Ghoma, The Impure

I have the squasher and a few others if you all want to see it. They're basically finished, it's just missing a lot of it's abilities and detail text, but here I'll drop the rough, almost finished draft of the Squasher


Ghoma Squasher, CR 30

"Emerging like a leviathan from the depths of nightmare, the Ghoma Squasher is a titanic beast, its shell a landscape of jagged, volcanic protrusions. These fiery crags constantly belch smoke and molten rock, casting a hellish glow over its obsidian-like hide. Each step it takes causes the earth to tremble, and the air around it shimmers with the unbearable heat it exudes. Its eyes, glowing like molten gold, betray a terrifying intelligence and malice."

XP: 9,830,400
NE Colossal Outsider (Evil, Native, Qlippoth, Elemental, Ghoma)
: +2; Senses: Darkvision 300 ft., Tremorsense 300 ft., Perception +55


AC: 54 (-8 size, +52 natural, +2 Dex), touch 4, flat-footed 54
hp: 940 (40d10+660)
Fort: +40, Ref: +28, Will: +32
Defensive Abilities: Damage Reduction 40/epic and good, Spell Resistance 50, Regeneration 40 (stopped by epic-level magic or artifacts)
Immune: Fire, Cold, Poison, Petrification, Sleep, Paralysis; Resist: Acid 40, Electricity 40, Sonic 20


Speed: 50 ft., burrow 40 ft.
Melee: Bite +61 (12d10+39/19-20 plus grab), Tail Swipe +56 (10d8+20), Crush +61 (12d8+39)
Special Attacks: Lava Bomb Artillery, Terrifying Presence, Swallow Whole (10d6 bludgeoning and 10d6 acid, AC 31, 95 hp), Ghomic Cloud, Thunderous Stomp, Snap, Shell

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 30th; concentration +40)
-At Will: Earthquake, Fire Storm, Wall of Fire, Greater Dispel Magic, Shield, Magic Missile, Scorching Ray, Fireball, Meteor Swarm
-3/day: Hellball, Summon Monster IX (Ghoma only), Greater Teleport (self plus 100 lbs. of objects only), Spell Turning, Resilient Sphere


Str: 65 (+27)
Dex: 14 (+2)
Con: 55 (+22)
Int: 18 (+4)
Wis: 25 (+7)
Cha: 20 (+5)

Special Abilities

Lava Bomb Artillery (Su): The shield like scales on it's shell can launch off like a rain of bombs. Launches 1d6+2 lava bombs per round, each targeting an area up to 1200 feet away. it can target individual squares at up to 1200 feet but it can fire it's bombs up to 100x it's stated range if it simply doesnt care about accuracy. This would be used mainly to siege cities or cause wanton destruction, fired in this way the DC of the attack is reduced as it suffers a -30 circumstance penalty to it's attack (Reflex DC 18) and each bomb misses the square it was assigned by 1d10x10 feet. Each bomb deals 25d6 fire damage and 25d6 bludgeoning damage in a 70-foot radius (Reflex DC 48 half).

Terrifying Presence: All creatures within 500 feet must make a DC 48 Will save or become panicked for 1d10+15 rounds. Those who save are shaken for 1d10 rounds. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.

Crush: As a standard action, the Squasher can crush opponents of Huge or smaller size, dealing 12d8+39 points of bludgeoning damage. A DC 48 Reflex save halves the damage.

Thunderous Stomp (Ex): As a move action, it can stomp the ground, creating shockwaves. All creatures within 100 feet take 10d10 sonic damage and are knocked prone (DC 48 Fort save for half damage and to avoid being knocked prone).

Shell (Ex): As a move action, a Ghoma Squasher can pull its extremities and head into its shell. It cannot move or attack as long as it remains in this state, though it can use it's spell like abilities. It's armor bonus from natural armor increases by +40 as long as it does and it treated as if behind improved cover. (+8 Circumstance Bonus to AC, +4 to Reflex Saves) While withdrawn into it's carapace it deflects cones, lines, rays, and Magic Missile spells, rendering it immune to such effects. There is a 30% chance a deflected effect reflects back in full force at the caster; otherwise it is simply negated

Snap (Ex): A Ghoma Squasher can extend it's neck out nearly the distance of it's body to bite foes at medium range. This works much like the Lunge feat, increasing the reach of the Ghoma by 40 feet but reducing the Ghoma's Armor bonus by -10 until it's next round.

