Ghoma, The Impure

The Ghoma are a type of demonic elemental entity from my campaign setting. They range in power from CR 3 all the way to around CR 200.

They are the footsoldiers of Vlitra, the primary bbeg from my setting, and are considered both Qlippoth, Elementals, and native outsiders and any form of Qlippoth can be reskinned as a Ghoma by simply applying the Ghoma subtype to the Qlippoth.

The known forms of the Ghoma are as follows and have roughly the following challenge ratings: (all forms of Qlippoth are found among the ghoma, simply replace their Qlippoth Traits and increase their CR by +1)

Ghoma Howler (Gorilla) CR 3

Ghoma Howler Alpha (Silverback Gorilla)CR 7

Ghoma Stinger (Manta Ray) CR 9

Ghoma Charger (Rhino) CR 12

Ghoma Nightflier (Vampire Bat) CR 23

Ghoma Squasher (Snapping Turtle) CR 30+

Ghoma Crusher (Elephant/ Boar Hybrid) CR 40+

Ghoma Glider (Lionfish/ Anglerfish Hybrid) CR 60+

Ghoma Devastator (Stag Beetle, Firefly hybrid) 80+

Ghoma Lasher (Ammonite/ Nautilus Hybrid) CR 90+

Ghoma Striker (Turtle/Cobra Hybrid) CR 120+

Ghoma Carrier (Barnacle) CR 200+

The weakest of the Ghoma, the howler represents the bulk of the ghoma force, large, fast, and strong the howler is hard to beat for low level characters and as they attack in great numbers, they can remain a viable threat even past level 10. They are generally found raiding unarmed or lightly armed settlements and filling up ghomic swarms and invasions.


Ghoma Howler, CR 3

A Powerfully built gorilla made of made of lava appears before you. Black as obsidian with smoldering cracks of burning magma glowing throughout from within, It howls into the air and attacks.

XP: 800
NE Large Outsider (Ghoma)
Init +5, Senses: Perception +5, Darkvision 60, Scent


Hit Dice: 3d10, +12 Con, +3 Toughness (35 hp)
AC: 18 ( +1 Dex, +8 Natural, -1 Size) Touch: 10, Flat Footed: 17
Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +4
Defensive Abilities: Damage Reduction 5/Good, Immune: Cold, Fire, Mind Influencing Effects, Poison, Bleed, Paralysis, Sleep, Stunning, Critical Hits, Flanking, Precision Based effects; Resist Acid: 10, Electricity 10, Fast Healing 1

Speed 50ft, Climb 20ft

2 Slams: 1d6+5 Bludgeoning +1d6 fire, x2 Crit, (+7/+7 Melee) and Bite: 1d4+2 Piercing +1d6 Fire, x2 (+1 Melee)
Orb of Fire: 1d3 Fire, 35 range x2 Crit (+4 Ranged)

Special Attacks: Heat 1d6, Frightful Gaze, Raging Blood, Howl, Grab, Leap, Spell Like abilities, Summon Ghoma

Str 20 +5
Dex 13 +1
Con 18 +4
Int 3 -3
Wis 11 +1
Cha 12 +1
Base attack+3; CMB +13; CMD 24
Feats: Toughness, Dodge, Improved Initiative

Skills: Acrobatics +5, Climb +17, Intimidate +5, Perception +7, Sense Motive +5
Racial: ++2 Perception

Languages: Abyssal (Can understand but not speak), Telepathy 100 feet (Can only express vague concepts)
Special Qualities: Gohma Traits, Elemental Traits, Olippoth Traits, Keen Senses

Environment: Subterranian, any land
Organization: Solitary, Pair, 1d4+2 Group, 3d4+3 Troop, 6d4+6 Tribe, 5d10+25 Invasion

Treasure: None

Special Abilities:

Ghoma Traits (Ex):
The Ghoma count as Elementals and Qlippoth gaining the benefits of both subtypes simultaneously. (This grants Immunity to Cold, Fire, Mind Influencing Effects, Poison, Bleed, Paralysis, Sleep, Stunning, Critical Hits, Flanking, Precision Based effects (Like Sneak attack) and they do not need to breathe, eat or sleep. They also gain resistance 10 to Acid and Electricity)

Frightful Gaze (Su): The gaze of a Ghoma Howler causes humanoid foes to become more susceptible to further fear based effects. Upon looking into the eyes of a Ghoma Howler from 30 feet or closer a humanoid foe must make a DC 13 Will Save or be Spooked giving them a -2 to further saves against fear based effects and a +1 circumstance bonus on Initiative rolls for 3 minutes. A successful save negates this effect This is a Mind Influencing Effect. (this ability replaces a base Qlippoth’s Horrific Appearance ability)

Heat (Ex): The bodies of the Ghoma produce palpable heat capable of burning any foe or object that touches them. This deals 1d6 points of fire damage to any being the ghoma touches or who grapple with or inflict any unarmed attack on the ghoma. Any being affected by this ability must make a DC 13 Reflex Save or risk catching fire once per round they remain in contact.

