Ghoma, The Impure

I'll get to them. The Squashers are giant snapping turtle looking things with super thick shells and projections on their shells that fire off like artillery rounds, the crushers are massive 4 tusked elephant things that suck up the souls of the dead

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Ghoma Stinger, CR 9

A manta ray like being made of cooling lava flies gracefully overhead. Streamer like tentacles trail behind it at the tips of it’s wings, and a long tail ending in a cruel glowing stinger follows in it’s wake

XP: 6,400
NE Large Outsider (Evil, Native, Qlippoth, Elemental, Ghoma)
Init +10, Senses: Perception +19, Darkvision 120, Blindsense 30 ft


Hit Dice: 9d10, +54 Con (104 hp)
AC: 28 ( +6 Dex, +1 Dodge, +12 Natural, -1 Size) Touch: 16, Flat Footed: 21
Fort +12, Ref +13, Will +9

Defensive Abilities: Damage Reduction 10/Magic and Good, Spell Resistance 19, Immune: Critical Hits, Stunning, Precision Based Damage, Death by Massive Damage, Fire, Cold, Resist: Acid: 10, Electricity 20, Fast Healing 5

Speed 10 ft, 100ft Fly (Good)

Full attack: 2 Tentacles (+15/+15 melee) and Bite (+15 Melee) and Sting (+17 Melee) or Stinger (+17 Ranged)

2 tentacles 1d6+6 Slashing +2d6 Fire x2 Crit, (+15/+15 Melee 15 ft reach)

Bite 1d10+6 Piercing +2d6 Fire x2 Crit (+15 Melee)

Sting 1d10+6 Piercing +2 Magic +2d6 Fire x3 Crit +Poison (+17 Melee 20 ft reach)

Stinger 1d10+6 Piercing +2 Magic +Poison x3 Crit (+17 Ranged) 120ft range

Special Attacks: Heat 2d6, Terrifying Appearance, Raging Blood, Sonic Blast, Grab, Spell Like abilities, Summon Ghoma, Magic Stinger, Lesser Ghomic Cloud

Str 22 +6
Dex 22 +6
Con 21 +5
Int 11 +0
Wis 14 +2
Cha 15 +2
Base attack+9; CMB +19; CMD 35
Feats: Hover, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Improved Grapple, Flyby Attack, Intimidating Prowess (b), Skill Focus Perception

Skills: Fly +26, Intimidate +25, Perception +19, Sense Motive +14, Swim +18
Racial: +8 Fly, +4 Perception, +6 Intimidate

Languages: Abyssal, Telepathy 100 feet
Special Qualities: Ghoma Traits, Elemental Traits, Olippoth Traits, Greater Keen Senses

Environment: Subterranian, Sky
Organization: Solitary, Pair, 1d4+2 Wave, 3d4+3 Flight, 6d4+6 Murder

Treasure: Magic Stinger (+2 Poisoned Spear)

Special Abilities:

Ghoma Traits (Ex):
The Ghoma count as Elementals and Qlippoth gaining the benefits of both subtypes simultaneously. (This grants Immunity to Cold, Fire, Mind Influencing Effects, Poison, Bleed, Paralysis, Sleep, Stunning, Critical Hits, Flanking, Precision Based effects (Like Sneak attack) and they do not need to breathe, eat or sleep. They also gain resistance 10 to Acid and Electricity)

Terrifying Appearance (Su): Stingers have a palpable aura of fear and panic, this causes humanoid foes to become shaken when looking upon the Stinger from 120 feet or closer. Humanoid foes of less than 2 HD must must make a DC 17 Will Save or be Panicked for 9 minutes, Humanoids of 2 HD or more are instead Shaken for 9 minutes. A successful save reduces the effect to the Spooked status. Ghoma (excluding the Stinger themselves) gain a +2 Circumstance Bonus on the DCs of any Fear effect they produce. This is a Mind Influencing Fear Effect. (this ability replaces a base Qlippoth’s Horrific Appearance ability, the DC is Cha based)

Heat (Ex): The bodies of the Ghoma produce palpable heat capable of burning any foe or object that touches them. This deals 2d6 points of fire damage to any being the ghoma touches or who grapple with or inflict any unarmed attack on the ghoma. Any being affected by this ability must make a DC 20 Reflex Save or risk catching fire once per round they remain in contact, any unarmed attack the Stinger inflicts also deals this damage, this is a Con based save.

Raging Blood (Ex): Any successful melee attack upon the ghoma unleashes a spray of molten lava and clashing electricity, a successful DC 20 Reflex save negates this damage. This affects all enemies in a 5 ft cone. Any being who fails the save takes 1d4 points of fire damage and 1d4 points of electricity damage, and risks catching on fire. This save is Con based

Sonic Blast (Ex): Stingers can release a blast of sonic energy in an 80ft cone, a 160 ft line or a ranged touch attack with a long range, All enemies caught within the blast must make a DC 20 Fort Save or take 5d4 Sonic damage and be deafened for 9 rounds, a successful save negates the deafening effect and reduces the damage by half. Any foe hit by the ranged touch attack version of this ability takes full damage and is deafened for 9 rounds without a save allowed. This ability may be used once every 1d4+1 rounds. The DC is Con based.

Magic Stinger (Su): Ghoma Stingers have a magic stinger at the end of their long tails which are always treated as +2 magic weapons. This deals additional enchantment damage and is treated as evil and magic for purposes of breaking damage reduction. If destroyed the stinger can be harvested and can be shaped into blades, knives, arrows etc, or can be used as is as a spear.

This Stinger is always coated in a deadly poison that saps strength and paralyzes foes. Any foe reduced to 0 strength immediately begins suffocating as their lungs are effectively paralyzed.

Ghoma’s Stinginjury; save DC 20; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d4 Str and Paralysis for 1d6+5 rds.; cure 2 consecutive saves.

This stinger can be fired once per round as a standard action, once fired, the stinger turns to stone and both it’s poison and magic only persist for that round (The poison still works normally and lasts it’s proper time but the stone stinger becomes inert)

Lesser Ghomic Cloud (Su): A black cloud like haze follows Ghoma Stingers wherever they fly. This effect is mainly seen high above thousands of feet in the sky and initially simply looks like a minor haze over the sky, looking perhaps like the effects of smoke in the atmosphere from a forest fire, however, as more and more Stingers congregate (10 or more) the localized area above them becomes tainted with thick black clouds with occasional red bolts of lightning, that rain a weak blood like acid down upon the ground below. This kills all plant life and taints water supplies and rivers causing mass loss of wildlife and sickness, this causes the disease Firegut, and deals 1 point of acid damage to any being drinking the tainted water or who remain in the area for more than 1 day.

Though less extreme than true dysentery, this disease is characterized by occasional vomiting of burning bile. It is extremely tenacious.
Type disease, ingested or injury; Save Fort DC 20
Onset 1 day; Frequency 1/day
Effect target is staggered; Cure 3 consecutive saves

Summon Ghoma: The Ghoma Stinger can attempt to summon 2d3 Howlers + 1 Howler Alpha, or 1 Stinger with a 70% chance of success 1/day

Spell Like Abilities: DC 20, CL 9

At Will: Spark, Orb of Fire, Burning Hands, Hydraulic Push, Jolt, Drench, Windwall, Fog Cloud, Gust of Wind, Whispering Wind

3/day: Expeditious Retreat, Fireball, Aqueous Orb, Lightning Bolt, Call Lightning, Shout

1/day: Shatter, Dispel Magic, Call Lightning Storm, Control Winds

(Orb of fire works exactly like Acid Orb but deals fire instead of acid damage)

Greater Keen Senses (Ex): Ghoma Stingers gain a +4 to Perception Checks

Grab (Ex): Ghoma Stingers can attempt a grapple check after every unarmed attack without provoking an attack of opportunity, and may grapple a foe while not being considered grappled themselves at a -20 penalty.

Telepathy (Su): All ghoma can express thoughts to other beings

Hover: Ghoma Stingers can hover in place with a fly check

Flyby Attack: Ghoma Stingers may move, attack, and move again so as long as it is not more than their movement speed and done in flight

Blindsense (Ex): Ghoma Stingers can feel subtle air vibrations around them allowing them to be aware of the presence, general size, and position of any being within 30 feet of them.


Ghoma Stingers are the first truly powerful ghoma, a large step up from the Howlers, these manta ray like entities work as command and control units watching a situation from above and commanding howlers and lesser Qlippoth and Ghoma from above. They speak to and command from a distance to other Ghoma with the use of Whispering Wind and if near them inaudible whispering can generally be heard, if somehow intercepted this whispering is always in the Ghoma’s native Abyssal.