Ghomic Cloud (Su): Toxic clouds of poison gas exude from the Ghoma extending 400 feet from it, dealing 1d10 acid damage per minute and potentially causing debilitating sickness (Fort DC 48 to resist, those that fail the save are Sickened for 1d10 minutes). A black cloud like haze follows Ghoma Squashers wherever they roam following them even when underground unless it deliberately turns the power off. This effect is mainly seen high above thousands of feet in the sky, the localized area above them becomes tainted with thick black clouds and constant thunderstorms of red lighting, heavy blood like acid rain rains down upon the ground below. This kills all plant life and taints water supplies and rivers causing mass loss of wildlife and sickness, red lightning bolts strike random points in the landscape affected once per minute working like a call lightning storm but dealing pure profane damage. This deals 1d10 acid damge to those who ingest it and 1 per minute to those simply exposed to it, all affected are afflicted by both Firegut and Demon Fever

Though less extreme than true dysentery, this disease is characterized by occasional vomiting of burning bile. It is extremely tenacious.
Type disease, ingested or injury; Save Fort DC 20
Onset 1 day; Frequency 1/day
Effect target is staggered; Cure 3 consecutive saves

Demon Fever
A deadly disease contracted through exposure to demons, this disease can cause permanent debilitating injuries to those who contract it.
Type disease, ingested or injury; Save Fort DC 18
Onset 1 day; Frequency 1/day
Effect 1d6 Con Damage, target must make a second Fort save or 1 point of the damage is drain instead; Cure 2 consecutive saves

Languages: Abyssal, Aklo, Infernal, Sylvan, Common, Telepathy 300 feet
Special Qualities: Ghoma Traits, Elemental Traits, Olippoth Traits, Greater Keen Senses, See In Darkness, Blindsense 240 feet


Environment: Volcanic regions, deep underground
Organization: Solitary or with a Ghoma regiment
Treasure: Standard


A veritable mountain of wrath and fire, the Ghoma Squasher is a herald of doom. Its presence alone reshapes the landscape, turning battles into catastrophes. Legends speak of this creature obliterating armies and reducing fortresses to rubble, a testament to the primal and terrifying power of the Ghoma.

The Ghoma Squasher begins by raining down destruction with its Lava Bomb Artillery, reshaping the battlefield. It then advances, using its Crush and Thunderous Stomp to obliterate structures and foes alike, swallowing or biting those who dare approach or simply charging and crushing foes under it's prodigious bulk. Though appearing slow and languid, it can run as fast as a horse and doesn't tire, has a keen mind and can snap at foes from considerable distance.

Squashers are long range artillery units that can also serve in a tank function. They have extremely durable carapaces and if threatened can pull their heads into their shells granting them a number of defensive abilities and increasing their AC.


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    DALL·E 2024-01-18 19.54.22 - A digital illustration of a creature similar to the one in the up...png
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The Ghoma Crusher is basically half done, it's pretty bare bones but here's the beta version

Ghoma Crusher, CR 40

"A colossal, demonic elephant with the posture and body structure of a gorilla, moves into view over the horizon, nearly the size of the mountains it walks over it is an awe inspiring and terrifying sight. Its obsidian skin is streaked with glowing red veins, pulsating with fiery energy. Its four massive tusks, each sharp enough to cleave through stone, and a spiked back make it a walking fortress of destruction. The ground trembles under its every step, hinting at its colossal power. Above a supercell looms and storms gather, electricity charges the air and elementals form from the air around it walking with it like an army of fire and lightning."

XP: 12,960,000
NE Colossal Outsider (Evil, Native, Qlippoth, Elemental, Ghoma)
: +4; Senses: Darkvision 300 ft., Tremorsense 300 ft., Blindsense 300 ft., Perception +75


AC: 62 (-8 size, +60 natural, +4 Dex), touch 6, flat-footed 58
hp: 2,150 (50d10+900+800 Epic Toughness)
Fort: +50, Ref: +34, Will: +40
Defensive Abilities: Damage Reduction 55/epic and good, Spell Resistance 60, Regeneration 55 (stopped by epic-level magic or artifacts)
Immune: Fire, Cold, Poison, Petrification, Sleep, Paralysis; Resist: Acid 60, Electricity 60, Cold 60, Sonic 30


Speed: 70 ft., burrow 60 ft.
Melee: 2 Tusks +76 (18d8+50+Heat/19-20), Stomp +76 (16d6+50+Heat), Crush +76 (16d12+50+Heat)

Special Attacks: Magma Projection, Soul Absorption, Weather Manipulation, Tornado Blast, Heat, Raging Blood, Ghomic Cloud, Crush, Grab, Constrict (8d6+50+Heat)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 40th; concentration +55)

Constant: Control Weather, Storm of Vengeance, Lightning Storm, Control Winds

At Will: Fireball, Greater Teleport (self plus 100 lbs. of objects only), Wall of Fire, Meteor Swarm, Earthquake, Elemental Swarm

3/day: Summon Monster IX (Ghoma Only)


Str: 80 (+35), Dex: 18 (+4), Con: 70 (+30), Int: 25 (+7), Wis: 35 (+12), Cha: 30 (+10)
Base Atk: +50; CMB: +93; CMD: 107
Feats: Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (Tusks), Awesome Blow, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Toughness, Improved Initiative
Epic Feats: Epic Toughness
Skills: Perception +75, Intimidate +70, Survival +72, Knowledge (Planes) +70

Special Abilities

Magma Projection (Su): Swings its trunk to deal 20d10 fire damage in a 600 ft. radius (Reflex DC 60 half); can also shoot magma up to 6,000 feet, dealing 25d10 fire damage in a 120-foot radius (Reflex DC 60 half).