Raging Blood (Ex): Any successful melee attack upon the ghoma unleashes a spray of molten lava, a successful DC 13 Reflex save negates this damage. This affects all enemies in a 5 ft cone. Any being who fails the save takes 1d4 points of fire damage and risks catching on fire.

Howl (Ex): Ghoma Howlers can howl in a 60ft radius spread centered on the Ghoma causing a panic inducing fear. All enemies of 4th level or lower must make a DC 13 Will Save or be panicked for 3 minutes fleeing at top speed away from the ghoma. Any being of over 4 HD or making a successful saving throw instead are shaken for 3 rounds. Beings of over 4 HD who make their save are unaffected by this affect.

Leap (Ex): Ghoma Howlers can leap great distances being able to leap a distance equal to their base movement speed and can attack and move in the same motion allowing them to leap, attack, and end their round at the end of their leap distance.

Summon Ghoma: The Ghoma Howler can attempt to summon another Howler with a 40% chance of success 1/day

Spell Like Abilities: DC 13, CL 3
At Will: Spark, Orb of Fire
3/day: Cause Fear, Jump, Expeditious Retreat, Burning Hands, Bulls Strength,
1/day: Shatter
(Orb of fire works exactly like Acid Orb but deals fire instead of acid damage)

Keen Senses (Ex): Ghoma gain a +2 to Perception Checks

Grab (Ex): Ghoma can attempt a grapple check after every unarmed attack without provoking an attack of opportunity, and may grapple a foe while not being considered grappled themselves at a -20 penalty.

Scent (Ex): The keen senses of the Ghoma grant them the ability to track a foes location by smell alone. This allows them to sense an opponent at 30 feet away (modified by wind) and grants them a +8 bonus on scent based perception checks.

Telepathy (Su): All ghoma can express thoughts to other beings, howlers however due to their limited intelligence can only express vague and simple thoughts or simple concepts.


Howlers are among the weakest of all Ghoma, they are low level threats used in mass numbers to kill humanoids and sow chaos and destruction.

Ghoma Howlers begin combat by Howling causing panic and discord and rush down foes so stricken and leap, grab and beat down any foe so affected. If met by a foe who resists they use their massive stony fists to beat their foe to a pulp and tear them limb from limb.

If confronted by a more powerful threat they fight relentlessly until death.

If forced into a ranged battle they flee or use Orb of Fire or Burning Hands but otherwise have few viable ranged options.

Though stupid, they are smart enough to make use of their spell like abilities when useful, but always use such abilities besides Bull’s Strength, sparingly


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Ghoma Howler Alpha, CR 7

A massive gorilla made of made of lava steps out from the pack of howlers towering above his kin. A stiff white mane surrounds it’s neck, chest and upper back, a mark of authority. It snarls and with a roar the other howlers leap to attack you.

XP: 3,200
NE Large Outsider (Evil, Native, Qlippoth, Elemental, Ghoma)
Init +7, Senses: Perception +13 (+21 vs scent based checks), Darkvision 60, Scent


Hit Dice: 7d10, +42 Con, +7 Toughness (89 hp)
AC: 24 ( +3 Dex, +12 Natural, -1 Size) Touch: 12, Flat Footed: 21
Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +6
Defensive Abilities: Damage Reduction 10/Magic and Good, Spell Resistance 17, Immune: Critical Hits, Stunning, Precision Based Damage, Death by Massive Damage, Fire, Cold, Resist: Acid: 10, Electricity 10, Fast Healing 3

Speed 60ft, Climb 30ft

2 Claws 1d10+7 Bludgeoning +1d6 Fire x2 Crit, (+14/+14 Melee) and Bite 1d8+7 Piercing +1d6 Fire x2 Crit (+14 Melee)

Quills 1d4+7 Piercing +1d4 Sharpness +1 bleed x3 Crit (+10 Ranged) 60ft range

Special Attacks: Heat 1d6, Terrifying Appearance, Raging Blood, Howl, Grab, Leap, Spell Like abilities, Summon Ghoma, Mane of Quills, Command Howlers

Str 25 +7
Dex 16 +3
Con 22 +6
Int 5 -2
Wis 13 +1
Cha 14 +2
Base attack+7; CMB +13; CMD 24
Feats: Toughness, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Improved Grapple, Mighty Blow, Intimidating Prowess (b)

Skills: Acrobatics +13, Climb +25, Intimidate +19, Perception +13, Sense Motive +11
Racial: +8 Climb, +2 Perception, +2 Intimidate

Languages: Abyssal,Telepathy 100 feet
Special Qualities: Ghoma Traits, Elemental Traits, Olippoth Traits, Keen Senses

Environment: Subterranian, any land
Organization: Solitary, Pair, or with Howlers: 1 Alpha+ 1d4+2 Howlers (Group), 1d4+1 Alphas +3d4+3 Howlers (Troop), 2d4+2 Alphas + 6d4+6 Howlers (Tribe), or 3d4+3 Alphas and 5d10+25 Howlers (Invasion)
Treasure: None

Special Abilities:

Ghoma Traits (Ex):
The Ghoma count as Elementals and Qlippoth gaining the benefits of both subtypes simultaneously. (This grants Immunity to Cold, Fire, Mind Influencing Effects, Poison, Bleed, Paralysis, Sleep, Stunning, Critical Hits, Flanking, Precision Based effects (Like Sneak attack) and they do not need to breathe, eat or sleep. They also gain resistance 10 to Acid and Electricity)

Terrifying Appearance (Su): Howler Alphas have a palpable aura of fear and authority, this causes humanoid foes to become shaken when looking upon the Alpha from 30 feet or closer. Humanoid foes must make a DC 13 Will Save or be Shaken for 7 minutes. A successful save reduces the effect to the Spooked status. Ghoma Howlers (excluding the Alpha themselves and other Alphas) gain a +2 Circumstance Bonus on the DCs of any Fear effect they produce. This is a Mind Influencing Fear Effect. (this ability replaces a base Qlippoth’s Horrific Appearance ability)

Heat (Ex): The bodies of the Ghoma produce palpable heat capable of burning any foe or object that touches them. This deals 1d6 points of fire damage to any being the ghoma touches or who grapple with or inflict any unarmed attack on the ghoma. Any being affected by this ability must make a DC 20 Reflex Save or risk catching fire once per round they remain in contact, any unarmed attack the howler inflicts also deals this damage.

Raging Blood (Ex): Any successful melee attack upon the ghoma unleashes a spray of molten lava, a successful DC 20 Reflex save negates this damage. This affects all enemies in a 5 ft cone. Any being who fails the save takes 1d4 points of fire damage and risks catching on fire.

Howl (Ex): Ghoma Howlers can howl in a 60ft radius spread centered on the Ghoma causing a panic inducing fear. All enemies of 4th level or lower must make a DC 20 Will Save or be Terrified for 7 minutes fleeing at top speed away from the ghoma. Any being of over 4 HD or making a successful saving throw instead are shaken for 7 rounds. Beings of over 4 HD who make their save are instead Spooked for 7 rounds.

Leap (Ex): Ghoma Howlers can leap great distances being able to leap a distance equal to their base movement speed and can attack and move in the same motion allowing them to leap, attack, and end their round at the end of their leap distance.

Mane of Quills (Ex): Alpha Howlers have a mane of molecularly sharp selenite crystal quills growing from their necks, chests and backs. These quills break off when grappled or when the alpha takes damage from any unarmed melee attack dealing 1d4 piercing damage and 1 point of bleed damage. The base damage, not the bleed continues 1/ round dealing 1d4 precision based damage per round for 7 rounds or until the needles have been removed (DC 15 Heal Check or 1 point of magic healing) These quills can also be fired at enemies as a ranged attack with a x3 crit. 1d6 quills may be fired in this way per round but only 1 quill per opponent.

Command Howlers (Su): Alphas absolutely dominate their lesser cousins. All Ghoma Howlers (excluding Alphas) are treated as Dominated (as per Dominate Monster) by the Alpha while within 30ft of the Alpha. The Howler can then as a free action 1/ round command the Howlers to follow any specific action the Alpha wishes followed.

Summon Ghoma: The Ghoma Howler can attempt to summon 1d3+1 Howlers with a 70% chance of success 1/day

Spell Like Abilities: DC 20, CL 7
At Will: Spark, Orb of Fire, Burning Hands, Ant Haul
3/day: Cause Fear, Jump, Expeditious Retreat, Bulls Strength, Scorching Ray
1/day: Shatter, Fireball

(Orb of fire works exactly like Acid Orb but deals fire instead of acid damage)

Keen Senses (Ex): Ghoma gain a +2 the Perception Checks

Grab (Ex): Ghoma can attempt a grapple check after every unarmed attack without provoking an attack of opportunity, and may grapple a foe while not being considered grappled themselves at a -20 penalty.

Scent (Ex): The keen senses of the Ghoma grant them the ability to track a foes location by smell alone. This allows them to sense an opponent at 30 feet away (modified by wind) and grants them a +8 bonus on scent based perception checks.

Telepathy (Su): All ghoma can express thoughts to other beings


Howlers Alphas are bigger, nastier and more powerful than their smaller cousins and act as leaders of groups of normal Howlers. Though strong compared to a Howler, they’re still not much more than blunt force instruments of chaos and mayhem.

Howler Alphas fight much like their smaller brethren, beginning combat by Howling, chasing down those who flee, grabbing, beating and tearing apart any foe so affected.

If met by a foe who resists they use their massive fists and teeth to savage their foes to death. If confronted by powerful enemies, they command their howlers to full on attack the threat until the foe is thoroughly distracted and flanked and then make use of spells or quills or if possible wade into melee.

If forced into a ranged battle they use their quills to return fire or use spell like abilities like fireball or scorching ray to attack far off foes.

They never flee from combat unless entirely unable to attack and unlike the standard Howler, they use their spell like abilities readily and constantly, though preferentially still prefer melee.

If utterly overwhelmed they will summon more ghoma to their aid.


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