Grade the Pathfinder 2E Game System

How do you feel about the Pathfinder 2E System?

  • I love it.

    Votes: 31 17.5%
  • It's pretty good.

    Votes: 32 18.1%
  • Meh, it's okay.

    Votes: 39 22.0%
  • It's pretty bad.

    Votes: 15 8.5%
  • I hate it.

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • I've never played it.

    Votes: 59 33.3%
  • I've never heard of it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%


That said, this is why I'd never attempt to make a P2 character without an app. The core rulebook can be used to anchor oneself during a hurricane or bludgeon someone to death.
The strange thing is how it's rewired my brain. Even for simpler systems (Castles and Crusades, Forbidden Lands, etc.), I am defaulting to "where's the online character builder" and "where are my online tools to run this system." It's like I should just unplug and try to get back to basics in the hobby.

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(Bargle intensifies)
The strange thing is how it's rewired my brain. Even for simpler systems (Castles and Crusades, Forbidden Lands, etc.), I am defaulting to "where's the online character builder" and "where are my online tools to run this system." It's like I should just unplug and try to get back to basics in the hobby.
As much as I'm enjoying PF2e on Foundry, there's a reason I'm working on something to run for my group using OSE in-person.


(Bargle intensifies)
As much as I'm enjoying PF2e on Foundry, there's a reason I'm working on something to run for my group using OSE in-person.
Unfortunately, my IP group is very against OSR. I'll try to shift us to a simpler version of Savage Worlds for our next game.
My online group is just beginning Kingmaker in PF2. I think we'll enjoy it, but I can see them tiring of the system after 6-9 months. We'll see.

And luckily, I ran into an old friend during lunch today. He invited me to join their Dragonbane game as a player. I'm more excited than I should be - getting to be a player in a system I'm eager to try.


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
Unfortunately, my IP group is very against OSR. I'll try to shift us to a simpler version of Savage Worlds for our next game.
My online group is just beginning Kingmaker in PF2. I think we'll enjoy it, but I can see them tiring of the system after 6-9 months. We'll see.

And luckily, I ran into an old friend during lunch today. He invited me to join their Dragonbane game as a player. I'm more excited than I should be - getting to be a player in a system I'm eager to try.
Hmm...I've heard good things about Savage Worlds too. I've run a couple of games with it, and I didn't completely hate it. Maybe I'll do that one next.

Unfortunately, my IP group is very against OSR. I'll try to shift us to a simpler version of Savage Worlds for our next game.
My online group is just beginning Kingmaker in PF2. I think we'll enjoy it, but I can see them tiring of the system after 6-9 months. We'll see.
How are you handling Kingmaker online? I've heard of a few ways people handle the kingdom aspect of the campaign, which is one reason I've kept that on the "let's see how the Foundry module is when it comes out" pile of stuff I'd like to run.


Hmm...I've heard good things about Savage Worlds too. I've run a couple of games with it, and I didn't completely hate it. Maybe I'll do that one next.
Not to derail the thread too much...
My experience with SW has been
1) Generic fantasy to try to replicate the D&D experience (it was swingy and lethal compared to D&D)
2) Rippers at a convention game. Had a great time playing that!
3) Run a few short adventures in Savage Rifts. It's very crunchy, and I got a little dizzy from the math. But I think I'd really enjoy it, given enough time to get familiar with it.
4) Ran a one-shot of Savage Pathfinder. Enjoyed it! (Would like it better if I'd had more time to prepare and learn the system.)


How are you handling Kingmaker online? I've heard of a few ways people handle the kingdom aspect of the campaign, which is one reason I've kept that on the "let's see how the Foundry module is when it comes out" pile of stuff I'd like to run.
Sure. I'm on Foundry. There are some maps that are available for free, already made with dynamic lighting and all that. The maps go about 75% through the book. I don't know if the fan will finish the series or not - but likely the official module will be out by the time we need them. All the NPCs and monsters are freely available through the compendium, so no issues there. I would expect no issues at all if you want to run it "with the kingdom in the background."
While we haven't gotten to the kingdom portion yet, there are fan-made tools on Foundry. There are sheets for the kingdom, macros for the actions, feats in the compendium, etc. So the party is going to use the free PDF of the player's guide and handle a lot of the stuff just using PDFs. I expect the full module to be out this Fall - so I don't think we'll be stuck with the low-tech option for long. Even so, I don't think it's going to be THAT challenging.

Voidrunner's Codex

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