Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Nimbar Lightning Bolt = 30 pts. DC 17.
Medusa Reflex Save: 19 (Success); Medusa takes 15 pts. Electrical Damage.
Hawke's Ranged Touch Attack: 14
Medusa's Touch AC: 12 (Hit)
Hawke's Scorching Ray spell inflicts 15 pts. Fire Damage.
Medusa has taken a total of 30 pts. damage; the Medusa looks GRAVELY WOUNDED.

Nimbar, recognizing the extreme danger, acts with deliberate malice; he points a finger at the creature, and an arc of lightning springs forth from his hand. The Medusa screeches in terror, recognizing Nimbar's deadly intent. Her quick relfexes save her from the brunt of the blast, but the attack sets her robes ablaze, and she swats at the burning garment in panic.

Without giving her a moment's rest, Hawke also casts his most deadly spell, because he, too, realizes the threat that she represents. A line of fire streaks forth from his outstretched palm, striking her, and burning her BADLY. The Medusa screams in pain as she burns, her robes almost completely gone, and her green skin showing signs of horrible, flesh-melting burns.

As each man finishes his spell, each averts his eyes.

SPHYNX: You're next! Your initiative roll does not allow you enough time to hit her with a spell AND avert your eyes. You must make either a ranged or melee attack, with penalties, unless you want to risk not averting your eyes in order to finish her off. She does appear to be gravely wounded, but if your spell doesn't kill her, she will be able to use her gaze attack against you. WHAT DO YOU DO?

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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Sphynx ranged touch attack vs. AC 12:
8 + 11 (1d20) = 19. (Successful hit.)
Scorching Ray damage = 4d6 = 4,3,3,2 = 12 pts.
Medusa takes 12 pts. of fire damage.
Remaining hp = 3; 3-12 = -9. Medusa is dying.

Deciding to risk it, Sphynx piles on a 2nd Scorching Ray spell; it is too much for the Medusa to handle. The vile creature screams in pain, as fire melts her flesh, and the glow in her eyes is snuffed out, like a candle, along with her lifeforce. Her robes are now ash, and her body is a burning lump of green, lifeless ichor.

In the corner, Sphynx notices a small, leather pouch, attached to a leather belt, that looks too big and bulky to have been worn by the Medusa. But since it is in this room, it was likely hers. You are uncertain as to why her captors would allow her to retain any possessions, unless this was some sort of bribe or tribute. It makes you wonder what could possibly be inside the bag?

COMBAT HAS ENDED. In the time it takes to breathe a sigh of relief, and notice the bag, the medusa fails her stabilization check and expires. EVERYONE: What do you do?
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Having been in too many odd situations of late, Sphynx reaches out with a boot and prods the bag, wondering if anything live might be inside. If nothing moves within it, he will open it to see what is inside. He will lay the contents out on the floor for the others to see.
OOC: d20 = 11

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth

One vial of green liquid, with 5 marks on it from top to bottom; you surmise that whatever this is, the vial holds six doses of it.

48 silver pieces
32 gold pieces

Sphynx, with a little prodding, you discover that nothing alive is in the bag. Instead, you find the contents as explained above.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Sphynx shows the others the contents of the bag, saying that he will hold onto the potion and examine it later. He will then inquire as to the party's next desires.
OOC: With so much loss of time between posts, I have forgotten my character's intentions.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
1d20+19 = (8) + 19 = 27.

Nimbar says, "Medusa's blood is not NECESSARY for making a potion of stone to flesh, but it is a known fact that adding Medusa blood to such a potion will concentrate the effect, allowing the dosage amount to be smaller, therefore increasing the amount of doses that can be administered from a single vial. In other words, the blood will increase the efficiency of such a potion. Likewise, it can also be added to an anti-toxin for venomous creatures, such as snake anti-venom, with the same results, the amount of doses from a single vial being greater. I remember reading that in 'Naerfester's Guide to Better Potions, 5th edition.' Sir Walter has some really excellent books in his library."

EVERYONE: What do you do?


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Sphynx nods toward Nimber when he finishes speaking. "You are a literal wealth of technical knowledge."

He digs around in his clothing, like he has forgotten where he put the items, then produces two small vials in which he attempts to collect some of the Medusa's blood. If Quixt does not have his own vial, Sphynx will offer one to him.
OOC: d20 = 15

Voidrunner's Codex

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