I hav e been running games at Carnage in Killington VT for 8 or so years now, and have done everything from 5E D&D to old school D&D to various Savage Worlds games and Starfinder and Mutants & Masterminds. When I run those games, I usually do a 3 or 4 part "convention campaign" -- a small series of connected episodic adventures with a through line, intended to be enjoyable whether you play one session or all of them. It is not as railraody as it sounds: I prep situations and let the players drive things and use spaces between sessions to adjust my (already light) outlines to reflect earlier choices.
Anyway, I am trying to decide what to run this year. The con is not until late October but I need to get my games in sooner rather than later.
First possibility is Dragonbane, in which I would run something with a strong "Barrier peaks" vibe. I have only had a chance to run DB once, but I really like it, and am sure i will be able to run it some more before then to hone my skills.
Another possibility is a new idea me and couple other creators are fiddling with. Basically, the HG Wells martian invasion happened in 1897 and woke up the hermetic societies to cosmic threats. A couple decades later at the dawn of WW1 the world is a different place with a lot of inspiration from Wells, Verne, Bouroughs, the pulps, and real world weird history from the era. Running this would mean making doing the writing and world building a priority with at least something like a deadline (I am great with freelance deadlines but tend to struggle keeping self directed projects on track). This would be built on some Open system or another, as it is intended for publication eventually.
I have this other idea, built on Savage Worlds, that I have been tinkering with and could use the con as an excuse to at least get into a playable state: X-Com, except instead of aliens it is intelligent Nazi dinosaurs coming through time tunnels to escape the impending KT impact.
Shadowdark is always a possibility, as I love that game, but if I am going to go old school, I think i want to do DB this time. Otherwise, i don't really want to run D&D or anything like it. PA games always sing a siren song to me, from Fallout 2d20 to Mutant Year Zero to old school Gammaworld.
SO, help me decide what to run. What would you sign up for if you saw it in the catalogue? If you know me at all from these boards, is there anything that comes to mind when you think "Reynard should run a game like this."?
Thanks a bunch.
Anyway, I am trying to decide what to run this year. The con is not until late October but I need to get my games in sooner rather than later.
First possibility is Dragonbane, in which I would run something with a strong "Barrier peaks" vibe. I have only had a chance to run DB once, but I really like it, and am sure i will be able to run it some more before then to hone my skills.
Another possibility is a new idea me and couple other creators are fiddling with. Basically, the HG Wells martian invasion happened in 1897 and woke up the hermetic societies to cosmic threats. A couple decades later at the dawn of WW1 the world is a different place with a lot of inspiration from Wells, Verne, Bouroughs, the pulps, and real world weird history from the era. Running this would mean making doing the writing and world building a priority with at least something like a deadline (I am great with freelance deadlines but tend to struggle keeping self directed projects on track). This would be built on some Open system or another, as it is intended for publication eventually.
I have this other idea, built on Savage Worlds, that I have been tinkering with and could use the con as an excuse to at least get into a playable state: X-Com, except instead of aliens it is intelligent Nazi dinosaurs coming through time tunnels to escape the impending KT impact.
Shadowdark is always a possibility, as I love that game, but if I am going to go old school, I think i want to do DB this time. Otherwise, i don't really want to run D&D or anything like it. PA games always sing a siren song to me, from Fallout 2d20 to Mutant Year Zero to old school Gammaworld.
SO, help me decide what to run. What would you sign up for if you saw it in the catalogue? If you know me at all from these boards, is there anything that comes to mind when you think "Reynard should run a game like this."?
Thanks a bunch.