Soul Absorption (Su): Devours the souls of mortals who die within 1,000 feet of it, preventing resurrection and absorbing it's Mantra.

Tornado Blast (Su): The Ghoma Crusher can fire a whirlwind of tremendous force from it's trunk in a 240ft line or 120ft cone dealing 40d6 points of damage and pushing foes back to the edges of the effect and knocking them prone. If enemies are struck against any hard fixed surface along the way they take an additional 10d6 falling damage from the force of the hit, (Reflex DC 60 half) a successful Reflex Save negates the knock back and prone effect however those who make the save are still Checked, unable to approach the Crusher for 1 round.

Weather Manipulation (Ex): Alters weather patterns, capable of turning the sky red and summoning powerful storms, it constantly is under the affects of Control Weather, Control Winds, and Lightning Storm at all times.

Heat (Ex): Radiates intense heat, causing those within 40 feet to risk catching fire, taking 8d6 fire damage per round (Reflex DC 60 to avoid).

Raging Blood (Ex): When injured, sprays molten blood, dealing 6d6 fire damage to all within 15 feet (Reflex DC 60 half).

Ghomic Cloud (Su): Toxic clouds of poison gas exude from the Ghoma extending 400 feet from it, dealing 1d10 acid damage per minute and potentially causing debilitating sickness (Fort DC 60 to resist, those that fail the save are Sickened for 1d10 minutes). A black cloud like haze follows Ghoma Crushers wherever they roam following them even when underground unless it deliberately turns the power off. This effect is mainly seen high above thousands of feet in the sky, the localized area above them becomes tainted with thick black clouds and constant thunderstorms of red lighting, heavy blood like acid rain rains down upon the ground below. This kills all plant life and taints water supplies and rivers causing mass loss of wildlife and sickness, red lightning bolts strike random points in the landscape affected once per minute working like a call lightning storm but dealing pure profane damage. This deals 1d10 acid damage to those who ingest it and 1 per minute to those simply exposed to it, all affected are afflicted by both Firegut and Demon Fever

Though less extreme than true dysentery, this disease is characterized by occasional vomiting of burning bile. It is extremely tenacious.
Type disease, ingested or injury; Save Fort DC 20
Onset 1 day; Frequency 1/day
Effect target is staggered; Cure 3 consecutive saves

Demon Fever
A deadly disease contracted through exposure to demons, this disease can cause permanent debilitating injuries to those who contract it.
Type disease, ingested or injury; Save Fort DC 18
Onset 1 day; Frequency 1/day
Effect 1d6 Con Damage, target must make a second Fort save or 1 point of the damage is drain instead; Cure 2 consecutive saves

Languages: Abyssal, Aklo, Infernal, Sylvan, Common, Telepathy 300 feet
Special Qualities: Ghoma Traits, Elemental Traits, Olippoth Traits, Greater Keen Senses, See In Darkness, Blindsense 240 feet


Environment: Volcanic regions, deep underground, battlefields
Organization: Solitary or with a regiment of lesser Ghoma
Treasure: Standard


The Ghoma Crusher employs its massive size and elemental fury in battle. It often begins by manipulating the weather to disorient foes, or to cause tornado force winds over a wide area, it then unleashes its magma projection to cause widespread destruction. In close combat, its tusks, crush, grab, constrict and stomping attacks are devastating. The heat it radiates and the molten blood it spills make it exceedingly dangerous to engage in melee.

Ghoma Crushers are heavy assault units creating passive destruction all around them with their spell like abilities and elemental swarm armies. They wade headlong into battle destroying all they find. Their real purpose however is to steal the souls of the recently deceased, adding their power to Vlitra's own and blocking Shinkokku from harvesting their souls.


  • DALL·E 2024-01-18 20.36.39 - A digital illustration of a massive elephant-like creature in the...png
    DALL·E 2024-01-18 20.36.39 - A digital illustration of a massive elephant-like creature in the...png
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The Ghoma Crusher is basically half done, it's pretty bare bones but here's the beta version

Ghoma Crusher, CR 40

"A colossal, demonic elephant with the posture and body structure of a gorilla, moves into view over the horizon, nearly the size of the mountains it walks over it is an awe inspiring and terrifying sight. Its obsidian skin is streaked with glowing red veins, pulsating with fiery energy. Its four massive tusks, each sharp enough to cleave through stone, and a spiked back make it a walking fortress of destruction. The ground trembles under its every step, hinting at its colossal power. Above a supercell looms and storms gather, electricity charges the air and elementals form from the air around it walking with it like an army of fire and lightning."

