D&D General H1-E3: Demon Prince of Undeath Conversion


Looking at the 4th Edition adventure series H1 Keep on the Shadowfell, up to E3 Prince of Undeat – there is very little in the plotline that really ties these adventures together into a full story - especially in the heroic and paragon levels. When I read the Keep on the Shadowfell I had hoped that Wizards of the Coast would tie this story together around a growing threat from the Demon Lord Orcus (appearing in H1) trying to spread undeath from the new cool Shadowfell plane defined in 4th Edition. Lot of expectation had been built up around demons, demon lords and the Shadowfell in the Worlds and Monsters publication previously. Sadly my hopes was not fulfilled when I read the Thunderspire Labyrinth and then later the Pyramid of Shadow. I therefore decided to try to bridge this gap myself, with a conversion guide, doing some changes in the story, background and some of the encounters and images, in order to create an atmosphere foreboding the return of the undead legions of Orcus. I started with trying to tie together the story more tightly.

H1 Conversion Guide
H2 Conversion Guide
H3 Conversion Guide
P1 Conversion Guide
P2 Conversion Guide
P3 Conversion Guide
E1 Conversion Guide
E2 Conversion Guide
E3 Conversion Guide
H1-E3 Monster Update
Conversion Guide Maps


Also read my:
Pathfinder - Reign of Winter 4th Edition Conversion Path
Changing the Combat Parameters of 4th Edition
The Sunless Citadell 4.5 Edition Conversion
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Thanks for bringing this over the Enworld Myrhdraak! I think i have everything downloaded, but this was a great thread I did not want to loose. Thank you again for the hard work and for sharing. Glad to know your here too.

Thanks for bringing this over the Enworld Myrhdraak! I think i have everything downloaded, but this was a great thread I did not want to loose. Thank you again for the hard work and for sharing. Glad to know your here too.

Well, we never managed to play through all of them. Actually only got to H2 before I decided to start up my old Campaign World with a modified 4.5 Edition ruleset.

I wanted to start by saying THANK YOU! I love 4e, and although I only recently purchased the hardcopies of H1-H3, I have been playing a homebrewed 3.5 conversion campaign for just over four years now. I finally decided to be a DM myself, which led me to the adventure modules. It didn't take long to notice the awkward set up for the modules, and I had already begun thinking and working on how to connect the modules and make the story more compelling and interwoven. Frustrated, I started looking for inspiration online and thankfully I found this post! :D
You and all your assistants listed in the conversion guides have saved me countless hours of work and most likely frustration. Many Thanks!
As I've been reading through this material I did notice that the link for the Conversion Map Guide isn't working. I was hoping you could patch it so that I might utilize them?

I wanted to start by saying THANK YOU! I love 4e, and although I only recently purchased the hardcopies of H1-H3, I have been playing a homebrewed 3.5 conversion campaign for just over four years now. I finally decided to be a DM myself, which led me to the adventure modules. It didn't take long to notice the awkward set up for the modules, and I had already begun thinking and working on how to connect the modules and make the story more compelling and interwoven. Frustrated, I started looking for inspiration online and thankfully I found this post! :D
You and all your assistants listed in the conversion guides have saved me countless hours of work and most likely frustration. Many Thanks!
As I've been reading through this material I did notice that the link for the Conversion Map Guide isn't working. I was hoping you could patch it so that I might utilize them?

Sorry the file is too large for my ISP so I had to take it down. If you send me a private message with your e-mail I can send you a temporary dropbox link where you can download it.
Some of the maps can also be found at Deviant Art


[MENTION=6694190]Myrhdraak[/MENTION] - I would like to add a 'thanks' for this also and would like the Conversion Map Guide too if it's not too big of a deal, Myrhdraak. Private message has been sent!

Hi Myrhdraak, can you send me a link to the latest files you have made? I'm nearing the end of P1 and would like to see if adjustments have been made the last two years :)

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