Gaming with Gygax

You guys deserve the fun with all you do for us here on EnWorld. Of course, poor Diaglo will now be planning your assasinations.

The comment by Henry had me spewing coke on my keyboard. You owe me a new keyboard Henry! :D

gaming since 1978

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Rel said:
*He couldn't help it though. He was playing a Poxy Elf!
What the smelly dwarf said was true; my hero's name was "Sesquip the Poxy." It just seemed right.

I started the game by telling Gary "This is Hypersmurf, our local rules expert. His job tonight is to correct all of your rulings. Meanwhile, the rest of us are going to act out our characters and not bother to explore." "Good," says Mr. Gygax, warming up his dice. "That'll make it a much shorter game!"

And it turned out that Gary was running us through the first dungeon he ever created. And using his original d20 to do it.

When the gelatinous cube attacked, he chuckled and said "I love wandering monsters." I did too. Except when it killed my mule, dammit. But that was okay; when we were attacked by the skeletons later, I used a still-slimy mule bone to attack them, since I only had sharp weapons otherwise.

My other moment of wonder was when I was about to listen at a door and pulled out my ear trumpet. "Don't want any ear seekers!" I said. Gary laughed and said, "I got tired of my players listening at every. Single. Door."

We got to meet Gary's sons and grandson, and we made sure to get Mrs. Gygax a box of chocolate and a card as thanks for letting us co-opt her husband on their anniversary. It (and getting to tell Diaglo!) was a glorious way to start the con. :D

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