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How Are You Passing the Time Until June?

How Are You Passing the Time Until June?

  • Playing D&D 3.5E

    Votes: 126 52.1%
  • Filing a tax extension.

    Votes: 16 6.6%
  • Reading the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy again.

    Votes: 9 3.7%
  • Dreaming up things to like about 4E.

    Votes: 71 29.3%
  • Dreaming up things to hate about 4E.

    Votes: 22 9.1%
  • Counting the days until Pathfinder is released.

    Votes: 23 9.5%
  • Playing 4E "Lite."

    Votes: 61 25.2%
  • Tellign people who complain about 4E Lite that it isn't meant to be a complete rules system, sheesh.

    Votes: 34 14.0%
  • Fishing for largemouth bass.

    Votes: 3 1.2%
  • Converting my favorite adventure/module to the 4E rules.

    Votes: 11 4.5%
  • Looking for a new gaming group.

    Votes: 34 14.0%
  • Playing World of Warcraft.

    Votes: 30 12.4%
  • Watching the WotC website like a hawk.

    Votes: 94 38.8%
  • Policing the Gleemax blogs for scoops.

    Votes: 20 8.3%
  • Cleaning my room.

    Votes: 23 9.5%
  • Critiquing the artwork.

    Votes: 9 3.7%
  • Arguing on teh internets.

    Votes: 74 30.6%
  • Playing AD&D.

    Votes: 11 4.5%
  • Catching up on housework.

    Votes: 29 12.0%
  • Planning the ultimate D&D campaign.

    Votes: 67 27.7%
  • Trying to figure out how healing surges work.

    Votes: 18 7.4%
  • Doing something with the kids, I guess.

    Votes: 33 13.6%
  • Typing up my 4E houserules.

    Votes: 12 5.0%
  • Two words: World Building.

    Votes: 86 35.5%
  • Typing "QFT!," clicking "Submit New Thread."

    Votes: 14 5.8%
  • Rolling up the ultimate ranger.

    Votes: 4 1.7%
  • Fixing the warlord.

    Votes: 1 0.4%
  • Rotating my tires.

    Votes: 10 4.1%
  • Converting my current campaign to 4E.

    Votes: 18 7.4%
  • Shopping for dice.

    Votes: 23 9.5%
  • Convincing my sig-o that I really, really need new books.

    Votes: 29 12.0%
  • Studying the rules for movement and marking.

    Votes: 11 4.5%
  • Rewriting some/all of the power names.

    Votes: 4 1.7%
  • Other, because I am compelled to always click "Other" option.

    Votes: 50 20.7%
  • Other, because I plan to do this instead (explain).

    Votes: 38 15.7%

  • Poll closed .


Alnag said:
I am playing Star Wars Saga Ed. :cool:

I ended my 3.5 campaign last week and have no desire to ever play it again. I've handed the GM reigns over to one of my players, who has made up a SWSE-based sci-fi game that we're going to play until I'm ready to run a 4e campaign (whenever that will be).

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I'm running the next session of my Rise of the Runelords campaign tonight - we're in the first module. The PCs are nearly done with the Catacombs of Wrath, and will shortly be heading out to Thistletop. Unless they decide to jump the tracks!

I'm a bit sad that it took so long to get this game started, since I doubt we'll finish it before Fourth Edition comes out - and I'll be getting my hands on the new core books while on a three-week trip to the United States, so not only will the game be on hiatus but I will have plenty of time to read through everything. Hopefully we'll all still want to finish the adventures - not sure how my players will feel. I'm also willing to convert them to Fourth Edition myself if that's the best option.

I also play World of Warcraft with a small guild of friends from SUTEKH, the university geek culture and gaming society to which I still belong. In fact, everyone in my current game is from that guild - my wife, the guild leader's girlfriend, and two other guys.

I'm a player in a modern action-horror GURPS game; the next session is this Thursday night. It's a good change of pace from both D&D and the d20 System.


Jack99 said:
I am building my new 4e world, Draegor, while finishing up my current 3.5 campaign, which should be over in two game nights or so. After that, I will run my players through RoO and other stuff, to pass time until 6th of June.

Same here (my world has no name yet, though). The difference here is that those 2-3 sessions left might not get done by June. I'm thinking of shortening it to a single mega session in a couple weeks. See if the players are up for it.


Mostly just kicking a tin can around the neighborhood and shooting animals with a sling shot. Been thinking about putting a playing card in my spokes to give my ride that sweet motorized sound.


CleverNickName said:
Well, we've got just over 7 weeks until the 4E books are released. How do you intend to spend these next fifty-some-odd days? Check all that apply. Relax, it is an anonymous poll...people have to work really hard to see what you voted. :)
This is the best poll I've seen all year. That is all.

I'll be continuing to run my Shackled City AP. 6 session in and the party still haven't finished Chapter 1 (out of 12). At our current rate we'll be skipping 4E and going straight to 5E! :D

Olaf the Stout


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Well other than trying to figure the taxes I'm planning the ultimate D&D campaign (But that's what I do always anyways, it has nothing to do with 4e), and convincing my SO that I really, really do need the new books. (But that too is something I have to do everytime there's new WotC books, so it isn't fully tied to 4e either ;))


First Post
fanally getting round to reading and then planning a mutants and masterminds series for my lil bro and his friend.

waiting for the new traveller rpg to actually turn up so i can give it a good read then probably end up not using it for ages lol.

reading exalted 2nd edition and wondering why the combbat section sucks so much that i have to use a fan created wheel based turn thingy.

trying to get thhrough all the dvds, anime, xbox games and manga i have lying around the hoouse so i can mine em all for ideas :)

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