Marshan and Toddy stand back, ready and watching as the dwarf finesses the door to open it. They both understand that it is better than their own method of just giving it a swift kick.
[sblock=mini-stats] Marshan ~ Perception: +4; Stealth: +2; Initiative: +2; Low Light vision
AC: 14/12 (12 Touch, 12 Flat-footed) (2 Dex, 2 leather armor) AC: 14
HP: 20 Current HP: 16
CMB: 3 CMD: 15 Fort: +4 Reflex: +2 Will: +4; +2 vs. Enchantment
Current Weapons in Hand:
MW Lucerne Hammer +3, d12+3 @10' reach; Enlarged: MW Luc Hammer +3, 3d6+4 @15-20' reach
Cestus +3, d4+1 at 5' reach, offhand; When Enlarged: Cestus +3, d6+1 at 5-10' reach
Longbow +3, d8
Dagger +3, d4+1
Skills: +4 Perception, +5 Sense Motive, +2 Stealth; Combat Reflexes
Cantrips: Acid Splash, Mage Hand, Message, Open/Close, Detect Magic
.Orisons: Read Magic, Create Water, Light, Stabilize
Summoner 1st Level Spells: 3/2 remaining; Mage Armor, Grease (DC 12), Shield
Cleric 1st Level Spells: 3; Enlarge Self*, Detect Undead, Protection from Evil, Divine Favor
Domain Power: 3/4 remaining; Enlarge self as a swift action for 1 round
Summoner Monster I: 4/4 remaining; std action SLA summon, (1 min), Celestial dog, celestial eagle
Channel Energy: 2/4 remaining; 1d6 in a 30' burst, 4/day, DC 11, Not Selective; Does not provoke AoO
20 normal arrows ~ 8 blunt arrows ~ 4 large sized arrows, more on Toddy
4 Silver Arrows ~ silver
3 White Arrows ~ +1 arrows
2 Blue Arrows ~ +1 ghost touch arrows
1 Black Arrow ~ +1 undead bane arrows
1 Haunt Siphon
1 Hide from Undead scroll (2nd CL, 20 minutes)
Active Enhancements:
Toddy ~ Perception: +5; Stealth: +6; Initiative: +2; Darkvision 60 ft; Size: medium, move 40'
AC: 18/22 (12 Touch, 12 flat-footed) (2 Dex, 6 NA, usually 4 Mage Armor) Current AC: 22 for 3 hours
HP: 13 Current HP: 13
CMB: 4 CMD: 16 Fort: +4 Reflex: +5 Will: +0
Natural Weapons: Bite +4, d6+2 @10' reach; Claw +4, d4+2; Claw +4, d4+2
Skills: +15 Acrobatics, +5 Perception, +4 Sense Motive, +6 Stealth
Feats/Evolutions: Evasion, Combat Reflexes, Skilled[Acrobatics](1),Claws(legs)(1), Reach(bite), Improved Natural Armor(1)
Condition: [/sblock]