D&D 5E Glory of the Giants, Book of Many Things and the Phandelver Campaign have all been delayed, no new 5e content until mid-August.

Well, I can't see any season actually being Lawful. I mean in the desert summer might be, but then we get the monsoons, and they are pure chaos.

Winter's mild, so Neutral Good around here. But certainly, in some places it's more Chaotic Neutral.

Spring, well that chaos everywhere but their no malice in it, so Chaotic Neutral it is.

As I said, summer is close to lawful, and its hot as hades around here so Neutral Evil no doubt. But I can image places where it could be Neutral Good.

And that leaves Autumn. Maybe this season might actually be Lawful good for a bit, but the beginning and end can certainly be marked by storms and chaos so True Neutral it is!

No, not in the USA.
Mississippi seasons are Chaotic Neutral. But we only have two - Infernal Muggy and Lukewarm Not-Muggy. Except maybe February which is "It's not supposed to get this cold down here."

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Here in New Zealand, the season starts on the first of the month. So springs starts on September 1st, summer on December 1st, autumn on March 1st, and winter on June 1st. Keeps it simple, I guess.

Mr fancy pants in Auckland. Summer here is a Friday afternoon in late January/Early February.

I will now do the walk of shame. Sorry, I feel very American right now.

The other big difference is Australia is full of Australians. Aussies are try hard mini me Americans, Aucklanders are try hard Aussies, Queenstown try hard Aucklanders then you've got the rest of NZ.

I have spoken.

The Definition of a “Season”​

Here in Sweden, the seasons are defined by the actual weather (or at least temperature). SMHI defines the seasons as such:

Winter will arrive after 5 consecutive days with winter temperatures. Winter temperature is daily mean temperature 0.0°C or below, but not yet for 5 consecutive days.

Spring will arrive after 7 consecutive days with spring temperatures. Spring temperature is daily mean temperature above 0.0°C, but not yet for 7 consecutive days. 15 February is set as the earliest allowed date for spring arrival. The latest date for spring arrival is 31 July.

Summer will arrive after 5 consecutive days with summer temperatures. Summer temperature is daily mean temperature 10.0°C or above, but not yet for 5 consecutive days.

Autumn will arrive after 5 consecutive days with autumn temperatures. Autumn temperature is daily mean temperature below 10.0°C, but not yet for 5 consecutive days. 1 August is set as the earliest allowed date for autumn arrival. The latest date allowed for autumn arrival is 14 February.

So technically here in Sweden we can go straight from autumn to spring and bypass winter entirely. Or summer for that matter.

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