Large and foreboding, these beings float in gracefully and in small groups and will generally unleash hurricane force winds upon any settlement or humanoid encampment to sow chaos and open up vulnerabilities. They’ll allow their Howlers to further this effect and will launch blasts of sonic damage or fire their stingers down upon high value targets. They make full use of their plethora of spell like abilities, speed and flight and will generally stay far out of reach of foes and lob fireballs, aqueous orbs, and call lightning bolts upon any foe who dare challenge them and will use windwalls to protect themselves from return fire. If enough stingers gather they’ll use their Lesser Ghomic Cloud ability to rain disease and acid upon everything for miles, killing the landscape and causing a localized Firegut epidemic.

If drawn into melee they will grapple a foe with their long tentacles and attempt to sting them repeatedly, once their paralytic poison has taken effect they pull foes in and repeatedly bite them or fly high into the air and repeatedly drop them. They’ll repeatedly sting foes to keep the paralysis up and just kill foes at their leisure.

If overwhelmed or grounded somehow, they call in additional Ghoma with their Summon Ghoma power, and attempt to use said Ghoma to free them or fight on their behalf as they attempt to gain distance. If cornered or unable to flee they fight to the death.


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Ghoma Charger, CR 12

You see a gigantic yellow eyed rhinoceros seemingly made of plates of cooling molten black granite with a metallic sheen, it stands as large as a bus and nearly as long, in the center of it’s huge head rests a massive central horn glowing red hot as if just pulled from a volcano. As it moves the whole earth seems to shake.

XP: 19,200
NE Huge Outsider (Evil, Native, Qlippoth, Elemental, Ghoma)
Init +5, Senses: Perception +19 (27 vs Scent based Perception Checks), Darkvision 120, Tremorsense 80ft, Low Light Vision


Hit Dice: 12d10, +120 Con, +12 Toughness (197 hp)
AC: 28 ( +1 Dex, +1 Dodge, +18 Natural, -2 Size) Touch: 10, Flat Footed: 24
Fort +24, Ref +9, Will +10

Defensive Abilities: Damage Reduction 15/Magic Adamantine and Good, Spell Resistance 22, Immune: Critical Hits, Stunning, Precision Based Damage, Death by Massive Damage, Fire, Cold, Resist: Acid: 15, Electricity 15, Fast Healing 10, Regeneration 5 (Sonic, Law, Chaos and Good), Spell Turning

Speed 80 ft, Burrow 20 ft

Gore 2d10+21 Piercing and Bludgeoning +3 Enchantment +3d6 Fire 19-20 /x3 Crit, (+29 Melee)

Orb of Fire: 1d3 Fire 20/x2 Crit (+13 Ranged Touch, 55 foot range)

Special Attacks: Heat 3d6, Terrifying Appearance, Raging Blood, Thunderous Charge, Powerful Charge, Spell Like abilities, Summon Ghoma, Magic Horn, Lesser Ghomic Cloud, Trample (2d10+ 21 Bludgeoning +3d6 Fire, DC 37)

Str 39 +14
Dex 13 +1
Con 30 +10
Int 10 +0
Wis 15 +2
Cha 12 +1
Base attack +12; CMB +30; CMD 41
Feats: Endurance (b), Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Improved Grapple, Improved Critical, Improved Natural Attack, Intimidating Prowess (b), Awesome Blow (b), Toughness (b), Skill Focus Perception

Skills: Acrobatics +24, Climb +29, Intimidate +39, Perception +19, Sense Motive +17
Racial: +8 Acrobatics, +2 Perception, +10 Intimidate

Languages: Abyssal, Telepathy 100 feet
Special Qualities: Ghoma Traits, Elemental Traits, Olippoth Traits, Keen Senses, Tremorsense, Scent, Low Light Vision, Tough as Nails

Environment: Subterranian, Plains
Organization: Solitary, Pair, 1d4+2 Crash, 3d4+3 Stubbornness, 6d4+6 Quake
Treasure: Magic Horn (+3 Adamantine Thundering Great Club)

Special Abilities:

Ghoma Traits (Ex):
The Ghoma count as Elementals and Qlippoth gaining the benefits of both subtypes simultaneously. (This grants Immunity to Cold, Fire, Mind Influencing Effects, Poison, Bleed, Paralysis, Sleep, Stunning, Critical Hits, Flanking, Precision Based effects (Like Sneak attack) and they do not need to breathe, eat or sleep. They also gain resistance 15 to Acid and Electricity)

Terrifying Appearance (Su): Chargers have a palpable aura of fear and panic, this causes humanoid foes to become shaken when looking upon the Charger from 120 feet or closer. Humanoid foes of less than 4 HD must must make a DC 17 Will Save or be Panicked for 12 minutes, Humanoids of 4 HD or more are instead Shaken for 12 minutes. A successful save reduces the effect to the Spooked status. Ghoma (excluding the Charger themselves) gain a +2 Circumstance Bonus on the DCs of any Fear effect they produce while within the range of this affect. This is a Mind Influencing Fear Effect. (this ability replaces a base Qlippoth’s Horrific Appearance ability, the DC is Cha based)

Heat (Ex): The bodies of the Ghoma produce palpable heat capable of burning any foe or object that touches them. This deals 3d6 points of fire damage to any being the ghoma touches or who grapple with or inflict any unarmed attack on the ghoma. Any being affected by this ability must make a DC 26 Reflex Save or risk catching fire once per round they remain in contact, any unarmed attack the Charger inflicts also deals this damage, this is a Con based save.

Raging Blood (Ex): Any successful melee attack upon the ghoma unleashes a spray of molten lava and clashing electricity, a successful DC 26 Reflex save negates this damage. This affects all enemies in a 5 ft cone. Any being who fails the save takes 3d4 points of fire damage and risks catching on fire. This save is Con based

Regeneration (Ex): Ghoma Chargers Regenerate 5 HP per round, this regeneration can bring the ghoma back even from death, this must be overcome with sonic, lawful, chaotic or good based damage to be neutralized.

Powerful Charge (Ex): A Charger can slam into a foe with devastating force, it takes a -2 penalty to it’s AC but gains a +2 to Attack and Damage rolls for the attack. This attack deals 8d10+35 Piercing and Bludgeoning Damage 3d6 Fire and enemies struch by this are also subject to the Charger’s Awesome Blow feat, knocking them back 10 feet and knocking them prone and all surrounding enemies are subject to the Charger’s Thunderous Charge ability as well.

Thunderous Charge (Ex): A Charger as part of a charge attack or trample can emit thunderous blasts of energy and localized tremors in the area all around it. All ground based creatures (besides other ghoma) within 80 feet of the charger must make a DC 26 Reflex save or DC 26 Acrobatics check or be knocked prone and take 2d6 points of falling damage as the ground violently shakes around them. Success negates the damage and the opponent is not knocked prone. This also checks an opponent’s movement making them unable to move unless they can also make a DC 26 Strength Check or a DC 26 Acrobatics check. Success treats the area as difficult terrain instead. All sound based perception checks are at a -4 penalty. Enemies within 20 feet of the Charger must make the above saving throws again, and suffer a -8 to Dex based checks. Casters must make a DC 26+ Spell Level Concentration Check to cast spells. All sounds are drowned out making any sound dependant ability including speaking and spell components fail and sound based perception checks impossible. All characters must make a DC 26 Acrobatics Check to move and treat the area around the Charger as difficult terrain.

Trample (Ex): The Charger may attempt to charge through a crowd of enemies instead of into a single enemy, this is treated as an Overrun attempt enemies may take an attack of opportunity against the Charger but suffer a -4 penalty on the attempt or may make a reflex save DC 37 to avoid damage. Those who fail to get out of the way take 2d10+ 21 Bludgeoning +3d6 Fire damage and all surrounding enemies are subject to the Charger’s Thunderous Charge ability.

Spell Turning (Su): The thick rocky hide of a Ghoma Charger has a strangely metallic sheen to it reflecting all spells and spell like abilities back upon their caster as if by the spell Spell Turning had been cast upon it. Unlike the spell version, this also reflects ranged touch spells and it is always able to reflect 10 levels of spells per round with this ability.

