D&D General Have Githzerai always been jerks?

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Yeah, actually, that is the case.

Based on EVERY BIT OF INFORMATION IN 1e. I mean, you can CAPITALIZE SLAADI, but it doesn't change the text.

Again, you can run it like you want, but every single source, from Fiend Folio to Manual of the Planes, says the same thing.

They "exist in relative peace". Thanks!

EDIT- you might also need to unlearn lore you picked up from later editions in order to understand this. For example, there is nothing in the Fiend Folio, or 1e, about how the Githzerai disregard the safety of every being in the multiverse. The amount of information about the Gith in 1e is fairly minimal.
That's fine if you're running 1e and want to not pay attention to the evolution of the D&D universe. But the majority of people playing the game play 5e, and should focus on updated relevant information.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
EDIT- you might also need to unlearn lore you picked up from later editions in order to understand this. For example, there is nothing in the Fiend Folio, or 1e, about how the Githzerai disregard the safety of every being in the multiverse. The amount of information about the Gith in 1e is fairly minimal.
This is good advice any time you transition from one edition to another. Treat each edition as its own, independent game, with its own lore and mechanics, and you will likely have a better experience than you will if you carry over assumptions from other editions.


This is good advice any time you transition from one edition to another. Treat each edition as its own, independent game, with its own lore and mechanics, and you will likely have a better experience than you will if you carry over assumptions from other editions.
You could, but D&D actually have a timeline, and every edition starts and ends with a major event that changes the shape of the settings as a whole. I think the Time of Troubles ended 1st edition and started 2nd. Vecna becoming a greater God ended 2nd edition and started 3rd. Mystra's death and the spell plague started 4th, and her resurrection started 5th.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Yes; but sometimes, you are running a particular edition in a different way.

For example, I run 5e in a classic Greyhawk sandbox with 1e-style lore and cosmology, with occasional 5e frills (I did add some of the Volo's lore, because it was cool and interesting). But I know in my head, for the most part, which parts I am taking from which edition.
Oh, for sure! If you’re intentionally taking parts you like from each game, that’s a very different story than if you just treat them all as updates to the same game.

Well, except that I'm getting older, and everything kind of blends together in a great big undifferentiated GygaxianMearls slushie, with dog and draconic kobolds holding hands and singing Kumbayah.
And I’m just over here like “you know what’d be cool? If kobolds were like rats!”

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