XP: 12,960,000
NE Colossal Outsider (Evil, Native, Qlippoth, Elemental, Ghoma)
: +4; Senses: Darkvision 300 ft., Tremorsense 300 ft., Blindsense 300 ft., Perception +75


AC: 62 (-8 size, +60 natural, +4 Dex), touch 6, flat-footed 58
hp: 2,150 (50d10+900+800 Epic Toughness)
Fort: +50, Ref: +34, Will: +40
Defensive Abilities: Damage Reduction 55/epic and good, Spell Resistance 60, Regeneration 55 (stopped by epic-level magic or artifacts)
Immune: Fire, Cold, Poison, Petrification, Sleep, Paralysis; Resist: Acid 60, Electricity 60, Cold 60, Sonic 30


Speed: 70 ft., burrow 60 ft.
Melee: 2 Tusks +76 (18d8+50/19-20), Stomp +76 (16d6+50), Crush +76 (16d12+50)

Special Attacks: Magma Projection, Soul Absorption, Weather Manipulation, Heat, Raging Blood, Ghomic Cloud, Crush, Grab, Constrict
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 40th; concentration +55)

At Will: Control Weather, Fireball, Greater Teleport (self plus 100 lbs. of objects only), Wall of Fire, Meteor Swarm, Earthquake, Storm of Vengeance, Elemental Swarm, Lightning Storm, Control Winds

3/day: Summon Monster IX (Ghoma Only)


Str: 80 (+35), Dex: 18 (+4), Con: 70 (+30), Int: 25 (+7), Wis: 35 (+12), Cha: 30 (+10)
Base Atk: +50; CMB: +93; CMD: 107
Feats: Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (Tusks), Awesome Blow, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Toughness, Improved Initiative
Epic Feats: Epic Toughness
Skills: Perception +75, Intimidate +70, Survival +72, Knowledge (Planes) +70

Special Abilities

Magma Projection (Su): Swings its trunk to deal 20d10 fire damage in a 600 ft. radius (Reflex DC 60 half); can also shoot magma up to 6,000 feet, dealing 25d10 fire damage in a 120-foot radius (Reflex DC 60 half).

Soul Absorption (Su): Devours the souls of mortals who die within 1,000 feet of it, preventing resurrection and absorbing it's Mantra.

Tornado Blast (Su): The Ghoma Crusher can fire a whirlwind of tremendous force from it's trunk in a 240ft line or 120ft cone dealing 40d6 points of damage and pushing foes back to the edges of the effect and knocking them prone. If enemies are struck against any hard fixed surface along the way they take an additional 10d6 falling damage from the force of the hit, (Reflex DC 60 half) a successful Reflex Save negates the knock back and prone effect however those who make the save are still Checked, unable to approach the Crusher for 1 round.

Weather Manipulation (Ex): Alters weather patterns, capable of turning the sky red and summoning powerful storms, it constantly is under the affects of Control Weather, Control Winds, and Lightning Storm at all times.

Heat (Ex): Radiates intense heat, causing those within 40 feet to risk catching fire, taking 8d6 fire damage per round (Reflex DC 60 to avoid).

Raging Blood (Ex): When injured, sprays molten blood, dealing 6d6 fire damage to all within 15 feet (Reflex DC 60 half).

Ghomic Cloud (Su): Toxic clouds of poison gas exude from the Ghoma extending 400 feet from it, dealing 1d10 acid damage per minute and potentially causing debilitating sickness (Fort DC 60 to resist, those that fail the save are Sickened for 1d10 minutes). A black cloud like haze follows Ghoma Crushers wherever they roam following them even when underground unless it deliberately turns the power off. This effect is mainly seen high above thousands of feet in the sky, the localized area above them becomes tainted with thick black clouds and constant thunderstorms of red lighting, heavy blood like acid rain rains down upon the ground below. This kills all plant life and taints water supplies and rivers causing mass loss of wildlife and sickness, red lightning bolts strike random points in the landscape affected once per minute working like a call lightning storm but dealing pure profane damage. This deals 1d10 acid damage to those who ingest it and 1 per minute to those simply exposed to it, all affected are afflicted by both Firegut and Demon Fever

Though less extreme than true dysentery, this disease is characterized by occasional vomiting of burning bile. It is extremely tenacious.
Type disease, ingested or injury; Save Fort DC 20
Onset 1 day; Frequency 1/day
Effect target is staggered; Cure 3 consecutive saves

Demon Fever
A deadly disease contracted through exposure to demons, this disease can cause permanent debilitating injuries to those who contract it.
Type disease, ingested or injury; Save Fort DC 18
Onset 1 day; Frequency 1/day
Effect 1d6 Con Damage, target must make a second Fort save or 1 point of the damage is drain instead; Cure 2 consecutive saves