Magic Horn (Su): Ghoma Chargers are imbued with massive powerful horns, these horns deal massive damage dealing d8’s of base damage increased to d10’s due to Improved Natural Attack. These horns are treated as +3 Thundering Weapons dealing an additional 2d8 points of sonic damage on a critical hit. These horns are extremely durable being equivalent with adamantine allowing them to ignore hardness up to 20 and are considered Evil, Magic and Adamantine for purposes of overcoming damage reduction.

Lesser Ghomic Cloud (Su): A black cloud like haze follows Ghoma Charger wherever they roam. This effect is mainly seen high above thousands of feet in the sky and initially simply looks like a minor haze over the sky, looking perhaps like the effects of smoke in the atmosphere from a forest fire, however, as more and more Chargers congregate (10 or more) the localized area above them becomes tainted with thick black clouds with occasional red bolts of lightning, that rain a weak blood like acid down upon the ground below. This kills all plant life and taints water supplies and rivers causing mass loss of wildlife and sickness, this causes the disease Firegut, and deals 1 point of acid damage to any being drinking the tainted water or who remain in the area for more than 1 day.

Though less extreme than true dysentery, this disease is characterized by occasional vomiting of burning bile. It is extremely tenacious.
Type disease, ingested or injury; Save Fort DC 20
Onset 1 day; Frequency 1/day
Effect target is staggered; Cure 3 consecutive saves

Summon Ghoma: The Ghoma Charger can attempt to summon 3d4 Howlers + 1d3 Howler Alphas, or 1 Charger with an 80% chance of success 1/day

Spell Like Abilities: DC 17, CL 12

At Will: Spark, Orb of Fire, Burning Hands, Expeditious Retreat, Stone Shield, Tremor Blast, Whispering Wind

3/day: Bull’s Strength, Bear’s Endurance, Greater Heroism, Ironskin, Shield, Soften Earth and Stone, Stone Shape

1/day: Shatter, Dispel Magic, Wall of Stone

(Orb of fire works exactly like Acid Orb but deals fire instead of acid damage)

Keen Senses (Ex): Ghoma Chargers gain a +2 to Perception Checks

Telepathy (Su): All ghoma can express thoughts to other beings

Tough as Nails (Ex): Ghoma Chargers are extremely tough and have d12s of health instead of d10s

Tremorsense (Ex): Ghoma Chargers can feel subtle ground vibrations around them allowing them to be aware of the presence, general size, and position of any being within 80 feet of them allowing them to “see” any ground based being within range.


Ghoma Chargers are the tanks of the Ghomic forces, huge, hulking monstrous beasts with prodigious strength and tenacity and average intellect. These beasts dig out massive tunnels through the earth easily able to push through even bedrock with their magic horns and immense power, creating tunnels for other ghoma to spill out from the inner earth to the surface from.

Ghoma Chargers are similar to simple rhinoceroses in overall mindset and stature however are vastly larger standing 12 feet tall at the shoulder with a body stretching 25 feet long or larger, their massive single horn is 8 feet long and 3 feet thick at the base, this can be used to easily sweep aside would be attackers and pierce even the most fortified structure.

Groups of these beasts will congregate and trample down whole cities of men, above them black clouds of acid and disease will form raining blood across the land. These beings when charging create vast earthquakes and shake the ground apart around them. This can cause levys to break, lakes to drain vast sinkholes to open up and mountains to crumble.

Dumb and strong, these beings work as the spearhead of a ghomic invasion charging headlong into an enemy stronghold and they will begin destroying everything around them usually impervious to true death due to their regeneration a single Charger can level a town with ease.

If met with a dangerous opponent it will use Ironskin to toughen it’s already durable hide and shield to protect it from attacks. Most magical abilites are reflected due to it’s Spell Turning ability and only if faced by ranged opponents who can actually harm it will it flee from combat, usually burrowing to escape.

If pressed by a powerful foe, or in a situation it cannot escape from it will attempt to either summon a group of howlers or a second Charger dependent on the situation and attempt to crush would be attackers to dust.

Ghoma Chargers will readily use it's spell-like abilities as the situation calls for it but usually in more unorthodox ways, mainly relying on it's various Stone and earth manipulation powers to make easier pathways for its ghoma counterparts, and more rarely Wall of Stone to either create bridges or for defense against a foes attacks.

Other spell like abilities it will use constantly and readily are Stone Sheild, Tremor Blast, Heroism, Bull’s Strength, Bear's Endurance, Ironskin and Shield. Or more rarely Orb of Fire if it has no choice and needs to fight at range.


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Ghoma Nightflier, CR 23

A giant vampire bat the size of a building flies overhead, darkness blankets the landscape around it for miles as the sun disappears in it’s wake, it’s 4 glowing eyes and red glowing cracks across it’s lava like skin are easily seen.

XP: 819,200
NE Colossal Outsider (Evil, Native, Qlippoth, Elemental, Ghoma)
Init +6, Senses: Perception +47 (+57 Sound Based Perception), Truesight, See In Darkness, Blindsense 240ft, Echolocation 240ft


Hit Dice: 22d10, +264 Con, +22 Toughness (401 hp)
AC: 46 ( +3 Dex, +1 Dodge, +32 Natural, -8 Size, +4 Insight, +4 Deflection) Touch: 22, Flat Footed: 42
Fort +25, Ref +16, Will +23

Defensive Abilities: Damage Reduction 20/ Magic Adamantine and Good, Spell Resistance 32, Immune: Critical Hits, Stunning, Precision Based Damage, Death by Massive Damage, Fire, Cold, Resist: Acid: 15, Electricity 15, Fast Healing 20

Speed 20 ft, 120ft Fly (Perfect)

Full Attack: 2 claws and bite and 2 secondary wing attacks or 4 eye rays ranged

2 Claws: 4d6+17 Slashing +5 Magic +6d6 Fire +Grab 17-20/x3 Crit, (+44/+44 Melee 30 ft reach)
Bite: 4d10+17 Piercing +5 Magic +6d6 Fire +Magic Drain +Stone Spit 19-20/ x3 Crit (+44 Melee 30 ft reach)
2 Wings: 2d8+8 Piercing +5 Magic +6d6 Fire 19-20/x3 Crit (+30/+30 Melee 30 ft reach)

4 Rays of Annihilation: 44d6 Disintegration (DC 33 vs 5d6) 19-20/ x3 Crit (+25 Ranged Touch) 1,280 ft (long) range
Stone Spit: 4d4 Bludgeoning Damage +Petrification DC 33, +Entanglement (+25 Ranged Touch) 300 ft range 19-20/x3 crit
Sonic Screech: 22d4 Sonic Damage + Permanantly Deafened (DC 33 vs 22 Rounds) (+25 Ranged Touch) 1,280 ft (long) range

Special Attacks: Heat 6d6, Terrifying Appearance, Raging Blood, Sonic Blast, Grab, Spell Like abilities, Summon Ghoma, Magic Drain, Ghomic Cloud, Stone Spit, Petrifying Blood

Str 44 +17
Dex 16 +3
Con 34 +12
Int 21 +5
Wis 30 +10
Cha 25 +7
Base attack +22; CMB +59; CMD 72

Feats: Awesome Blow, Blinding Critical, Dodge, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical, Improved Critical Multiplier, Improved Initiative, Improved Grapple, Flyby Attack, Intimidating Prowess (b), Power Attack, Skill Focus Perception, Snatch, Staggering Critical

Skills: Acrobatics +28, Bluff +32, Climb +44, Fly +36, Intimidate +38, Knowledge Arcana +34, Knowledge Dungeoneering +32, Knowledge Planes +32, Knowledge Religion +32, Perception +47 (+57 Sound Based), Sense Motive +35, Use Magic Device +34
Racial: +2 Climb, +8 Fly, +6 Perception (+10 on sound based Perception checks), +6 Intimidate, +2 Knowledge Arcana, +2 Use Magic Device

Languages: Abyssal, Aklo, Infernal, Sylvan, Common, Telepathy 300 feet
Special Qualities: Ghoma Traits, Elemental Traits, Olippoth Traits, Greater Keen Senses, See In Darkness, Echolocation, Blindsense 240 feet

Environment: Subterranian, Sky
Organization: Solitary, Pair, 1d3+3 Cauldron
Treasure: Nightflier Fangs (+5 Flaming Burst Short Spears x4)

Special Abilities:

Ghoma Traits (Ex):
The Ghoma count as Elementals and Qlippoth gaining the benefits of both subtypes simultaneously. (This grants Immunity to Cold, Fire, Mind Influencing Effects, Poison, Bleed, Paralysis, Sleep, Stunning, Critical Hits, Flanking, Precision Based effects (Like Sneak attack) and they do not need to breathe, eat or sleep. They also gain resistance 15 to Acid and Electricity)

