Happy Haggert Hurried Hungry Hitch Hiking Hired Henchmen Hivers.... apply within


I am the mysterious professor.
The star of the movie is Justice Smith. He was in Detective Pikachu and the D&D movie. He has comedy chops.

Someone was just complaining about Hollywood not having original ideas anymore. I thought this seems fairly original. Except for the rare Barbie movie, original idea movies aren't too successful. I'm looking forward to this one on streaming.

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I am the mysterious professor.
I didn't know if anyone would get the reference. lol

Earlier tonight, a guy reported to a group of us that cannibal gangs were roaming the streets of Haiti, which he kept adding an S to as if to make it plural; Haitis. Maybe he's thinking of a parallel universe with cannibals.
("The mainstream media isn't reporting this.") 🙄 🙄🙄 I've had to fact check this guy before. He LOVES bringing up these stories as if they're fact.

From my research, a video from two years ago shows a gang leader names Barbecue allegedly eating parts from a man that was just burned to death. Regardless of what appeared to happen in the video, it's a far cry from cannibal gangs taking over the country.


Staff member
There IS a big outbreak of gang violence in Haiti right now, but this is the first time I’ve heard of a cannibalistic angle.

Well…now I can add that to my list of reasons not to go to Haiti.


Staff member
It was the ONE thing stopping me apart from not having the money to begin with
#1 on my list is my actual surname. I met someone a long time ago who told me I had the same last name as her uncle, a high ranking member of the Tonton Macute.

Imagine going to a country and having a surname so famous/infamous that some people might want to invite you into the halls of power and at least as many would want you dead…with prejudice. And as a complete outsider, you’d have no way to discern who felt what.

And the thing is, given my family’s history, it’s conceivable that infamous uncle could actually have been a distant relative.

#1 on my list is my actual surname. I met someone a long time ago who told me I had the same last name as her uncle, a high ranking member of the Tonton Macute.

Imagine going to a country and having a surname so famous/infamous that some people might want to invite you into the halls of power and at least as many would want you dead…with prejudice. And as a complete outsider, you’d have no way to discern who felt what.

And the thing is, given my family’s history, it’s conceivable that infamous uncle could actually have been a distant relative.
but on the one hand : Free food

Yesterday's xkcd made me think of you @Umbran

Title text: 'At the stroke of midnight, your brother will be hurtling sideways at an altitude of 150 meters' is a regular physics prediction about your nonmagical trebuchet, whereas 'you are cursed to build a brother-launching trebuchet' falls out of the Lagrangian.

Voidrunner's Codex

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