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Freedom League Unlimited


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"From what I am told the Dakana royal family insisted they provide their own security besides the Museum Guards. The guards with the burns are currently in ICU. The other one...didn't make it." Bulldog punches his own hand in frustration. "...and nothing from them Dammit! Thats why this whole thing stinks...No demands...High Tech Weaponry...Metahumans. They want sumthin' and they aint tellin'!"

"Damn. Without any idea where they are going or what they want, we can't necessary get them out of their advantageous position. They have the place set up like a fortress. If we can figure out how they are leaving and when, we might be able to hit them on the run, when they are less in control of the situation. The fact that they haven't tried to leverage the hostages implies that they already have a way out...either with them, or they're waiting for it.

I'm going to see what I can do about accessing the security systems. Maybe I can find out how they did it, too. (Can I get anything with Datalink/Machine Control if I have info about where some of them are and if they are intact?can I access the recordings in the main security room? How about nearby cameras not in the museum from before the robbery?)"

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First Post
"Hey Psyker, can you read unconscious minds? Maybe PL can speed you to the hospital and you could find out what those guards saw."


(Can I get anything with Datalink/Machine Control if I have info about where some of them are and if they are intact?can I access the recordings in the main security room? How about nearby cameras not in the museum from before the robbery?)"[/COLOR]

Arsenal tries to remotely access the Museum's security systems but finds them strangely resistant to his attempt to hack.

[sblock]OOC: You are going to need a Power Check vs an Opposed Roll by me to access the security systems. and give me a Notice Check please. [/sblock]


First Post
Arsenal tries to remotely access the Museum's security systems but finds them strangely resistant to his attempt to hack.

[sblock]OOC: You are going to need a Power Check vs an Opposed Roll by me to access the security systems. and give me a Notice Check please. [/sblock]

Frack, bad rolls. For the check, do you mean datalink (which is basically an extended range modifier on computers) or computers itself? 1d20=8, 1d20=7.

The first, opposed roll, is either 11 if its the former and 25 if its the latter. The second goes with my +11 Notice and comes to 18.


[sblock=ooc]Nope this is specifically a Power Check, success would've meant you could've started to use your Computers. Also remember you need to preface every roll with [Freedom League], you also did not put what the rolls were for in notes, so those rolls do not count so I will reroll for you. Datalink Check; Notice Check (1d20+3=10, 1d20+11=23) This is important to me for when I review multiple rolls I will not get confused and I can look them up all at once. This worked out for you this time due to poor rolls but it will suck when I reroll a crit for you.[/sblock]

Arsenal finds his attempts to access the security system blocked somehow but in his attempts he picks up another computer network within the building. ATM machines. The Museum has several and in those machines...Cameras!
Arsenal easily enough accesses those cameras and their digital feeds. While he cannot get a view of the Hostage area he does get some grainy black & white footage of the initial incursion into the building. He gets a snippet of what looks to be a confederate flag...robes and...Nazi stormtroopers?

Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!
John Stone

Stone listens carefully to everything being said, but keeps his mouth shut. As he slips a cell phone from a pocket, he mutters, "Lighthouse can teleport us from orbit to here, but can't insert us into the building."

He walks away from the group a bit, dialing as he goes. "Hey, it's me. Run a check for me." Stone repeats the specifics of what is know about the metahuman perps. "See if there's any M.O. matches, et cetera."

Gather Info via Contacts (1d20+15=25)

While he's on hold, Stone is obviously deep in thought.

[sblock=Knowledge Skills]
Perhaps Stone's expertise can shed some more light on things: First check: Knowledge (Behavioral Sciences) Second check: Knowledge (Streetwise) (1d20+8=13, 1d20+11=16)


First Post
[sblock=ooc]Nope this is specifically a Power Check, success would've meant you could've started to use your Computers. Also remember you need to preface every roll with [Freedom League], you also did not put what the rolls were for in notes, so those rolls do not count so I will reroll for you. Datalink Check; Notice Check (1d20+3=10, 1d20+11=23) This is important to me for when I review multiple rolls I will not get confused and I can look them up all at once. This worked out for you this time due to poor rolls but it will suck when I reroll a crit for you.[/sblock]

Arsenal finds his attempts to access the security system blocked somehow but in his attempts he picks up another computer network within the building. ATM machines. The Museum has several and in those machines...Cameras!
Arsenal easily enough accesses those cameras and their digital feeds. While he cannot get a view of the Hostage area he does get some grainy black & white footage of the initial incursion into the building. He gets a snippet of what looks to be a confederate flag...robes and...Nazi stormtroopers?

Sorry about the format, I was rushed. For future reference on how Datalink works in this game, was that against some kind of negation ability or the like, or do two datalinkers duel with datalink rather than computers? I had thought that in general Datalink ranks were just to set the range.

"Interesting...the ATM cameras show a confederate flag, robes, and Nazi Stormtroopers. Some kind of White Supremecist group maybe? What do we have on possible culprits?"

(Take 20 on Gather Info through the Internet, Check = 32. Well-Informed might apply. OOC I suspect White Knight, but I'm holding off until he gets that in character.)
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[sblock=ooc]Heh! Only Teleportal to Teleportal I am afraid. They have locations around the world but no Beam me up Scotty I am afraid. This info for John Stone is presuming Arsenal shares his info. Now am I being to fuzzy on stating you MUST PREFACE YOUR CHARACTER NAME with [Freedom League]? Or are you guys just testing me? Gather Info (1d20+15=35) Behavioral Science; Streetwise (1d20+8=14, 1d20+11=25) [/sblock]

Stone looks over the pics. Confederate Flag, Nazis, White Robes? All various symbols of White Supremacy. Given this Party was for the display of one of the richest African countries in the world it isn't hard to piece together a rationale.

Your friends at the FBI tell you that there has been a recent attempt to unify the various White Supremacy Groups. The Aryan Brotherhood, Neo-Nazis, The Klan, & various Militias all under one flag. As for comparing M.O.s with powers it seems Racists dig burning stuff. Metahuman Racists more so! But checking out the footage and comparing it to the info...You come up with;

Johnny Reb

and the White Knight


Sorry about the format, I was rushed. For future reference on how Datalink works in this game, was that against some kind of negation ability or the like, or do two datalinkers duel with datalink rather than computers? I had thought that in general Datalink ranks were just to set the range.

(Take 20 on Gather Info through the Internet, Check = 32. Well-Informed might apply. OOC I suspect White Knight, but I'm holding off until he gets that in character.)

[sblock]It had nothing to do with the computer skill. What actually happened is for you to piece out. :) Your internet check gets some hits off of some Supremacist Blogs talking about something big going down and making them rich <<N-Words>> pay. There is 3 times as much hate talk traffic then the norm.[/sblock]

Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!
John Stone

Stone indeed reports what he knows and what he's learned to the others as well as to Bulldog.

"These guys are true believers, but they're not suicidal. That's about all we have going for us. We also need to consider that murdering the hostages may be one of their objectives, which could explain the lack of demands. No point in negotiating if there's no intention to release. Now, all that said, I don't have a good rep with these guys. If it's feasible and necessary, I'll walk in there and hand myself over to them if it'll save lives."

[sblock=OOC]As I mentioned in the OOC thread, I'm wiped out. It's bed time for me now. Later![/sblock]
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Voidrunner's Codex

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