Terrifying Appearance (Su): Nightfliers have an aura of supernatural terror around them. This causes all foes within 240 feet who fail a DC 28 Will Save to be affected by the spell Insanity and all Humanoid foes of less than 5 HD within 240 feet to also be Terrified permanently. A successful saving throw or Humanoids of 5 HD or more are unaffected by the Insanity Effect and are instead Frightened for 22 minutes. A successful save by a humanoid of over 5 HD reduces the effect to the Shaken status. This is a Mind Influencing Fear Effect. (this ability replaces a base Qlippoth’s Horrific Appearance ability, the DC is Cha based)

Magic Drain (Su): The bite of a Nightflier drains magical power and energy. When a Nightflier bites a foe, the victim must make a DC 28 Will Save or one spell effect currently affecting him immediately ends—determine which spell is drained randomly if the target is under the effects of more than one spell. The Nightflier heals damage equal to twice the level of the spell drained (hit points in excess of its maximum are instead gained as temporary hit points that last for 1 hour). If a Nightflier attempts to Sunder a magic item with its bite, its magic-draining bite renders the item nonmagical for 1d4 rounds (if the item is a permanent magic item), drains 1d8 charges (if the item has charges), or renders it permanently nonmagical (if the item is a one-use item). The item (or its wielder, if the item is attended) can resist this effect with a DC 28 Will save. Damage dealt to an item is applied after the effects of magic drain are applied. The save DC is Charisma based.

Rays of Annihilation (Su): Ghoma Nightfliers can fire black rays of pure null energy emitting an eerie red light, annihilating anything they hit. These deal damage as the Disintegrate Spell but deal 44d6 instead of 40d6 damage (A Successful DC 33 Fort Save reduces the damage to 5d6) the Nightflier can make 4 such attacks as a full round action or 1 attack as a standard action. Things destroyed by such beams are annihilated, entirely disappearing into shadow and dry smoke. These beams can also disintegrate a 10ft cube of unliving matter per shot leaving nothing but smoke and shadow behind. Only a True Resurrection, Wish, Miracle or the intervention of a Deity can be used to restore a foe killed in such a way. This ability can be used once every 1d4+1 rounds, but it need not use all beams in the same round and the recharge begins the moment a single beam is fired.

Heat (Ex): The bodies of the Ghoma produce palpable heat capable of burning any foe or object that touches them. This deals 6d6 points of fire damage to any being the ghoma touches or who grapple with or inflict any unarmed attack on the ghoma. Any being affected by this ability must make a DC 33 Reflex Save or risk catching fire once per round they remain in contact, any unarmed attack the Nightflier inflicts also deals this damage, this is a Con based save.

Raging Blood (Ex): Any successful melee attack upon the ghoma unleashes a spray of molten lava and clashing electricity, a successful DC 33 Reflex save negates this damage. This affects all enemies in a 5 ft cone. Any being who fails the save takes 5d4 Fire Damage, and risks catching on fire. This save is Con based

Petrifying Blood (Su): Any foe affected by the Nightflier’s Raging Blood ability must also make a DC 33 Fort Save or be affected by the effects of a Flesh to Stone Spell permanently turning to stone if they fail the save this ability can only affect a creature once per round.

Sonic Screech (Ex): Nightfliers can release a blast of sonic energy in an 240ft cone, a 580 ft line or a ranged touch attack with a long range, All enemies caught within the blast must make a DC 33 Fort Save or take 22d4 Sonic damage and be permanently deafened. A successful save negates the deafening effect and reduces the damage by half. Any foe hit by the ranged touch attack version of this ability takes full damage and is deafened for 22 rounds without a save allowed and must make a DC 33 Fort Save or be Permanently Deafened. This ability also shatters all glass or unattended crystalline objects within range as if they were affected by the Shatter spell. This ability may be used once every 1d4+1 rounds and the Ghoma cannot use it’s Echolocation ability on any round it uses this power. The DC is Con based.

Stone Spit (Su): The Nightflier can as a standard action spit glob of wet concrete like spit at a foe within 300 feet. This spit if it hits deals 3d4 Bludgeoning damage and the foe must make a DC 33 Fort Save or be petrified as the Flesh to Stone Spell. If successful or the foe is immune, the foe is still entangled until they brush the sludge off of themselves (A Full Round action)

Ghomic Cloud (Su): A black cloud like haze follows Ghoma Nightfliers wherever they fly. This effect is mainly seen high above thousands of feet in the sky, the localized area above them becomes tainted with thick black clouds with occasional red bolts of lightning, that rain a weak blood like acid down upon the ground below. This kills all plant life and taints water supplies and rivers causing mass loss of wildlife and sickness, this causes the disease Firegut, and deals 1 point of acid damage to any being drinking the tainted water or who remain in the area for more than 1 day. When multiple Nightfliers congregate in the same area the clouds grow thicker, the thunderstorm becomes a constant flashing or red lightning in the sky, the blood rain grows more intense and red lightning bolts strike random points in the landscape affected once per minute working like a call lightning storm but dealing pure profane damage. The acid damage increases to 1d10 for those who ingest it and 1 per minute instead of 1 per day and all affected are afflicted by both Firegut and Demon Fever

Though less extreme than true dysentery, this disease is characterized by occasional vomiting of burning bile. It is extremely tenacious.
Type disease, ingested or injury; Save Fort DC 20
Onset 1 day; Frequency 1/day
Effect target is staggered; Cure 3 consecutive saves

Demon Fever
A deadly disease contracted through exposure to demons, this disease can cause permanent debilitating injuries to those who contract it.
Type disease, ingested or injury; Save Fort DC 18
Onset 1 day; Frequency 1/day
Effect 1d6 Con Damage, target must make a second Fort save or 1 point of the damage is drain instead; Cure 2 consecutive saves

Summon Ghoma: The Ghoma Nightflier can attempt to summon 6d4+6 Howlers + 2d4+2 Howler Alphas, or 1d4+1 Stingers or 1 Nightflier with a 90% chance of success 1/day

Spell Like Abilities: DC 28, CL 22

Constant: Detect Magic, Foresight, Freedom of Movement, Greater Magic Fang, Truesight

At Will: Black Tentacles, Contagion, Create Greater Undead, Deeper Darkness, Dimension Door, Entropic Shield, Fireball, Flesh to Stone, Freedom of Movement, Globe of Invulnerability, Greater Dispelling, Lesser Shadow Conjuration, Lesser Shadow Evocation, Poison, Wind Walk, Whispering Wind

3/day: Dimension Lock, Dimensional Anchor, Haste, Quickened Heal, Improved Invisibility, Meteor Swarm, Shadow Conjuration, Shadow Evocation, Shadow Walk, Shout

1/day: Dominate Monster, Greater Shadow Conjuration, Greater Shadow Evocation, Hold Monster

Epic Spell Like Abilities:

Constant: Eclipse

Greater Keen Senses (Ex): Ghoma Nightfliers gain a +4 to Perception Checks

Grab (Ex): Ghoma Nightfliers can attempt a grapple check after every unarmed attack without provoking an attack of opportunity, and may grapple a foe while not being considered grappled themselves at a -20 penalty.

Telepathy (Su): All ghoma can express thoughts to other beings

Flyby Attack: Ghoma Nightfliers may move, attack, and move again so as long as it is not more than their movement speed and done in flight

Blindsense (Ex): Ghoma Nightfliers can feel subtle air vibrations around them allowing them to be aware of the presence, general size, and position of any being within 240 feet of them.

Echolocation (Ex): Ghoma Nightfliers are able to use ultrasonic waves to detect the world around them. This gives them Blindsight in a 240 ft cone in front of them and is sound dependent. The echo-producing noises are too high-pitched to be heard by most creatures, and can only be detected by dragons, other creatures with this ability (such as bats), and creatures with hearing-based blindsense or blindsight. A Nightflier cannot use this ability if deafened and cannot detect anything in an area of silence.

See in Darkness (Ex): Nighfliers can see perfectly in darkness of all kinds.


Ghoma Nightfliers are the battlefield commanders of whole ghomic regiments sowing psychological torment in enemies below, they are the first truly powerful Ghoma that even demigods must worry about.

They are imbued with a cruel intelligence and wicked cunning and are masters of both manipulation and intimidation and unlike most other Ghoma are capable of speech. They communicate with humans, monsters and gods telling them anything they want to hear in order to further their own ends and open up trusting mortals to vulnerabilities and infighting or to get otherwise neutral monsters on their side.

