Happy Haggert Hurried Hungry Hitch Hiking Hired Henchmen Hivers.... apply within

I've been reading this book. Secrets From The Eating Lab. It's enlightening.

Secrets From the Eating Lab: The... Amazon.com

In all the research I've found, physical activity is the biggest factor in if you're healthy or not. Physical activity was one of the things they could control for. Diets don't work. Shame and discrimination doesn't work. Will power isn't a factor. Eat better, exercise more, and stress less. You'll live longer and be happier. My biggest problem is the exercise. I can't get myself to do it.
There was a study done in the UK across their armed forces, and one interesting finding was that HOW you consume your calories matters.

They had test subjects consume identical meals, but some were served in their traditional forms with distinct dishes & ingredients, and others were puréed (at least partially) into soups. The subjects who had the soups reported feeling fuller for longer- put differently, they simply got less hungry less often.

The simple difference in the meals’ physical form kept the food in their upper GI tracts longer. This suggested that meals like this might minimize snacking between meals.

As for exercise…yeah, that’s always a major factor. However, I’ll note that intense mental activity can supposedly burn as many calories as light exercise.

McNay agrees that our brains don’t expend a whole lot more energy during tough tasks than during simple ones. A person doing cognitively challenging work for eight hours would burn about 100 more calories than a person watching TV or daydreaming for the same amount of time, he estimates. “If you were doing something really demanding that uses multiple senses—something like learning to play an instrument—that might get as high as 200 [calories],” he says. “But we’re talking eight hours of learning a new instrument.”

So, maybe if you’re having trouble getting moving, try getting yourself thinking. Start learning an instrument or a language. Or programming. Or some form of artistic expression. (Just make sure you don’t eat crappy snacks while you’re doing so. 😉 )
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I've heard that about taking the SAT and other tests. My brain is the muscle I work out the most. lol It has to be to carry around all that pop culture trivia and random useless facts. 🤣

As for pureed meals. It sounds counterintuitive. You'd think since some of the digestive work is done it would go through your system faster. Kinda like why they recommend avoiding sugary drinks. It would enter your blood stream faster. Smoothies aren't too good for diabetics for that reason, or so I've heard. I was drinking them for a time as a way to get more vegetables.

As for pureed meals. It sounds counterintuitive. You'd think since some of the digestive work is done it would go through your system faster. Kinda like why they recommend avoiding sugary drinks. It would enter your blood stream faster. Smoothies aren't too good for diabetics for that reason, or so I've heard. I was drinking them for a time as a way to get more vegetables.
It sounded counterintuitive to me as well. And at the time of the study, they had only begun to research the WHY.

With smoothies, though, it’s that the sugars are already in an easily processed form- the sugars- many of them added- are of kinds the body doesn’t have to do much work on to convert directly into metabolizable fuel…or fat.

You never really know how much water you use in a day until you have to pour gallons of water into the tank to flush, or wash your hands with a jug of water, or drink.
There water had to be turned off because there's a leak that needs to repaired. This happened the same day we had the air ducts repaired under the house. No water, but at least it's cool again. The last several days had been unbearable.

The waterline into the house from the street had two breaks. Luckily it was fixed on Friday. Water was out for around 24 hours. At least we didn't have to pay for it. We used about half of the gallon jugs I bought. Still more than my mom recommended. I'm going to put a few aside for emergency.

Good gravy! They loaded a truck up with stolen fireworks. 💥
Check out this list of charges. Lol

Daniels was arrested and charged with burglary, theft by taking, theft by receiving, fleeing and eluding, altering a tag with intent to conceal the identity of a vehicle, failure to obey a traffic control device, driving while license suspended and obstruction.

It's the makings of a Florida man story. It would be if the fireworks went off.

This is starting to get really old... Because it's been around 87-89 degrees steadily for most of last week* they cancelled second and third shifts Tuesday and again Thursday and Friday. We got paid for the first two, but Friday I had to either use my PTO to cover it or show up at the other location to work day shift over there.

So, I just got done with a four-day weekend... And woke up tonight to find out that I'm not working tonight either.

Oy. :rolleyes:

*There's an issue with the air conditioning at work which means that the humidity is making the floors in the clean room too slick to walk on.

Man, I haven’t listened to that one in a while.

The one issue with listening to music at work is Coworker Jim... Despite the fact that we actually like a lot of the same music, you can't listen to that music without also listening to an academic dissertation on it while you're trying to listen. Or the "clever jokes/comments" on the lyrics that apparently nobody else has thought of in the fifty years since the song came out. Or where he was the first time he heard the song, followed by a detailed timeline of everything in his life since then. Or, god forbid, he starts singing.

Let's just say it's a good thing we don't work in a factory that makes anything sharp or heavy.

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