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D&D 5E Further Future D&D Product Speculation


There's just no way you can explain a dozen factions (and likely associated mechanics) AND Sigil AND even begin to explain the planes in even the world's most focused 64-page book. You could do two of those in a much-reduced form, but all three? I don't think the original spent 192 pages on that just because it was waffling. If they dropped the adventure and just had a 64-page "player book" which had most of the stuff on the Factions in it (as well as player mechanics), that could work. I can't see a 64-page bestiary for PS which isn't 80% "Who cares?" or "Variant on on a monster seen once a campaign even in Planescape" though. Which does give me some hope they might not do that.
The Planes are already described in the DMG, though it strikes me that a third leg might be better off as a Manual of the Planes rather than a Mosnter Manual: cover the player info about Factions in one book, the Planes in another, and an Adventure tour in a third.

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I don't know what an Avatar bet is, but my imaginary money is unfortunately kind of split, as I fully expect both:

A) An update to the FR by or on the 50th, with a much wider-ranging book than SCAG.

B) Greyhawk presented as an adventure, similar to Dragonlance. Probably an update to some "classic" adventure that's already been updated a bunch in other editions.
An Avatar bet is why I have a new Avatar: I bet my Avatar picture that there would be a Spelljammer Setting book instead of a Spelljammer Adventure. Turns out there was both, so we ended up both changing our Avatars.


Two things are both (potentially) true at once:

One, it is far more likely that the "revisit" is FR over GH, for reasons others have stated - but also the simple fact that the majority of the current player base knows the Realms, and only GH through Saltmarsh. If you're looking at likely buyers and the product line as a whole, FR makes a lot more sense.

Two, WotC is (sometimes) full of surprises. Who predicted Ravnica would be the first Magic setting? A few years ago, who would have thought Spelljammer would be revisited? Etc. It is also theoretically possible that they'd publish GH as a passion project.

I also think Planescape is more likely than Dark Sun, with everything else far in the distance. That said, if the battle games do well, I could see them resurrecting Birthright, but probably not until after the 50th anniversary. Meaning, there are limited slots in 2023-24, and there's almost zero chance that Mystara or Birthright or anything else would come before PS or DS.

So my guess for settings:

2023: Planescape, New Setting, Magic Setting
2024: Forgotten Realms, New Setting


Wizards is never going to be able to put out [X] for 5e that would make the majority of [X] fans happy - first of all because [X] fans all have different ideas of what [X] should be.
Insert a given D&D race, class, feature, or setting for X, and you will have now distilled every conversation on this forum about converting anything from D&D's past to 5e to the above. Yet WotC manages to convert stuff for all the same. Maybe this line of thinking does more harm than good?


Insert a given D&D race, class, feature, or setting for X, and you will have now distilled every conversation on this forum about converting anything from D&D's past to 5e to the above. Yet WotC manages to convert stuff for all the same. Maybe this line of thinking does more harm than good?
I don't think it does harm, I actually think that where they've chosen to put their efforts in revamping settings makes sense so far.

I just don't see it working out for Greyhawk personally, but as I said in the post you quoted I was wrong about them not deciding to go forward with Dragonlance, so I might be wrong here too!


B/X Known World
I don't think it does harm, I actually think that where they've chosen to put their efforts in revamping settings makes sense so far.

I just don't see it working out for Greyhawk personally, but as I said in the post you quoted I was wrong about them not deciding to go forward with Dragonlance, so I might be wrong here too!
Extenuating circumstances though. A new novel trilogy coming out. They'd be bad at their job if they didn't release game products that capitalized on that.


A bit more on why I think FR is (far) more unlikely than GH, and even maybe that it would be unwise for WotC to publish Greyhawk.

If they go with "Greyhawk classic," they'll make long-time fans happy, and maybe bring on a few new fans, but it is likely too different from contemporary D&D to please the new fan-base. The effect would be somewhat similar to playing an old black-and-white film to a Zennial. Maybe a very small minority would like it, but most would find it too old-fashioned and dislike the lack of color.

If they created some kind of "new Greyhawk" with contemporary sensibilities in mind, they would upset the long-term fan-base, and probably not be offering anything substantially new to the larger base that they couldn't find in the Realms or Exandria.

Of the two, I think the former is the better choice - but probably doesn't make good economic sense, or at least before or instead of the Forgotten Realms.

It's likely Planescape before Dark Sun, I think with Dark Sun they'd try yet another UA on Psionics (perhaps revisiting Mearls idea of super cantrips which you boost by spending spell slots), not to mention things like defiling magic and certain subclasses and races.

Planescape would probably get a few UA's to test things (Bariuar, Rogue Modrons, possibly more in depth Planetouched, planar-themed subclasses and possibly feats), but they wouldn't be as substantial what Dark Sun might need.

We shouldn't forget two potential spin-off for FR: Kara-Tur and al-Quadim. Of course WotC should take care because today people have got different point of view, and even Asian people could suffer predujices from others from the same country but a different region.

Why not an actual-play show set in Kara-Tur and the players cute aspiring-idols or veteran seiyus (voice actress working in anime)?

I suggest the mechanatrix, the planetouched race from Mechanus. Could female bariaus to be redesigned as potential monster waifus?

Let's remember there are great spaces in Oerth(Greyhawk) haven't explored yet. This may important to explain where is from new PC races or classes (for example the updated version of the ki martial adepts).

Voidrunner's Codex

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