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Hayabusa's Dawn of Defiance: Chapter I: The Traitor's Gambit


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Mack's shot slams into the lieutenant, nearly knocking the young Imperial officer to the ground. He manages to regain his balance by holding on to the holoprojector he was taking cover behind. "Don't just stand there," he yells at the techs around the projector, "kill them or face the consequences!"

His threat said, he levels his blaster pistol at Mack and pulls the trigger. The shot goes wide and hits the wall behind.

[sblock=Tactical Grid]

Mack 23
Lt. Aden 21
Keyton 11 is up!
Mir 9
Sloor 7
Comm Officers 5[/sblock]

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Keyton moves into position between the stormtrooper and the lieutenant in attempt to bring him down. As he does so, he ignites his lightsaber as he makes a horizontal arc.

[sblock=OOC] We said there is 5' steps right? If not, I'll just attack Stormtrooper1 without moving. Keyton doesn't want to provoke. [/sblock]

If the lieutenant falls, Keyton will say, "Now just stand there, or face the consequences!"


Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
TB triggers the door, a little belatedly. Two shots have rung out already...

Unaware, Sloor continues on his trajectory, huge fist slicing through the air and connecting with a trooper with a *woof* of expelled breath and a jerk of electrified muscles. That one won't be getting up again.

«Stun knuckle vs either the officer, if still standing, or Trooper 3. 1d20+4=20, 2d6+4=12 stun damage. If possible, take cover behind the console as protection from Troopers 1 and 2.


First Post
Keyton quickly leaps towards the Imperial officer and slashes at him with his lightsaber. Mortally wounded, Lieutenant Aden falls to the ground.

Mir's shot hits the comms officer, hurting him bad, but not enough to drop him. The same goes for the tech that Sloor punches. They both seem very wounded, however, and the one that Sloor tried to knock out smiles a bit, happy that the tactic didn't work.

The tech next to Keyton quickly leaps back, out of the way of the lightsaber, and aims his blaster pistol at the Jedi. (14 Ref for 12 damage)

The one next to Sloor does the same trick, aiming at the Besalisk that tried to knock him out. (13 ref for 8 damage).

The communications tech shot by Mir aims at Mack and fires to the same effect as his comrades (11 Ref for 12 damage). Down the hall, the group can hear the Stormtroopers begin to race towards the communication room. (It'll take around three rounds for them to reach you, you estimate.)

[sblock=Tactical Grid]


Mack is up!
Stormtrooper A
Stormtrooper B


Mack remarks, "Company is probably coming. Take these guys down quickly so we can deal with the reinforcements. TB, is that door able to be locked?"

Mack fires at the comm tech right in front of him and lets him have it up close and personal. He takes a quick look at the damage inflicted by everyone, evaluating the battle effectiveness of their opponents. Then he steps to his right, closer to the corner.

[sblock=Actions]Standard Action: Ranged Attack Blaster Rifle (1d20+5=17, 3d8+2=12)
Swift Action: Battle Analysis: Knowledge Tactics (1d20+7=16) to reveal which people are below half of their maximum HP. Success vs. DC 15.
Move Action: 1 SQ SE

Did I use the FP last round?

Mack Granger CS


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Keyton dodges out of the way of the blaster bolt to the right and continues to cross the path of Sloor as his lightsaber hums. He quickly performs a high-low manuever in attempt to bring down Stormtrooper3.


First Post
OOC: Yes, you did need to use a Force Point to hit, PM

Mack shoots and kills the tech in front of him and then scans the battle. The one being attacked by Keyton appears to be in very bad shape. He gets worse as the lightsaber opens a large gash in his chest, dropping him to the floor. The remaining tech is also badly wounded.

The sounds of the boots of the Stormtroopers gets a little louder, even through the door that TB has locked.

Mir is now up, with only Tech 2 still alive (at least in this room...)


First Post
The final enemy in the room hits the ground, dead.

[sblock=Tactical Map[/sblock]


Sloor is up, followed by usual initiative order. Place yourselves in what you feel is the best tactical position to combat the stormtroopers.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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