D&D 5E Here Are The Cards In Laeral Silverhand Explorer's Kit

The upcoming Laeral Silverhand Explorer's Kit includes a large map, a dice set, and a 20 cards. Here's the content of those cards, which include locations, NPCs, and factions.

The upcoming Laeral Silverhand Explorer's Kit includes a large map, a dice set, and a 20 cards. Here's the content of those cards, which include locations, NPCs, and factions.


  • Baldur's Gate
  • Candlekeep
  • Icewind Dale
  • Neverwinter
  • Port Nyanzaru
  • Waterdeep
  • Dagult Neverember
  • Drizzt Do'Urden
  • Durnan
  • Grand Duke Ulder Ravengard
  • Jarlaxle Baenre
  • Halaster Blackcloak
  • Laeral Silverhand
  • Mirt the Moneylender
  • Vajra Safahr
  • Xanathar
  • Cults of the Dead Three
  • Harpers
  • Zhentarim
The front of each art contains art, while the rear is descriptive text.

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Dire Bare

I don't "need" new dice, or a new dice tray.

But the dice tray looks fantastic, as do the dice, so I'm probably going to pick this up. The map is a bonus, I appreciate it's inclusion, the cards probably won't get much use from me, but will probably go into my props stash for some future game.

This product is for two demographics. 1) Folks who actually don't already own too many dice, as they are probably pretty new to the game. These folks will get more use of the map and cards than I will. 2) Folks who are collectors, who just like to collect pretty D&D accessories. I'm firmly in this category.

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So among the many other cults there is now a cult of the dead three?

How does this work out?: "Oh the living gods of evil, mischief and death are not the real thing, they are just copycats, we want to revive the old ones. The new ones are not evil enough for us but we heard two centuries ago, there was worthy evilness so lets form a cult to get things back!"

Now seriously fro ma mechanical standpoint: Can dead gods give spells to their cultists? I guess rather not.
Of course it could be the dead three are alive and kicking again, nothing is impossible with FR lore then I missed that eventually.

I believe the dead three are back to being alive and kicking, if not quite back to being full-on gods. Hence the cult (which has been mentioned before).

As for the cards themselves, I guess they would be useful for stabilising wobbly table legs.
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So among the many other cults there is now a cult of the dead three?

How does this work out?: "Oh the living gods of evil, mischief and death are not the real thing, they are just copycats, we want to revive the old ones. The new ones are not evil enough for us but we heard two centuries ago, there was worthy evilness so lets form a cult to get things back!"

Now seriously fro ma mechanical standpoint: Can dead gods give spells to their cultists? I guess rather not.
Of course it could be the dead three are alive and kicking again, nothing is impossible with FR lore then I missed that eventually.

IIRC, they are back but they have been downgraded, lore wise, to demi-god status I believe. So the Dead Three don't quite have their full-on deity powers like before.

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