D&D 5E Glory of the Giants, Book of Many Things and the Phandelver Campaign have all been delayed, no new 5e content until mid-August.

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Here in New Zealand, the season starts on the first of the month. So springs starts on September 1st, summer on December 1st, autumn on March 1st, and winter on June 1st. Keeps it simple, I guess.
Meteorologically that makes sense. Also this is how most children's books work. Astronomical seasons are quite useless for actually describing your surroundings.

Also going by the old germanic feast of middwinter, asteonomical seasons are 1.5 month late. As midwinter is now the start of astronomical winter.

Originally as shown
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Glory of the Giants was supposed to come out in spring, Book of many things/Phandelver in Summer, and Planescape in fall.

The recent revealed release dates for these books have all completely left this timeframe.

Glory of the Giants is now coming out in August 15, mid Summer.

The Phandelver campaign is now coming out in September 19, early fall.

And the Book of Many things, is now coming out in November 14 far later.

Planescape is coming out in october 16th, so this one seems on course at least.

In other words, we will have little new 5e books or content until August, so hope you enjoy the rest of the playtests, as they is likely all we are getting.

September 19th is still technically Summer, if barely and the usually time for adventures. Book of Many Things being delayed till after Planescape is likely issues with card printing at the same time as the books for it or something like that.

Don't know why the delay of BGotG.

Planescape, which was and might still be the most important release this year is uneffected.

Here in New Zealand, the season starts on the first of the month. So springs starts on September 1st, summer on December 1st, autumn on March 1st, and winter on June 1st. Keeps it simple, I guess.

Where I live summer is officially the months of June, July and August, and the summer solstice is officially Midsummer Eve.

Then you have to wait all the way until spring for Phandelver! :p

Today I learned that different people in different places define the start of their seasons differently (in the Southern Hemisphere it's expected).

And it's no different here in Florida. Here, we don't have Fall, Winter, or Spring—we have Summer and Not-Summer.

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