D&D 5E Has 5E Restored or Diminished Your Faith in WotC?


I post in the voice of Christopher Walken
Do you think that WotC is using a 100% new system at this point? That would mean it is already written which would make playtesting and asking for feedback more of a exercise in tweeking. The alternative is that they are trying out a few new rules at a time with a system that is at least four years old, twelve years old, twenty-two years old, or thirty some odd years old. What are the odds it is already 100% written (seemingly a year ahead of its publishing date) with plans to just change some things because of playtesting?

I think the system is basically done but they have alternate pathways it can gi down and room for tweaking. I think the real key will be hw representative their samples of playtesters will be. I think much also depends on how well they sort and listen to feedback.

So far some of the stuff I am hearing sounds good. Other things, like Themes, sounds like innovation for the sake of innovation that lots if people don't need or want in the game.

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Mod Squad
Staff member
I think the system is basically done but they have alternate pathways it can gi down and room for tweaking.

Part of this really depends on what we want to call "a system". How much of the game do you need to have to have "the system" done?

The mumblings I have heard from playtesters suggest that there's more than "tweaking" going on. There's still major revamp of subsystems going on - rewrites of skill systems and suchlike. So, maybe I think they're halfway between what you and Mark suggest.

At this point the playtest reports have me interested enough to keep following along to see what develops.

I really fear for the poor paladins. In every report whether real or generated they are being killed or maimed. :p


I post in the voice of Christopher Walken
Part of this really depends on what we want to call "a system". How much of the game do you need to have to have "the system" done?

The mumblings I have heard from playtesters suggest that there's more than "tweaking" going on. There's still major revamp of subsystems going on - rewrites of skill systems and suchlike. So, maybe I think they're halfway between what you and Mark suggest.

It is all speculation but I think they have the basic structure in place and a lot of alternatives they can pull out of the trunk based on playtesting. That doesn't mean tweaking wont have a radical impact on the final product. But i doubt they come to the playtest table these days with vague ideas, or a partial system. They have to have developed subsystems in order to test them after all. So i am not saying they have a complete system set in stone.


Bob the Nob,
WTH, man? How you are interpreting my thoughts about the 5th edition development announcement as a personal affront?
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First Post
Listen. I know most of you don't share this opinion but as a 4E fan I'm feeling particularly rubbed raw by WotC. Not only have they ripped off the tablecloth from underneath me by shelving 4E but they have also made me and players like me the butt of many snide jokes and comparisons since the announcement. On top of that they released a horrible MTG set in the same timeline.

So no they haven't exactly restored my faith in them. I'm feeling pretty hurt and betrayed both as a fan of D&D and a fan of MTG.


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
Listen. I know most of you don't share this opinion but as a 4E fan I'm feeling particularly rubbed raw by WotC. Not only have they ripped off the tablecloth from underneath me by shelving 4E but they have also made me and players like me the butt of many snide jokes and comparisons since the announcement. On top of that they released a horrible MTG set in the same timeline.

So no they haven't exactly restored my faith in them. I'm feeling pretty hurt and betrayed both as a fan of D&D and a fan of MTG.

I've been there. I bet you can guess when too. You have my sympathy.


Do you think that WotC is using a 100% new system at this point? That would mean it is already written which would make playtesting and asking for feedback more of a exercise in tweeking. The alternative is that they are trying out a few new rules at a time with a system that is at least four years old, twelve years old, twenty-two years old, or thirty some odd years old. What are the odds it is already 100% written (seemingly a year ahead of its publishing date) with plans to just change some things because of playtesting?

Sorry - my point was this is a system that hasnt already been commercially available to the general public and universally loved for the past 5 to 8 years.

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