Languages: Abyssal, Aklo, Infernal, Sylvan, Common, Telepathy 300 feet
Special Qualities: Ghoma Traits, Elemental Traits, Olippoth Traits, Greater Keen Senses, See In Darkness, Blindsense 240 feet


Environment: Volcanic regions, deep underground, battlefields
Organization: Solitary or with a regiment of lesser Ghoma
Treasure: Standard


The Ghoma Crusher employs its massive size and elemental fury in battle. It often begins by manipulating the weather to disorient foes, or to cause tornado force winds over a wide area, it then unleashes its magma projection to cause widespread destruction. In close combat, its tusks, crush, grab, constrict and stomping attacks are devastating. The heat it radiates and the molten blood it spills make it exceedingly dangerous to engage in melee.

Ghoma Crushers are heavy assault units creating passive destruction all around them with their spell like abilities and elemental swarm armies. They wade headlong into battle destroying all they find. Their real purpose however is to steal the souls of the recently deceased, adding their power to Vlitra's own and blocking Shinkokku from harvesting their souls.

Awesome. Great to see.

How would Ghoma interact with other evil outsiders? Also, are half-ghoma a thing, and if they are, are they produced the same way half-elementals come about? :O


Awesome. Great to see.

How would Ghoma interact with other evil outsiders? Also, are half-ghoma a thing, and if they are, are they produced the same way half-elementals come about? :O

So, I've never really thought about a Half-Ghoma, they're pretty much a cudgel Vlitra uses to exert his will, but I suppose they could, why not. They're entirely hostile to other outsiders, Vlitra doesn't like anyone or anything. The only beings that get a pass are certain Fey, Kami, and Elementals are usually left alone entirely.


So, I've never really thought about a Half-Ghoma, they're pretty much a cudgel Vlitra uses to exert his will, but I suppose they could, why not. They're entirely hostile to other outsiders, Vlitra doesn't like anyone or anything. The only beings that get a pass are certain Fey, Kami, and Elementals are usually left alone entirely.

I can imagine one being created from some dark ritual, or it being seen as a "gift" among cultists of Vlitra if Vlitra has cultists.

Even Tharzidun has cultists, they're all snake slithering insane. But he has them.

I can imagine one being created from some dark ritual, or it being seen as a "gift" among cultists of Vlitra if Vlitra has cultists.

Even Tharzidun has cultists, they're all snake slithering insane. But he has them.
He does, it's called the Cult of the Dark Tree, the worshippers are Slime Mages, Ooze Magi and the church is peddled by the Aboleth. I should have mentioned that, in my campaigns the Aboleth are Qlippoth, and the Qlippoth are allied with Vlitra as he was a Qlippoth to begin with, thusly the Aboleth worship Vlitra and under the ocean he has an army of Qlippoth and Aboleth who've been converting the Zora to become worshippers of Vlitra.

The Ooze Magi, or Oozebound can be found here:


He does, it's called the Cult of the Dark Tree, the worshippers are Slime Mages, Ooze Magi and the church is peddled by the Aboleth. I should have mentioned that, in my campaigns the Aboleth are Qlippoth, and the Qlippoth are allied with Vlitra as he was a Qlippoth to begin with, thusly the Aboleth worship Vlitra and under the ocean he has an army of Qlippoth and Aboleth who've been converting the Zora to become worshippers of Vlitra.

The Ooze Magi, or Oozebound can be found here:
Zora as in Legend of Zelda aquatic people?

Zora as in Legend of Zelda aquatic people?
Yeah, I think I outlined them in my Sub Epic Offerings post. Let me see if I can't find them.

Well shiit, it appears I didn't upload them. I have a ton of cool sub epic stuff. Not sure if I can easily load a lot of it, it's on an old flash drive under .doc and .docx files so it might be hard to upload it, but I'll try.

Here's the Ghoma Glider and Ghoma Devastator, they too, like the others newer ones are still works in progress, but I might as well post what I have. Either way, I hope you all enjoy.

Ghoma Glider, CR 60

A behemoth emerges from in the sky, casting a vast shadow across the ground below. The Ghoma Glider, a colossal entity, appears as if forged from cooling magma, its surface crackling with fiery energy. Resembling a dreadful fusion of a lionfish and anglerfish, but on a titanic scale, it glows ominously with an inner fire. This celestial juggernaut, armed with an arsenal capable of annihilating fleets and scorching worlds, is a harbinger of obliteration.

