D&D 5E Glory of the Giants, Book of Many Things and the Phandelver Campaign have all been delayed, no new 5e content until mid-August.

Technically, yes; but most people IME generally tend to see "fall" as beginning the day after Labour Day, when school starts and things move back into the not-summer routine.

Same way many tend to see "winter" as beginning right after US Thanksgiving, even though the solstice is roughly 4 weeks later.
WotC has released a book in late Septwmber every year since 2014, and each time they have advertised it as a Summer book.

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Here in New Zealand, the season starts on the first of the month. So springs starts on September 1st, summer on December 1st, autumn on March 1st, and winter on June 1st. Keeps it simple, I guess.
Other than flipping summer and winter around to suit the northern hemisphere, these dates also align with the official metereological definitions of the seasons.

Huh. I thought everyone was aware that Bigby's has been delayed for quite some time. Sure backloads the year, don't it?

Interesting to see how everyone has such a variety of views to the seasons' starts.
They announced the Quarter change at the Direct, but that was near the end of the half hour presentation. Easy to miss if someone got bored with it.

Technically, yes; but most people IME generally tend to see "fall" as beginning the day after Labour Day, when school starts and things move back into the not-summer routine.

Same way many tend to see "winter" as beginning right after US Thanksgiving, even though the solstice is roughly 4 weeks later.
In your experience sure; however, your experience amounts to a drop of water in the ocean of all experience. Different people, different experiences/ perspectives.

Technically, yes; but most people IME generally tend to see "fall" as beginning the day after Labour Day, when school starts and things move back into the not-summer routine.

Same way many tend to see "winter" as beginning right after US Thanksgiving, even though the solstice is roughly 4 weeks later.

Yeah, I don't mean to harp on it, nor to give you anything other than the friendliest of jabs to the ribs - but you must see what you've done here: You've equated "most people" and "many" with basing their view of the season on a US Holiday.

This isn't most "people". It can't be. It might be most Americans (or at least Americans in states near you), but there's a lot of people left in the world other than them.

Yeah, I don't mean to harp on it, nor to give you anything other than the friendliest of jabs to the ribs - but you must see what you've done here: You've equated "most people" and "many" with basing their view of the season on a US Holiday.

This isn't most "people". It can't be. It might be most Americans (or at least Americans in states near you), but there's a lot of people left in the world other than them.
True, but using US Thanksgiving as a peg point to represent the late stages of November didn't seem too out of line. :)

I mean, Thanksgiving where I am is a month-and-a-half earlier, which is mid-fall no matter how you look at it.

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