WotC Hasbro gains big time from D&D, Magic, Monopoly, and Baldur's Gate 3


Weird thought going back to the topic of the thread rather than the topic of last winter...

Last week the D&D movie ranked higher than it did the week previously. Is Baldur's Gate 3 helping the movie's long tail?
Probably. It's generated massive main stream interest. If one is a gamer in any way, you'll likely have heard of its success.

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Book-Friend, he/him
Weird thought going back to the topic of the thread rather than the topic of last winter...

Last week the D&D movie ranked higher than it did the week previously. Is Baldur's Gate 3 helping the movie's long tail?
I mean, BG3 combined with the Rotten Tomatoe scores and positive word of mouth, I would think yes.


So that means no one heard about it and it wasn’t a big deal. OK. Forget about it everybody.
Not learning from that debacle and getting housed for the exact same underhanded move is working out just fine for Reddit and Unity.

Huh. Wizards was an industry leader in nerd company self-owns based on changing a contract unethically.


Weird thought going back to the topic of the thread rather than the topic of last winter...

Last week the D&D movie ranked higher than it did the week previously. Is Baldur's Gate 3 helping the movie's long tail?
maybe, maybe it is other movies losing viewers rather than HAT gaining


Book-Friend, he/him
Positive scores from theatrical don't LL was to a surge 110+ days after it was available on streaming. It's been on Prime for 3 weeks, but a surge in week 3 isn't typical either.
Oh, I agree, it's because of BG3: but I think tjst it is effective because word on the street is "this movie is pretty good, check it out." If it was terrible, I doubt it would get as much of a boost even if BG3 was just as popular.

Oh, I agree, it's because of BG3: but I think tjst it is effective because word on the street is "this movie is pretty good, check it out." If it was terrible, I doubt it would get as much of a boost even if BG3 was just as popular.
Wait, so you're saying you didn't get out your copy of the 2000 D&D movie because of BG3?

Voidrunner's Codex

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