Nightfliers soar in on wings of darkness spreading night, disease and death with their coming. Nightfliers rain bolts of entropic annihilation down upon cities, enemy armies and powerful heroes arrayed to face the Ghomic hoard.

Everywhere they go the sun is blotted out from the sky, the center of which turning black as night spreading an eerie umbra across the land. Vampires and light vulnerable undead and creatures may move within this darkness without being affected by the sun even during the day. The Nightflier uses this to it’s advantage transforming the recently deceased into Bodaks to further sow discord and destruction.

Masters of magic, Nightfliers will rain spell like abilities down from above favoring Shadow Evocation and Shadow Conjuration to create a myriad of effects, but are also fond of Flesh to Stone, Deeper Darkness, Black Tentacles, Contagion and Poison. They love to sow chaos within the ranks of mortal men allowing their Ghoma armies to easily crush their foes.

If pressed the Nightflier proves to be a terrifyingly capable combatant, equally adept at both ranged and melee combat, the Nightflier favors unleashing it’s Rays of Annihilation upon slippery foes or those it can deduce won’t be able to survive it’s effects. Upon sturdier opponents it will unleash it’s Petrifying Spit and lob spell like abilities like fireball and black tentacles to keep it occupied while generally keeping it’s distance and will fire barrages of Annihilating Rays down upon them while preoccupied.

If forced into melee it will target faster foes and battlefield buffers like Bards and Rogues first, unleashing it’s eye rays and sonic screech attempting to deafen bards and annihilate rogues. It will also favor spellcasters, knowing how dangerous they can be, it will likewise attempt to annihilating ray spellcasters or if injured it will attempt to drain their magic from them restoring it’s own HP.

Against melee types it will make full attacks, it’s relatively slow while grounded but won’t hesitate to take to the ground if needed or optimal. It will rely upon it’s melee attacks and bite to tear into melee foes grappling them at any opportunity and allowing it’s heat ability to burn the foe to death while flying high into the air and dropping the hapless soul from 200 feet up, it also relies on it’s Raging Blood and Petrifying Blood to kill attackers who wound it.

If faced with a situation it cannot handle alone it will call upon the aid of another Nightflier or Stingers while in the air or if grounded upon the help of a crowd of Howlers and Howler Alphas.

If faced with a foe they cannot defeat, they will attempt to parley, such parleys are almost always a lie with the Nightflier keeping up the act only as long as benefits it or it is able to heal itself and gain some distance at which point it will usually unleash a Meteor Swarm upon the enemies and fight viciously, fighting to the death.


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Ghoma Nightflier, CR 23

A giant vampire bat the size of a building flies overhead, darkness blankets the landscape around it for miles as the sun disappears in it’s wake, it’s 4 glowing eyes and red glowing cracks across it’s lava like skin are easily seen.

XP: 819,200
NE Colossal Outsider (Evil, Native, Qlippoth, Elemental, Ghoma)
Init +6, Senses: Perception +47 (+57 Sound Based Perception), Truesight, See In Darkness, Blindsense 240ft, Echolocation 240ft


Hit Dice: 22d10, +264 Con, +22 Toughness (401 hp)
AC: 46 ( +3 Dex, +1 Dodge, +32 Natural, -8 Size, +4 Insight, +4 Deflection) Touch: 22, Flat Footed: 42
Fort +25, Ref +16, Will +23

Defensive Abilities: Damage Reduction 20/ Magic Adamantine and Good, Spell Resistance 32, Immune: Critical Hits, Stunning, Precision Based Damage, Death by Massive Damage, Fire, Cold, Resist: Acid: 15, Electricity 15, Fast Healing 20

Speed 20 ft, 120ft Fly (Perfect)

Full Attack: 2 claws and bite and 2 secondary wing attacks or 4 eye rays ranged

2 Claws: 4d6+17 Slashing +5 Magic +6d6 Fire +Grab 17-20/x3 Crit, (+44/+44 Melee 30 ft reach)
Bite: 4d10+17 Piercing +5 Magic +6d6 Fire +Magic Drain +Stone Spit 19-20/ x3 Crit (+44 Melee 30 ft reach)
2 Wings: 2d8+8 Piercing +5 Magic +6d6 Fire 19-20/x3 Crit (+30/+30 Melee 30 ft reach)


4 Rays of Annihilation: 44d6 Disintegration (DC 33 vs 5d6) 19-20/ x3 Crit (+25 Ranged Touch) 1,280 ft (long) range
Stone Spit: 4d4 Bludgeoning Damage +Petrification DC 33, +Entanglement (+25 Ranged Touch) 300 ft range 19-20/x3 crit
Sonic Screech: 22d4 Sonic Damage + Permanantly Deafened (DC 33 vs 22 Rounds) (+25 Ranged Touch) 1,280 ft (long) range

Special Attacks: Heat 6d6, Terrifying Appearance, Raging Blood, Sonic Blast, Grab, Spell Like abilities, Summon Ghoma, Magic Drain, Ghomic Cloud, Stone Spit, Petrifying Blood

Str 44 +17
Dex 16 +3
Con 34 +12
Int 21 +5
Wis 30 +10
Cha 25 +7
Base attack +22; CMB +59; CMD 72

Feats: Awesome Blow, Blinding Critical, Dodge, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical, Improved Critical Multiplier, Improved Initiative, Improved Grapple, Flyby Attack, Intimidating Prowess (b), Power Attack, Skill Focus Perception, Snatch, Staggering Critical

Skills: Acrobatics +28, Bluff +32, Climb +44, Fly +36, Intimidate +38, Knowledge Arcana +34, Knowledge Dungeoneering +32, Knowledge Planes +32, Knowledge Religion +32, Perception +47 (+57 Sound Based), Sense Motive +35, Use Magic Device +34
Racial: +2 Climb, +8 Fly, +6 Perception (+10 on sound based Perception checks), +6 Intimidate, +2 Knowledge Arcana, +2 Use Magic Device

Languages: Abyssal, Aklo, Infernal, Sylvan, Common, Telepathy 300 feet
Special Qualities: Ghoma Traits, Elemental Traits, Olippoth Traits, Greater Keen Senses, See In Darkness, Echolocation, Blindsense 240 feet

Environment: Subterranian, Sky
Organization: Solitary, Pair, 1d3+3 Cauldron
Treasure: Nightflier Fangs (+5 Flaming Burst Short Spears x4)

Special Abilities:

Ghoma Traits (Ex):
The Ghoma count as Elementals and Qlippoth gaining the benefits of both subtypes simultaneously. (This grants Immunity to Cold, Fire, Mind Influencing Effects, Poison, Bleed, Paralysis, Sleep, Stunning, Critical Hits, Flanking, Precision Based effects (Like Sneak attack) and they do not need to breathe, eat or sleep. They also gain resistance 15 to Acid and Electricity)

Terrifying Appearance (Su): Nightfliers have an aura of supernatural terror around them. This causes all foes within 240 feet who fail a DC 28 Will Save to be affected by the spell Insanity and all Humanoid foes of less than 5 HD within 240 feet to also be Terrified permanently. A successful saving throw or Humanoids of 5 HD or more are unaffected by the Insanity Effect and are instead Frightened for 22 minutes. A successful save by a humanoid of over 5 HD reduces the effect to the Shaken status. This is a Mind Influencing Fear Effect. (this ability replaces a base Qlippoth’s Horrific Appearance ability, the DC is Cha based)

Magic Drain (Su): The bite of a Nightflier drains magical power and energy. When a Nightflier bites a foe, the victim must make a DC 28 Will Save or one spell effect currently affecting him immediately ends—determine which spell is drained randomly if the target is under the effects of more than one spell. The Nightflier heals damage equal to twice the level of the spell drained (hit points in excess of its maximum are instead gained as temporary hit points that last for 1 hour). If a Nightflier attempts to Sunder a magic item with its bite, its magic-draining bite renders the item nonmagical for 1d4 rounds (if the item is a permanent magic item), drains 1d8 charges (if the item has charges), or renders it permanently nonmagical (if the item is a one-use item). The item (or its wielder, if the item is attended) can resist this effect with a DC 28 Will save. Damage dealt to an item is applied after the effects of magic drain are applied. The save DC is Charisma based.

