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Half-Fiend Creation


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I need some help in creating a half-fiend. Here are my unmodified stats. Str: 17, Con: 14, Dex: 14; Wis: 10, Int: 11, Cha: 13. I would like to half my fiendish parent be a good fighter. I know that I want to be attractive if possible as half-fiend but with glowing yellow eyes for one. I would like to have horns if possible. What fiend should I have as my one of my parents and what would should my other parent be? I know I do not what to be part elf unless it would help my character out.

I want to be either a Fighter/Rogue or Fighter/Wizard. So which multiclassing combo would be the best way to go? Also what would a good Prc for her to take based on her two classes? When would the best time to get Improved Initiative and Improved Natural Armor?

What can things can I look that will help me out in setting up her description?
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What fiend should I have as my one of my parents
Whichever you like, really, because it won't make a jot of mechanical difference anyway.

A couple of places to start looking: demons and devils.

and what would should my other parent be? I know I do not what to be part elf unless it would help my character out.
Again, whatever you like. Why let some stranger on the internet decide for you, when she is your character?

I want to be either a Fighter/Rogue or Fighter/Wizard. So which multiclassing combo would be the best way to go? Also what would a good Prc for her to take based on her two classes? When would the best time to get Improved Initiative and Improved Natural Armor?
Depends whether you want to optimise, and if so, how much. For example, Fighter/Rogue can be quite viable, depending how it's done, whereas FIghter/Wizard is simply not. Not without the right prestige classes to glue them together. And to be honest, you might need a lot of books to get that "right". But if you actually don't care about optimisation (or don't care very much about it), then once again, just do whatever you want to do, based on "flavour" or anything else at hand.

It seems to me that optimising isn't high on your agenda, based on the fact that you're looking at the Half-Fiend template to begin with. Such a lack of, well, Hit Dice .. might just prove suboptimal, sooner or later.

What can things can I look that will help me out in setting up her description?
A thesaurus is a very useful tool for this - even thesaurus.com would do.
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I want be a Fighter/Rogue due to the fact my character's Int is not high enough to a very good wizard. I would like a good Prc if possible for my Fighter/Rogue which I am thinking I will have an even level of each such Fighter 10/Rogue 10. I will change that if it would work better for my character to have more Fighter levels then Rogue Levels. What are some good Fighter/Rogue Prc?

What would the best way to have wear armor and still be able to fly well since I want to use her ability to fly in combat some?

I know that some half-fiends have features that neither parents have such one half-fiend daughter of Graz'zt has wings. She is in the Savage Tides adventure and she is a 1st level Ranger and a Thrall of Graz'zt IIRC. I would like for her to have horns for one. I know that she is going to have longe white hair and glowing yellow eyes as a half-fiend. If I go the way I have describe she would look a daughter of Malcanthet.
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I should make her a Warblade over making her a Fighter?

I want her to be a Lemorian Half-Fiend or have her mother be an Eryine.

Such a lack of, well, Hit Dice .. might just prove suboptimal, sooner or later. How would that happen?

Do grafts work on Outsiders?
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