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(Homebrew D&D) Breaking New Ground


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The group debates their next course of action. While they seem to be divided on whether they should enlist the aide of the felin or not, they have come to a decision not to bring along steeds for them to ride on.

The next two days pass uneventfully as each member goes about their own activities. The felin are more than welcoming to any and all elves of your sort, as the king and queen left many gifts for them before their departure back to your homeland.

In two days time, Captain Ensuin approaches Zyrial (in his opinion, the appointed leader of the group) and says that the battalion is ready for departure and awaits your movement. "If you would be so kind as to tell us when you depart," he says, "then we shall leave an hour past that."

Without further adieu, the party can now set out east to find the location where they may call home for the next few millennia

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[was waiting for the one addressed to speak]

"I shall take point. Those who wish to scout ahead, please do so. We have a full day's travel before us and if any trouble should come your way, scouts, fall back to us. If we cannot handle the situation, we shall fall back to the main force. Keep your eyes and ears open."

Eldavyan mounts up as quickly as ever and kicks Shyl into motion. He pulls out in front of the party and pivots about to face them once again, awaiting further comments should they present themselves.


"I'll keep an eye on our rear. That also puts me into a good position for firing on anything that attacks the rest of the party." Jalenne says, not wanting to be put into a position where face-to-face combat might happen.


I aim to misbehave
Zykovian will scout ahead with whoever else will scout. His observation skills are good, his hiding skills - not so good. more of a second tier scout or rear guard. He is willing to go wherever he can do the most good.


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Eldavyan nods to the two scouts, Zykovian and Zyrial, as they pad off ahead of the party. "Watch after each other," he calls out to them. "Qallique guard them..."

He looks back toward the party to get a feel for where everyone is positioning themselves. He makes a map of the positions in his head: Jalenne, ranged support and unarmed melee, in the rear; Ulysses, Diviner magical support, in the center; Hanilee looks unsure.

"Hanilee, where do you position yourself?" he calls to her, his mount shuffling backward, her fore-quarters cutting left and right in anticipation.


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Hanilee will walk to the somewhere near the center of the party in order to grant Keytenye's healing blessing on anyone who may need it.

She looks to Eldavyan and nods firmly.


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"Excellent. We move!" He gives a loud whistle to signal to the troop that the scout team is leaving camp and whips Shyl around to face forward. The warhorse maintains a steady speed, keeping pace with the elves on foot behind her. At any given moment, horse and rider are no more than 30 feet ahead of Ulysses and Hanilee.

Trusting Shyl to guide him safely, Eldavyan shuts his eyes and begins to pray for the livelyhood of his companions--and of Fhirya.

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