Rays of Annihilation (Su): Ghoma Nightfliers can fire black rays of pure null energy emitting an eerie red light, annihilating anything they hit. These deal damage as the Disintegrate Spell but deal 44d6 instead of 40d6 damage (A Successful DC 33 Fort Save reduces the damage to 5d6) the Nightflier can make 4 such attacks as a full round action or 1 attack as a standard action. Things destroyed by such beams are annihilated, entirely disappearing into shadow and dry smoke. These beams can also disintegrate a 10ft cube of unliving matter per shot leaving nothing but smoke and shadow behind. Only a True Resurrection, Wish, Miracle or the intervention of a Deity can be used to restore a foe killed in such a way. This ability can be used once every 1d4+1 rounds, but it need not use all beams in the same round and the recharge begins the moment a single beam is fired.

Heat (Ex): The bodies of the Ghoma produce palpable heat capable of burning any foe or object that touches them. This deals 6d6 points of fire damage to any being the ghoma touches or who grapple with or inflict any unarmed attack on the ghoma. Any being affected by this ability must make a DC 33 Reflex Save or risk catching fire once per round they remain in contact, any unarmed attack the Nightflier inflicts also deals this damage, this is a Con based save.

Raging Blood (Ex): Any successful melee attack upon the ghoma unleashes a spray of molten lava and clashing electricity, a successful DC 33 Reflex save negates this damage. This affects all enemies in a 5 ft cone. Any being who fails the save takes 5d4 Fire Damage, and risks catching on fire. This save is Con based

Petrifying Blood (Su): Any foe affected by the Nightflier’s Raging Blood ability must also make a DC 33 Fort Save or be affected by the effects of a Flesh to Stone Spell permanently turning to stone if they fail the save this ability can only affect a creature once per round.

Sonic Screech (Ex): Nightfliers can release a blast of sonic energy in an 240ft cone, a 580 ft line or a ranged touch attack with a long range, All enemies caught within the blast must make a DC 33 Fort Save or take 22d4 Sonic damage and be permanently deafened. A successful save negates the deafening effect and reduces the damage by half. Any foe hit by the ranged touch attack version of this ability takes full damage and is deafened for 22 rounds without a save allowed and must make a DC 33 Fort Save or be Permanently Deafened. This ability also shatters all glass or unattended crystalline objects within range as if they were affected by the Shatter spell. This ability may be used once every 1d4+1 rounds and the Ghoma cannot use it’s Echolocation ability on any round it uses this power. The DC is Con based.

Stone Spit (Su): The Nightflier can as a standard action spit glob of wet concrete like spit at a foe within 300 feet. This spit if it hits deals 3d4 Bludgeoning damage and the foe must make a DC 33 Fort Save or be petrified as the Flesh to Stone Spell. If successful or the foe is immune, the foe is still entangled until they brush the sludge off of themselves (A Full Round action)

Ghomic Cloud (Su): A black cloud like haze follows Ghoma Nightfliers wherever they fly. This effect is mainly seen high above thousands of feet in the sky, the localized area above them becomes tainted with thick black clouds with occasional red bolts of lightning, that rain a weak blood like acid down upon the ground below. This kills all plant life and taints water supplies and rivers causing mass loss of wildlife and sickness, this causes the disease Firegut, and deals 1 point of acid damage to any being drinking the tainted water or who remain in the area for more than 1 day. When multiple Nightfliers congregate in the same area the clouds grow thicker, the thunderstorm becomes a constant flashing or red lightning in the sky, the blood rain grows more intense and red lightning bolts strike random points in the landscape affected once per minute working like a call lightning storm but dealing pure profane damage. The acid damage increases to 1d10 for those who ingest it and 1 per minute instead of 1 per day and all affected are afflicted by both Firegut and Demon Fever

Though less extreme than true dysentery, this disease is characterized by occasional vomiting of burning bile. It is extremely tenacious.
Type disease, ingested or injury; Save Fort DC 20
Onset 1 day; Frequency 1/day
Effect target is staggered; Cure 3 consecutive saves

Demon Fever
A deadly disease contracted through exposure to demons, this disease can cause permanent debilitating injuries to those who contract it.
Type disease, ingested or injury; Save Fort DC 18
Onset 1 day; Frequency 1/day
Effect 1d6 Con Damage, target must make a second Fort save or 1 point of the damage is drain instead; Cure 2 consecutive saves

Summon Ghoma: The Ghoma Nightflier can attempt to summon 6d4+6 Howlers + 2d4+2 Howler Alphas, or 1d4+1 Stingers or 1 Nightflier with a 90% chance of success 1/day

Spell Like Abilities: DC 28, CL 22

Constant: Detect Magic, Foresight, Freedom of Movement, Greater Magic Fang, Truesight

At Will: Black Tentacles, Contagion, Create Greater Undead, Deeper Darkness, Dimension Door, Entropic Shield, Fireball, Flesh to Stone, Foresight, Freedom of Movement, Globe of Invulnerability, Greater Dispelling, Lesser Shadow Conjuration, Lesser Shadow Evocation, Poison, Wind Walk, Whispering Wind

3/day: Dimension Lock, Dimensional Anchor, Haste, Quickened Heal, Improved Invisibility, Meteor Swarm, Shadow Conjuration, Shadow Evocation, Shadow Walk, Shout

1/day: Dominate Monster, Greater Shadow Conjuration, Greater Shadow Evocation, Hold Monster

Epic Spell Like Abilities:

Constant: Eclipse

Greater Keen Senses (Ex): Ghoma Nightfliers gain a +4 to Perception Checks

Grab (Ex): Ghoma Nightfliers can attempt a grapple check after every unarmed attack without provoking an attack of opportunity, and may grapple a foe while not being considered grappled themselves at a -20 penalty.

Telepathy (Su): All ghoma can express thoughts to other beings

Flyby Attack: Ghoma Nightfliers may move, attack, and move again so as long as it is not more than their movement speed and done in flight

Blindsense (Ex): Ghoma Nightfliers can feel subtle air vibrations around them allowing them to be aware of the presence, general size, and position of any being within 240 feet of them.

Echolocation (Ex): Ghoma Nightfliers are able to use ultrasonic waves to detect the world around them. This gives them Blindsight in a 240 ft cone in front of them and is sound dependent. The echo-producing noises are too high-pitched to be heard by most creatures, and can only be detected by dragons, other creatures with this ability (such as bats), and creatures with hearing-based blindsense or blindsight. A Nightflier cannot use this ability if deafened and cannot detect anything in an area of silence.

See in Darkness (Ex): Nighfliers can see perfectly in darkness of all kinds.


Ghoma Nightfliers are the battlefield commanders of whole ghomic regiments sowing psychological torment in enemies below, they are the first truly powerful Ghoma that even demigods must worry about.

They are imbued with a cruel intelligence and wicked cunning and are masters of both manipulation and intimidation and unlike most other Ghoma are capable of speech. They communicate with humans, monsters and gods telling them anything they want to hear in order to further their own ends and open up trusting mortals to vulnerabilities and infighting or to get otherwise neutral monsters on their side.

Nightfliers soar in on wings of darkness spreading night, disease and death with their coming. Nightfliers rain bolts of entropic annihilation down upon cities, enemy armies and powerful heroes arrayed to face the Ghomic hoard.

Everywhere they go the sun is blotted out from the sky, the center of which turning black as night spreading an eerie umbra across the land. Vampires and light vulnerable undead and creatures may move within this darkness without being affected by the sun even during the day. The Nightflier uses this to it’s advantage transforming the recently deceased into Bodaks to further sow discord and destruction.

Masters of magic, Nightfliers will rain spell like abilities down from above favoring Shadow Evocation and Shadow Conjuration to create a myriad of effects, but are also fond of Flesh to Stone, Deeper Darkness, Black Tentacles, Contagion and Poison. They love to sow chaos within the ranks of mortal men allowing their Ghoma armies to easily crush their foes.

If pressed the Nightflier proves to be a terrifyingly capable combatant, equally adept at both ranged and melee combat, the Nightflier favors unleashing it’s Rays of Annihilation upon slippery foes or those it can deduce won’t be able to survive it’s effects. Upon sturdier opponents it will unleash it’s Petrifying Spit and lob spell like abilities like fireball and black tentacles to keep it occupied while generally keeping it’s distance and will fire barrages of Annihilating Rays down upon them while preoccupied.

If forced into melee it will target faster foes and battlefield buffers like Bards and Rogues first, unleashing it’s eye rays and sonic screech attempting to deafen bards and annihilate rogues. It will also favor spellcasters, knowing how dangerous they can be, it will likewise attempt to annihilating ray spellcasters or if injured it will attempt to drain their magic from them restoring it’s own HP.

