc, you muck up the setting's entire feel, and thus, kill it. Which they did. "Oh folk are free in Tyr!"...eh?!

I agree that the Prism Pentad really altered that setting in a lot of ways I didn't like, but that part about the SKs being insurmountable is wrong IMO. One of the stated goals of Dark Sun was to create a world ripe for change, and the SKs were part of that.


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Hadn't really followed this as I tend not to incorporate official changes into campaigns I run in official settings. I can't say I like the changes much. I also can't say I like the position WotC are taking in response to the reaction to the changes.

And, seriously, Mystra needs to take a hint and quit hitting the respawn button.

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