XP: Special
NE Titanic Outsider (Evil, Native, Qlippoth, Elemental, Ghoma)
: +10; Senses: Darkvision 600 ft., Blindsight 600 ft., Perception +100


AC: 90 (-16 size, +10 Dex, +86 natural), touch -6, flat-footed 80
hp: 6,500 (60d10+5,400)
Fort: +110, Ref: +70, Will: +70
Defensive Abilities: Damage Reduction 70/-, Spell Resistance 90, Regeneration 70 (negated by certain epic artifacts and spells)
Immune: Fire, Cold, Poison, Petrification, Sleep, Paralysis, Mind-Affecting Effects
Resist: Acid 100, Electricity 100, Sonic 80


Speed: 30ft., Burrow 30 ft., Fly 500 ft. (perfect in air), Soar (can travel at x10 base fly speed in straight a straight line in atmosphere), Space Travel (cruising speed up to x100 in space)
Melee: Bite +110 (40d10+60, plus Heat Lightning 12d6 fire and 12d6 electricity damage), 2 Fins +110 (35d10+60 plus poison, plus Heat Lightning 12d6 fire and 12d6 electricity damage)
Space/Reach: 150 ft./100 ft.
Special Attacks: Magma Projection, Soul Absorption, Poisonous Fins, Weather Manipulation, Ghomic Cloud, Molten Metal Stream, Heat Lightning, Raging Blood
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 60th; concentration +90)

At Will: Control Weather, Control Winds, Disintegrate, Fireball, Meteor Swarm, Chain Lightning, Greater Teleport, Crushing Fist of Spite
3/day: Apocalypse From the Sky, Despoil
1/day: Wish


Str: 100, Dex: 30, Con: 110, Int: 20, Wis: 50, Cha: 40
Base Atk: +60; CMB: +110; CMD: 120
Feats: Flyby Attack, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (Fins), Awesome Blow, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Toughness, Improved Initiative
Skills: Perception +100, Intimidate +95, Survival +98, Knowledge (Planes) +95

Special Abilities

Space Travel (Ex): The Ghoma Glider can create move through space with it's own will. When in conditions with zero atmosphere the Ghoma Glider's base speed increases 100x allowing it to travel at immense speeds and keep up with the base cruising speed of many starships.

Soar (Ex): The Ghoma Glider can while in atmospheric conditions fly at 10x it's base fly speed in straight lines only. If it has to alter course in any way no matter how slight it loses this speed bonus until it's next turn.

Magma Projection (Su): Vomits magma over a wide area, dealing 150d6 fire damage in a 300 ft. burst centered on a point up to 400 feet+40ft/level away. (Reflex DC 100 half).

Soul Absorption (Su): Devours the souls of mortals who die within 10,000 feet of it, preventing resurrection unless a Wish or Miracle is used and preventing their Mantra from returning to the Gods.

Poisonous Fins (Ex): Ghoma Gliders are armed with deadly poisonous barbs on their many fins. Creatures struck by fins must succeed on a DC 100 Fortitude save or be poisoned (1d10 Con damage per round for 6 rounds, 2 consecutive saves). This powerful poison comes from a divine source and can affect deities up to Divine Rank 2.

Weather Manipulation (Ex): Alters weather patterns, capable of turning the sky red and summoning powerful storms, it constantly is under the affects of Control Weather, Control Winds, and Lightning Storm at all times.

Ghomic Cloud (Su): Toxic clouds of poison gas exude from the Ghoma extending 800 feet from it, dealing 2d10 acid damage per round and potentially causing debilitating sickness (Fort DC 100 to resist, those that fail the save are Nauseated for 1d10 minutes). A black cloud like haze follows Ghoma Gliders wherever they roam heralding their coming unless it deliberately turns the power off. This effect is mainly seen high above thousands of feet in the sky, the localized area above them becomes tainted with thick black clouds and constant thunderstorms of red lighting, heavy blood like acid rain rains down upon the ground below. This kills all plant life and taints water supplies and rivers causing mass loss of wildlife and sickness, this deals 1d10 acid damage to those who ingest it and 1 per minute to those simply exposed to it, all affected are afflicted by both Firegut and Demon Fever. Red lightning bolts strike random points in the landscape affected once per round working like a call lightning storm but dealing pure profane damage.

Though less extreme than true dysentery, this disease is characterized by occasional vomiting of burning bile. It is extremely tenacious.
Type disease, ingested or injury; Save Fort DC 20
Onset 1 day; Frequency 1/day
Effect target is staggered; Cure 3 consecutive saves

Demon Fever
A deadly disease contracted through exposure to demons, this disease can cause permanent debilitating injuries to those who contract it.
Type disease, ingested or injury; Save Fort DC 18
Onset 1 day; Frequency 1/day
Effect 1d6 Con Damage, target must make a second Fort save or 1 point of the damage is drain instead; Cure 2 consecutive saves

Molten Metal Stream (Su): Fires a near-light-speed stream of molten metal, dealing 150d10 plasma damage in a 50,000 feet range, penetrating most barriers up to Adamantine, Walls of Force, and similar materials and effects. (Ranged touch +70, Reflex DC 140 half).