Against melee types it will make full attacks, it’s relatively slow while grounded but won’t hesitate to take to the ground if needed or optimal. It will rely upon it’s melee attacks and bite to tear into melee foes grappling them at any opportunity and allowing it’s heat ability to burn the foe to death while flying high into the air and dropping the hapless soul from 200 feet up, it also relies on it’s Raging Blood and Petrifying Blood to kill attackers who wound it.

If faced with a situation it cannot handle alone it will call upon the aid of another Nightflier or Stingers while in the air or if grounded upon the help of a crowd of Howlers and Howler Alphas.

If faced with a foe they cannot defeat, they will attempt to parley, such parleys are almost always a lie with the Nightflier keeping up the act only as long as benefits it or it is able to heal itself and gain some distance at which point it will usually unleash a Meteor Swarm upon the enemies and fight viciously, fighting to the death.
This is really wonderful.

Ghoma Nightflier, CR 23

A giant vampire bat the size of a building flies overhead, darkness blankets the landscape around it for miles as the sun disappears in it’s wake, it’s 4 glowing eyes and red glowing cracks across it’s lava like skin are easily seen.

XP: 819,200
NE Colossal Outsider (Evil, Native, Qlippoth, Elemental, Ghoma)
Init +6, Senses: Perception +47 (+57 Sound Based Perception), Truesight, See In Darkness, Blindsense 240ft, Echolocation 240ft


Hit Dice: 22d10, +264 Con, +22 Toughness (401 hp)
AC: 46 ( +3 Dex, +1 Dodge, +32 Natural, -8 Size, +4 Insight, +4 Deflection) Touch: 22, Flat Footed: 42
Fort +25, Ref +16, Will +23

Defensive Abilities: Damage Reduction 20/ Magic Adamantine and Good, Spell Resistance 32, Immune: Critical Hits, Stunning, Precision Based Damage, Death by Massive Damage, Fire, Cold, Resist: Acid: 15, Electricity 15, Fast Healing 20

Speed 20 ft, 120ft Fly (Perfect)

Full Attack: 2 claws and bite and 2 secondary wing attacks or 4 eye rays ranged

2 Claws: 4d6+17 Slashing +5 Magic +6d6 Fire +Grab 17-20/x3 Crit, (+44/+44 Melee 30 ft reach)
Bite: 4d10+17 Piercing +5 Magic +6d6 Fire +Magic Drain +Stone Spit 19-20/ x3 Crit (+44 Melee 30 ft reach)
2 Wings: 2d8+8 Piercing +5 Magic +6d6 Fire 19-20/x3 Crit (+30/+30 Melee 30 ft reach)

4 Rays of Annihilation: 44d6 Disintegration (DC 33 vs 5d6) 19-20/ x3 Crit (+25 Ranged Touch) 1,280 ft (long) range
Stone Spit: 4d4 Bludgeoning Damage +Petrification DC 33, +Entanglement (+25 Ranged Touch) 300 ft range 19-20/x3 crit
Sonic Screech: 22d4 Sonic Damage + Permanantly Deafened (DC 33 vs 22 Rounds) (+25 Ranged Touch) 1,280 ft (long) range

Special Attacks: Heat 6d6, Terrifying Appearance, Raging Blood, Sonic Blast, Grab, Spell Like abilities, Summon Ghoma, Magic Drain, Ghomic Cloud, Stone Spit, Petrifying Blood

Str 44 +17
Dex 16 +3
Con 34 +12
Int 21 +5
Wis 30 +10
Cha 25 +7
Base attack +22; CMB +59; CMD 72

Feats: Awesome Blow, Blinding Critical, Dodge, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical, Improved Critical Multiplier, Improved Initiative, Improved Grapple, Flyby Attack, Intimidating Prowess (b), Power Attack, Skill Focus Perception, Snatch, Staggering Critical

Skills: Acrobatics +28, Bluff +32, Climb +44, Fly +36, Intimidate +38, Knowledge Arcana +34, Knowledge Dungeoneering +32, Knowledge Planes +32, Knowledge Religion +32, Perception +47 (+57 Sound Based), Sense Motive +35, Use Magic Device +34
Racial: +2 Climb, +8 Fly, +6 Perception (+10 on sound based Perception checks), +6 Intimidate, +2 Knowledge Arcana, +2 Use Magic Device

Languages: Abyssal, Aklo, Infernal, Sylvan, Common, Telepathy 300 feet
Special Qualities: Ghoma Traits, Elemental Traits, Olippoth Traits, Greater Keen Senses, See In Darkness, Echolocation, Blindsense 240 feet

Environment: Subterranian, Sky
Organization: Solitary, Pair, 1d3+3 Cauldron
Treasure: Nightflier Fangs (+5 Flaming Burst Short Spears x4)

Special Abilities:

Ghoma Traits (Ex):
The Ghoma count as Elementals and Qlippoth gaining the benefits of both subtypes simultaneously. (This grants Immunity to Cold, Fire, Mind Influencing Effects, Poison, Bleed, Paralysis, Sleep, Stunning, Critical Hits, Flanking, Precision Based effects (Like Sneak attack) and they do not need to breathe, eat or sleep. They also gain resistance 15 to Acid and Electricity)

Terrifying Appearance (Su): Nightfliers have an aura of supernatural terror around them. This causes all foes within 240 feet who fail a DC 28 Will Save to be affected by the spell Insanity and all Humanoid foes of less than 5 HD within 240 feet to also be Terrified permanently. A successful saving throw or Humanoids of 5 HD or more are unaffected by the Insanity Effect and are instead Frightened for 22 minutes. A successful save by a humanoid of over 5 HD reduces the effect to the Shaken status. This is a Mind Influencing Fear Effect. (this ability replaces a base Qlippoth’s Horrific Appearance ability, the DC is Cha based)

Magic Drain (Su): The bite of a Nightflier drains magical power and energy. When a Nightflier bites a foe, the victim must make a DC 28 Will Save or one spell effect currently affecting him immediately ends—determine which spell is drained randomly if the target is under the effects of more than one spell. The Nightflier heals damage equal to twice the level of the spell drained (hit points in excess of its maximum are instead gained as temporary hit points that last for 1 hour). If a Nightflier attempts to Sunder a magic item with its bite, its magic-draining bite renders the item nonmagical for 1d4 rounds (if the item is a permanent magic item), drains 1d8 charges (if the item has charges), or renders it permanently nonmagical (if the item is a one-use item). The item (or its wielder, if the item is attended) can resist this effect with a DC 28 Will save. Damage dealt to an item is applied after the effects of magic drain are applied. The save DC is Charisma based.

Rays of Annihilation (Su): Ghoma Nightfliers can fire black rays of pure null energy emitting an eerie red light, annihilating anything they hit. These deal damage as the Disintegrate Spell but deal 44d6 instead of 40d6 damage (A Successful DC 33 Fort Save reduces the damage to 5d6) the Nightflier can make 4 such attacks as a full round action or 1 attack as a standard action. Things destroyed by such beams are annihilated, entirely disappearing into shadow and dry smoke. These beams can also disintegrate a 10ft cube of unliving matter per shot leaving nothing but smoke and shadow behind. Only a True Resurrection, Wish, Miracle or the intervention of a Deity can be used to restore a foe killed in such a way. This ability can be used once every 1d4+1 rounds, but it need not use all beams in the same round and the recharge begins the moment a single beam is fired.

Heat (Ex): The bodies of the Ghoma produce palpable heat capable of burning any foe or object that touches them. This deals 6d6 points of fire damage to any being the ghoma touches or who grapple with or inflict any unarmed attack on the ghoma. Any being affected by this ability must make a DC 33 Reflex Save or risk catching fire once per round they remain in contact, any unarmed attack the Nightflier inflicts also deals this damage, this is a Con based save.

Raging Blood (Ex): Any successful melee attack upon the ghoma unleashes a spray of molten lava and clashing electricity, a successful DC 33 Reflex save negates this damage. This affects all enemies in a 5 ft cone. Any being who fails the save takes 5d4 Fire Damage, and risks catching on fire. This save is Con based

Petrifying Blood (Su): Any foe affected by the Nightflier’s Raging Blood ability must also make a DC 33 Fort Save or be affected by the effects of a Flesh to Stone Spell permanently turning to stone if they fail the save this ability can only affect a creature once per round.

