D&D 4E Greyhawk 4e: Back to the Beginning...


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And when was the 3.5e version of Greyhawk itself released?

I understood it was just "implied" as a default setting for 3E.

There was the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer released in late 2000, which had no useable crunch in it. It read like a summary of the Greyhawk canon up to that time.

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First Post
I understood it was just "implied" as a default setting for 3E.

There was the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer released in late 2000, which had no useable crunch in it. It read like a summary of the Greyhawk canon up to that time.


That's why I don't think we'll see 4e Greyhawk. Never cannonized in 3.5 (or really 3e), it is a great, classic setting that brings nothing new to the table.

Or at least not enough new to make a 'Player's Greyhawk Handbook'.

Of course they could change their publishing methodology mind you but...


First Post
That's why I don't think we'll see 4e Greyhawk. Never cannonized in 3.5 (or really 3e), it is a great, classic setting that brings nothing new to the table

The closest thing to it that I can think of offhand, would be some hardcore Greyhawk grognards using the Castle Zagyg books (from Castles and Crusades) and adapting them to 3.5E. I knew one grognard who did exactly this.


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For a 4E Greyhawk player's guide, I wonder what new classes and races it could include. If there isn't enough new crunch material for a possible 4E Greyhawk player's guide, perhaps WotC may just only release a 4E Greyhawk campaign guide and an adventure module set in Greyhawk.

Drow actually would have been a good fit if they hadn't already gone in the FR Player Guide.

Orcs (for the Pomarj), Half-Ogres, Deep Gnomes, Kuo-Toa and Lizard Folk all strike me as possibilities for the player's book.

A Knight class which included a mounted combat build seems like a natural for Greyhawk, which is swarming with knightly orders.

I'd say the Assassin, but I think they have other plans.

A class which uses Henchman minions in the style of a lot of the early Greyhawk PC parties, where you had a few PCs and a horde of henchmen who then died like flies, was suggested at RPG.net.

A Witch class (CF: Iggwilv!).

You could also do something racially with the distinct kinds of humans of Greyhawk, reflecting Greyhawk is humanocentric but humanity is more divided into recognizable sub-groups there than a lot of other settings.

Nahat Anoj

First Post
My 4e game is on hiatus for the summer, and I've converted Against the Cult of the Reptile Gods for HackMaster Basic. As I did so, I couldn't help but think, "This would so not work as a 4e adventure."
How so? I always thought it would make a great 4e adventure. (as it would in all rpgs, frankly)

Voidrunner's Codex

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