Raging Blood (Ex): When injured, sprays molten blood, dealing 10d6 fire damage and 10d6 lightning damage to all within 30 feet (Reflex DC 140 half).

Heat Lightning (Ex): Radiates intense heat and electrical energy, causing 12d6 fire damage and 12d6 electricity damage per round within 60 feet (Reflex DC 140 to avoid). This damage is also applied to any melee attack the Glider makes with no save alllowed.


Environment: Space, Air, Deep Underground
Organization: Solitary or with a squadron of smaller Ghoma
Treasure: None


The Ghoma Glider dominates in space and atmospheric combat, utilizing its devastating abilities to obliterate targets from afar and in close combat. Its heat lighting and poisonous fins make it deadly to approach, while its weather manipulation and Ghomic Cloud add layers of strategic dominance.

Made to take on the mighty Shinkokku Triastrum Fleet, these massive flying leviathans have the power to do just that. Against starships they unleash their devastating Molten Metal Stream this can shatter most non fortified materials and basic starship shields but is ineffective against Septentrion shields or armor or other heavy military craft, nonetheless they are a threat but usually relegated to gunships and fighter squadrons and mainly a threat primarily to drop ships and small one man pod craft.

Against cities and other mortal threats they're a nearly unstoppable threat and one that can cause mass destruction and devastation with almost no response able to be mounted. They spam their
Control Winds and Meteor Swarm powers to create hurricanes, unleash devastating poisonous and disease ridden storms upon the land below, deliberately picking vulnerable areas such as aquifers and using Despoil on them, permanently ruining them, and use their Crushing Fist of Spite and Disintegrate on single hardened targets or simply blast them with their Molten Metal Stream or unleash their Magma Projection ability on them causing massive casual destruction.

This all pales in comparison to their most devastating on a wide range power however, their Apocalypse From the Sky, which they can unleash up to three times per day which creates an explosion 1200 miles across (600 mile radius) fully capable of levelling small nations in a single blast.


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    DALL·E 2024-01-20 23.50.50 - A digital illustration of a massive flying lionfish_anglerfish hy...png
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Ghoma Devastator, CR 80

"A massive hill-sized entity, a fusion of a colossal beetle and a firefly, bursts up from the landscape creating a lavafloe behind it. exuding an aura of sheer destruction. Its massive, glowing abdomen, reminiscent of a firefly, heralds its ability to unleash devastating plasma attacks, while its front, equipped with stag beetle-like jaws and a humanoid face it's face contorted ina silent scream and it's maddened eyes cry tears of blood, projects an aura of terror and spews gouts of magma."

XP: Special
NE Titanic Outsider (Evil, Native, Qlippoth, Elemental, Ghoma)
: +10; Senses: Darkvision 600 ft., Tremorsense 600 ft., Perception +160


AC: 142 (-16 size, +10 Dex, +138 natural), touch -6, flat-footed 92
hp: 10,368 (128d10+6,048)
Fort: +120, Ref: +92, Will: +82
Defensive Abilities: Damage Reduction 80/-, Spell Resistance 100, Regeneration 80 (stopped only by specific epic-level magic or artifacts), Carapace, Vulnerability
Immune: Fire, Cold, Poison, Petrification, Sleep, Paralysis, Mind-Affecting Effects; Resist: Acid 100, Electricity 100, Cold 100, Sonic 80


Speed: 200 ft., Fly 60 ft., Burrow 140 ft.
Melee: Bite +180 (60d10+60) melee
Space/Reach: 200 ft./160 ft.
Special Attacks: Plasma Blast, Trample 120d10+60, Acid Cloud, Cone of Madness, Stunning Gaze, Terrifying Presence, Ghomic Cloud, Heat, Raging Blood, Downdraft, Soul Absorption
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 128th; concentration +153)

At Will: Meteor Swarm, Fire Storm, Earthquake, Control Weather, Time Stop, Summon Monster IX (Ghoma Only)
3/day: Storm of Vengeance, Reality Maelstrom, Hellball, Wish, Vengeful Gaze of God, Rain of Fire, Epic Spell Reflection
1/day: Schism


Str: 130, Dex: 30, Con: 120, Int: 40, Wis: 70, Cha: 60
Base Atk: +128; CMB: +180; CMD: 194
Feats: Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (Bite), Awesome Blow, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Toughness, Improved Initiative
Epic Feats: Epic Toughness
Skills: Perception +160, Intimidate +155, Survival +158, Knowledge (Planes) +155

Special Abilities

Magma Projection (Ex): The Ghoma Devastator can unleash a spew of hot magma out of it's humanoid mouth as a standard action dealing 100d6 in a 300ft cone Reflex DC 140 for half.