Sonic Screech (Ex): Nightfliers can release a blast of sonic energy in an 240ft cone, a 580 ft line or a ranged touch attack with a long range, All enemies caught within the blast must make a DC 33 Fort Save or take 22d4 Sonic damage and be permanently deafened. A successful save negates the deafening effect and reduces the damage by half. Any foe hit by the ranged touch attack version of this ability takes full damage and is deafened for 22 rounds without a save allowed and must make a DC 33 Fort Save or be Permanently Deafened. This ability also shatters all glass or unattended crystalline objects within range as if they were affected by the Shatter spell. This ability may be used once every 1d4+1 rounds and the Ghoma cannot use it’s Echolocation ability on any round it uses this power. The DC is Con based.

Stone Spit (Su): The Nightflier can as a standard action spit glob of wet concrete like spit at a foe within 300 feet. This spit if it hits deals 3d4 Bludgeoning damage and the foe must make a DC 33 Fort Save or be petrified as the Flesh to Stone Spell. If successful or the foe is immune, the foe is still entangled until they brush the sludge off of themselves (A Full Round action)

Ghomic Cloud (Su): A black cloud like haze follows Ghoma Nightfliers wherever they fly. This effect is mainly seen high above thousands of feet in the sky, the localized area above them becomes tainted with thick black clouds with occasional red bolts of lightning, that rain a weak blood like acid down upon the ground below. This kills all plant life and taints water supplies and rivers causing mass loss of wildlife and sickness, this causes the disease Firegut, and deals 1 point of acid damage to any being drinking the tainted water or who remain in the area for more than 1 day. When multiple Nightfliers congregate in the same area the clouds grow thicker, the thunderstorm becomes a constant flashing or red lightning in the sky, the blood rain grows more intense and red lightning bolts strike random points in the landscape affected once per minute working like a call lightning storm but dealing pure profane damage. The acid damage increases to 1d10 for those who ingest it and 1 per minute instead of 1 per day and all affected are afflicted by both Firegut and Demon Fever

Though less extreme than true dysentery, this disease is characterized by occasional vomiting of burning bile. It is extremely tenacious.
Type disease, ingested or injury; Save Fort DC 20
Onset 1 day; Frequency 1/day
Effect target is staggered; Cure 3 consecutive saves

Demon Fever
A deadly disease contracted through exposure to demons, this disease can cause permanent debilitating injuries to those who contract it.
Type disease, ingested or injury; Save Fort DC 18
Onset 1 day; Frequency 1/day
Effect 1d6 Con Damage, target must make a second Fort save or 1 point of the damage is drain instead; Cure 2 consecutive saves

Summon Ghoma: The Ghoma Nightflier can attempt to summon 6d4+6 Howlers + 2d4+2 Howler Alphas, or 1d4+1 Stingers or 1 Nightflier with a 90% chance of success 1/day

Spell Like Abilities: DC 28, CL 22

Constant: Detect Magic, Foresight, Freedom of Movement, Greater Magic Fang, Truesight

At Will: Black Tentacles, Contagion, Create Greater Undead, Deeper Darkness, Dimension Door, Entropic Shield, Fireball, Flesh to Stone, Freedom of Movement, Globe of Invulnerability, Greater Dispelling, Lesser Shadow Conjuration, Lesser Shadow Evocation, Poison, Wind Walk, Whispering Wind

3/day: Dimension Lock, Dimensional Anchor, Haste, Quickened Heal, Improved Invisibility, Meteor Swarm, Shadow Conjuration, Shadow Evocation, Shadow Walk, Shout

1/day: Dominate Monster, Greater Shadow Conjuration, Greater Shadow Evocation, Hold Monster

Epic Spell Like Abilities:

Constant: Eclipse

Greater Keen Senses (Ex): Ghoma Nightfliers gain a +4 to Perception Checks

Grab (Ex): Ghoma Nightfliers can attempt a grapple check after every unarmed attack without provoking an attack of opportunity, and may grapple a foe while not being considered grappled themselves at a -20 penalty.

Telepathy (Su): All ghoma can express thoughts to other beings

Flyby Attack: Ghoma Nightfliers may move, attack, and move again so as long as it is not more than their movement speed and done in flight

Blindsense (Ex): Ghoma Nightfliers can feel subtle air vibrations around them allowing them to be aware of the presence, general size, and position of any being within 240 feet of them.

Echolocation (Ex): Ghoma Nightfliers are able to use ultrasonic waves to detect the world around them. This gives them Blindsight in a 240 ft cone in front of them and is sound dependent. The echo-producing noises are too high-pitched to be heard by most creatures, and can only be detected by dragons, other creatures with this ability (such as bats), and creatures with hearing-based blindsense or blindsight. A Nightflier cannot use this ability if deafened and cannot detect anything in an area of silence.

See in Darkness (Ex): Nighfliers can see perfectly in darkness of all kinds.


Ghoma Nightfliers are the battlefield commanders of whole ghomic regiments sowing psychological torment in enemies below, they are the first truly powerful Ghoma that even demigods must worry about.

They are imbued with a cruel intelligence and wicked cunning and are masters of both manipulation and intimidation and unlike most other Ghoma are capable of speech. They communicate with humans, monsters and gods telling them anything they want to hear in order to further their own ends and open up trusting mortals to vulnerabilities and infighting or to get otherwise neutral monsters on their side.

Nightfliers soar in on wings of darkness spreading night, disease and death with their coming. Nightfliers rain bolts of entropic annihilation down upon cities, enemy armies and powerful heroes arrayed to face the Ghomic hoard.

Everywhere they go the sun is blotted out from the sky, the center of which turning black as night spreading an eerie umbra across the land. Vampires and light vulnerable undead and creatures may move within this darkness without being affected by the sun even during the day. The Nightflier uses this to it’s advantage transforming the recently deceased into Bodaks to further sow discord and destruction.

Masters of magic, Nightfliers will rain spell like abilities down from above favoring Shadow Evocation and Shadow Conjuration to create a myriad of effects, but are also fond of Flesh to Stone, Deeper Darkness, Black Tentacles, Contagion and Poison. They love to sow chaos within the ranks of mortal men allowing their Ghoma armies to easily crush their foes.

If pressed the Nightflier proves to be a terrifyingly capable combatant, equally adept at both ranged and melee combat, the Nightflier favors unleashing it’s Rays of Annihilation upon slippery foes or those it can deduce won’t be able to survive it’s effects. Upon sturdier opponents it will unleash it’s Petrifying Spit and lob spell like abilities like fireball and black tentacles to keep it occupied while generally keeping it’s distance and will fire barrages of Annihilating Rays down upon them while preoccupied.

If forced into melee it will target faster foes and battlefield buffers like Bards and Rogues first, unleashing it’s eye rays and sonic screech attempting to deafen bards and annihilate rogues. It will also favor spellcasters, knowing how dangerous they can be, it will likewise attempt to annihilating ray spellcasters or if injured it will attempt to drain their magic from them restoring it’s own HP.

Against melee types it will make full attacks, it’s relatively slow while grounded but won’t hesitate to take to the ground if needed or optimal. It will rely upon it’s melee attacks and bite to tear into melee foes grappling them at any opportunity and allowing it’s heat ability to burn the foe to death while flying high into the air and dropping the hapless soul from 200 feet up, it also relies on it’s Raging Blood and Petrifying Blood to kill attackers who wound it.

If faced with a situation it cannot handle alone it will call upon the aid of another Nightflier or Stingers while in the air or if grounded upon the help of a crowd of Howlers and Howler Alphas.

If faced with a foe they cannot defeat, they will attempt to parley, such parleys are almost always a lie with the Nightflier keeping up the act only as long as benefits it or it is able to heal itself and gain some distance at which point it will usually unleash a Meteor Swarm upon the enemies and fight viciously, fighting to the death.
This thing is awesome. I'd love to see the rest of the Ghoma.

What's the lore for the Ghoma as a whole?

This thing is awesome. I'd love to see the rest of the Ghoma.

What's the lore for the Ghoma as a whole?
Thanks bud. I appreciate it!

So the Ghoma are the equivalent of a planet's immune system, but the world they attempt to protect is the world of the Hadean period, the Heavy Bombardment period, so they're creatures of a a world of fire and destruction, of lava oceans and rains of acid.

The spirit of my campaign's world is called Vlitra, if you ever played Asuras Wrath, the idea is lifted and greater expanded upon from that, Vlitra is the father of all Ghoma, the Ghoma are the blueprints of many forms of animal life, and thusly look like beasts but enormous and demonic looking and made of lava.

In my "Current Campaign Setting" thread I go deeper into the lore of my world and the Ghoma which I was calling the Yokai then, check it out.

Sorry for the late response btw. :)
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