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A robed fighter appears.
"I am Kalanyr. I accept this challenge"

I find your Emperor to be malodorous, your house to be rotted, and your concentration to be the result of centuries of inbreeding

2 Flags

Taking a deep breath, Kalanyr states "Your concentration seems to be lacking, judging by the rotting state of your house. I suppose this is unsurprising considering your land is well known for its inbreeding, since your ruler smells so badly I guess it's understandable nobody else wishes to breed with your people"

The ki-rin leaps over the plain; removes the pain of the vermin!

Kalanyr seems overlapped by the image of a Kir-rin as he humungously leaps towards his opponent almost seeming to fly as the legendary beast does before attempting to soften his opponents attacks to avoid pain.
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OOC- I couldn't believe they put that in the generator actually but its what I drew.

Edit-Actually I drew the diseased monkey feces one too it was in my withdrawn challenge thread, I deleted it when I posted here.
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First Post
I've actually seen one that's worse (believe it or not!) But it must have been on the old boards cause I can't find it now. Went something like - *something* to be like the flinging of feces by a diseased monkey. (just spent a few minutes going through the generator to find it again...)

I think I almost fell off my chair when I read that one.

- now that I think about it, I think it was Sabaron who pulled it up... (how un-Knightly of him:D )
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MidKnight said:
- now that I think about it, I think it was Sabaron who pulled it up... (how un-Knightly of him:D )
Nope, it was me. Against George, I think. The best insult I've ever seen, it made me laugh for minutes!


First Post
Oops! My bad! Sorry Sabaron - if and when you read this.

That must have been on the old boards - I distinctly remember smashing my leg against my keyboard drawer with the knee-jerk reaction I had to that one!


First Post
Nah, the best insult I got was "And your discipline is a charming example of why you will lose this match." I would never refer to something so base as monkey feces! :D


First Post
Hmm, I think I'll take the two flags.

You still deserve an insult though:

~I find your countrymen to be brazen, your guardhouse to be unnecessary, and your shield to be annoying.~

Bleh, and what a shield too!

::She easily flicks off any pain that was rendered unto her by Kalanyr's pathetic attacks.::


::Rini weaves her hands in the air, forming a strange cloud that suddenly emits vast quantities of snow. This quickly forms into a driving blizard which blasts a kick of painful cold into Kalanyr's now tear filled eyes, knocking back his body into the earth.::

~The blizzard kicks in the midst of the pond; waves away the drive of the earth!~

That's more like it.


The ancient masters have decreed this match to take place at the savanna east of the Eyrie of the Phoenix on the morning of the jaguar.

Point Rini, One Flag Rini, One Falg neutral

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