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good career options for a slacker?


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GlassJaw said:
It's also baffles me how people get so upset over their workplace. Some of my friends have literally been in tears because of something that happens at work. It's really not worth it to put yourself through that.
Depends. If you enjoy your work and your co-workers, it really CAN be worth it. If you or a friend finish an important project, if you really make a difference, it can be extremely rewarding. I'd rather feel very good and very bad once in while than risk cutting myself off and feeling nothing at all. I've been there before and, for me, the answer is taking a chance and being emotionally invested in my job, my co-workers, my friends and life. Am I setting myself up for a big fall? Maybe, but I'm sure enjoying the heck out of the trip.

GlassJaw said:
I've had 3 different jobs in about six years (4 if you include selling cars but I don't really count that) and one thing I've learned is that as soon as you don't fear losing your job, the better off you'll be. Big companies and corps don't really care about the worker bees. In most cases, busting your hump for "da man" really won't matter.

Cynical? Perhaps but I like to think of it as just being realistic.
Sure. You're always better off if you're not living in fear. I just think it's possible to both be emotionally invested in your job AND not be worried about losing it. I've gone through long periods in my life where I was very cynical/realistic. As long as I expected the worst, I was never disappointed. I became a very negative person. Then I realized that, while there sure is a bunch of stuff in my life over which I have no control, the one thing I always have control over (as long as I exercise that control) is my attitude. Since then, I have become a much more positive person. I'm upbeat, nice, patient, friendly and forgiving, if for no other reason than it annoys the heck out of some people. ;)

Sure, there are lots of things wrong with the company I work for, but you can find things like that in ANY company. There's also a lot of good things in the company I work for; first and foremost is the caliber of people all around me. I've worked closely with several hundred people in the 15+ years I've been here and there's really only one person I would not want to work with again. That's pretty darned impresive to me, and the cool thing is that it's been like that every place I've ever worked (from the loading dock at a K-Mart, to a grocery store, to a retail store, to my current job as an Engineer/Data Geek).

I guess my point, if I have one, is that a job can be as much, or as little, as you make it. I've never lived in anyone's shoes except my own, so please don't think I'm trying to preach and tell others how they should think or act. I'm just saying what has made a difference in my life.

"I have found that if you love life, life will love you back." --Arthur Rubinstein (1887-1982) musician

PS - the best job for a slacker is really "heir" or, even better, "sole heir" ;)
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Write book reports for high school kids. Get a nice assortment of papers from some online sites (there are a million out there), modify them all slightly. Put some authentic-looking endnotes and bibliographic information in them, and let the $$$ come rolling in.

Every year, some kids will graduate or drop out, and every year new suckers (I mean, freshmen) will move in, and you'll always have a pool of new people to sell papers to.

It's not nice, it's not particularly moral, in some places it's probably illegal. But, once you've got a good pool of papers to select from, all you have to do is print them out and you're in the clear. Of course, if it is illegal, then I don't recommend you actually do it.

I'm a teacher, by the way, and would find this frustrating as hell. But, you said you wanted something for a slacker, and, though it would take a little up-front work, it's pretty slacker-ish.




I have to reiterate here the need to stay away from substitute teaching (at least for high school). It's the Black Death of employment opportunities. Here's a little story for ya.

Our area was in dire need of subs, so dire that they were taking anyone with a bachelor's degree. I have a B.A. in English so I thought, "What the heck? It might be fun and it's easy money." Bzzt. That was my first mistake. Unless you've got the patience of Job or a briefcase full of muzzles, it's not for you. But I went for it anyway and subbed twice at my local high school. The first time wasn't too bad. My brother visited me and the day went pretty quickly. Didn't much like getting up early but it comes with the territory.

The second and last time, however, I felt ill by the end of the day. I was subbing for a Spanish teacher (which I could handle, having a few years of Spanish myself). But by 1-th period the little buggers were taking no prisoners. They pretty much had a study hall for the period, but they had to act up anyway. Then it happened.

I stood up and said, "If you'll be quiet for the rest of the period, I'll teach you a naughty Spanish phrase."

Little did I know that those words ushered in my doom. Well, they shut up, more than eager to learn something for a change. I wrote on the blackboard: Tu chupas genitales de perros. Even if you're not familiar with the language, you can probably get the general idea. They were pleased, to say the least. Heck, we even went over it word by word! The next period (the last of the day), the vice-principal called me. I was to report to his office at the end of the day. With a sense of bitter irony (I had never been called to any office as a student, but now was about to be reprimanded as a teacher!), I went there after the period was over. The VP told me how a girl had ratted me out from that 10th period and I agreed that maybe discipline wasn't one of my strong points.

When he added, "We can work on this in the future, or maybe this just isn't right for you." I replied, "You know what? I think you're right. This isn't right for me." With that, I left, never to return to subbing. And let that be a lesson to you all! :p :cool:


First Post
I don't belive that this is a real person. Nobody can live with his requests for a woman and for a job.

I agree with Buttercup. A parent's basement has never looked so good.

Stone Angel

First Post
I don't belive that this is a real person. Nobody can live with his requests for a woman and for a job.

LOL.. That remains to be seen. We were not all gifted such as you with women and money.

Hida glad to see the other post didn't scare you away. I had the ultimate slacker job in college. Security guard espicially the night shift. Most of the time I sat studying or working on stuff for my game. Every once in a while you walked around and did your rounds and such. Piece o' Cake

The Seraph of Earth and Stone


First Post
He asks for a particular type of woman, who, to be honest, doesn't exist. He won't accept less, and yet he won't put any effort into getting more.

That's just a recipe for failure.

And now he's doing the same thing for his job. "I want to do whatever I want and work whenever I want and make money."

What kind of a thing is that to say? Life is life, and you have to work, unless you have rich parents. Simple as that.
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I can't get a girl
cuz I ain't got a car
I can't get a car
cuz I ain't got a job
I can't get a job
cuz I ain't got a car
So I'm looking for a girl with a job and a car (and cable)

- "Lost In America" by Alice Cooper :D


Buttercup said:
1. You want fries with that?

2. Skip the job. Move into your parents' basement.

I think he should ask Edena for advice, personally. :p

Also, I'm surprised nobody has suggested game store clerk. It would be a good place to meet like-minded girls. :D

John Q. Mayhem

Torm said:
I can't get a girl
cuz I ain't got a car
I can't get a car
cuz I ain't got a job
I can't get a job
cuz I ain't got a car
So I'm looking for a girl with a job and a car (and cable)

- "Lost In America" by Alice Cooper :D

Awesome, awesome song. That was my sig for a while, but it just doesn't come across right written down.

Also it's "a job and a car...
And a house...
[teensy voice] with cable[/teensy voice[/i]"


Once again, I am stunned by Hida's laziness.

If I had to make a recommendation, I'd suggest maybe customer service for a company that doesn't care about customer service. Like an outsourcing or telemarketing company, for instance. Or fast food. Or really anywhere that primarily hires high school students - they'll have low expectations that way.

Have fun wasting your life!


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