Plasma Blast (Ex) The Ghoma Devastator can fire a plasma blast from it's gaster dealing 200d10 untyped (Plasma) damage in a 600 ft. burst at extreme range (1200 ft. + 120 ft./level), Reflex DC 140 for half. This blast can effectively target spacecraft from the surface and deals double damage against objects. Against such targets it's range is effectively Line of Sight.

Trample (Ex): Can trample creatures of Gargantuan and smaller for 120d10+60 points of damage. Reflex save DC 130 for half.

Acid Cloud (Ex): Constant vapor in a 240-foot radius, dealing 24d6 acid damage per round. Fortitude DC 140 for half

Paralyzing Gaze (Su): Any being who looks into the eyes bleeding eyes of the Ghoma Devastator's humanoid face is paralyzed for 2d6 Rounds (Will DC 140 negates

Cone of Madness (Su): All beings within a 300 ft. cone hearing the Devastator's Silent Scream are affected by the Insanity spell (Will save DC 140 to negate).

Carapace (Ex): As long as the Ghoma Devastator is not in flight it gains +40 natural armor, deflecting cones, lines, rays, and Magic Missile spells rendering it immune to such effects. It also reflects those abilities back upon their casters 30% of the time.

Terrifying Presence (Su): Causes all within 500 feet to make a DC 140 Will save or become panicked (1d10+15 rounds), or shaken if they save.

Ghomic Cloud (Su): Extends 800 feet, dealing 2d10 acid damage per minute and causing sickness (Fort DC 140 to resist). [Same as the other Ghoma otherwise, black clouds, red lightning, disease and acid rain, see Ghoma Glider.]

Heat (Ex): Radiates intense heat, causing 25d6 fire damage per round within 60 feet (Reflex DC 140 to avoid). It also deals this damage with every melee attack it makes and it's Trample ability dealing this damage with no save allowed. If struck in it's gaster it

Raging Blood (Ex): Sprays molten blood when injured, dealing 10d6 fire damage within 20 feet (Reflex DC 140 half). This damage is increased to 20d10 untyped (Plasma) damage if attacks are directed at the it's plasma projecting rear.

Downdraft (Ex): When the Ghoma Devastator deploys it's wings to fly it creates a massive hurricane like windstorm underneath it creating a Control Winds like effect pushing all foes away from the Devastator and dealing damage with Tornado force winds. This deals 8d8 bludgeoning damage and pushes all foes back 5,520 feet (Reflex DC 140 half and stops the pushback though you are checked for that round being unable to move toward the Devastator) those pushed back are flung through the air and take an additional 20d6 falling damage and are knocked prone. This deflects all non magical or gunpowder projectiles and disperses any gases built up around it including it's own localized Ghoma Cloud and Acid Cloud. It also takes a -40 penalty on it's Natural AC, see Carapace.

Vulnerability (Ex): It's gaster glows brightly with an internal plasma projector, like a firefly, it takes 50% more damage from all successful attacks directed at this section however it deals increased raging blood damage and it's Heat damage is temporarily increased as a result. If destroyed by an attack on it's hindquarters it explodes in a devastating death throes dealing it's Plasma Blast damage to all creatures around it in a 900 ft radius burst (Reflex DC 140 half).


Environment: Any land, underground
Organization: Solitary, with lesser Ghoma
Treasure: None


The Ghoma Devastator is an apocalyptic force, unleashing plasma blasts capable of reaching space or laying waste to ground targets. Its bite, trample, spell like abilities, and acid cloud are catastrophically destructive. The Cone of Madness and paralyizing gaze it emits can incapacitate entire armies, while its shell provides nearly impenetrable defense.

Treated as surface to air defense systems and heavy bombardment tools, the Ghoma Devastator is a feared and extremely powerful foe, capable of easily defeating even minor deities, Ghoma Devastators are terribly powerful and their strange face looking like a crying humanoid who's face is twisted into a semblance of madness and horror begs the question as to why? Is it a sick joke on Vlitra's part or is there some deeper more sinister meaning behind it?

Devastators generally unleash their gaster cannon upon any group of powerful enemies first and foremost. Their giant size and powerful jaws are used to make short work of melee attackers and their Heat and Acid Cloud abilities soften up or finish off any who survive.

They relentlessly fire their gaster plasma cannons when they feel they can, but use all their abilities as needed as the situation unfolds. If confronted with a deity of moderate power they'll attempt to Schism, otherwise they use Reality Maelstrom as needed, Wish and occasionally will unleash a Vengeful Gaze of God. Whenever they press an attack into human settlements they always unleash their Rain of Fire spell to cause mass causualties over a wide range.


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    DALL·E 2024-01-20 23.37.44 - A digital illustration of a massive beetle composed of lava with ...png
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  • DALL·E 2024-01-21 02.45.03 - A digital illustration of a massive beetle composed of lava, with...png
    DALL·E 2024-01-21 02.45.03 - A digital illustration of a massive beetle composed of lava, with...png
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