How Do You Maintain Campaign Interest During Long Breaks?


My groups are experiencing some irregular scheduling during the holidays. One group (formerly weekly) hasn't been able to play two back-to-back sessions since October - due to family emergencies, holidays, etc.
When we do go back, we have to catch up with notes, try to get a feel of what's going on in the game, update characters, play for about an hour, then (it seems like) we're back on break for another 2 weeks or more.
This gets increasingly frustrating when you realize you're still in the early stages of a 700 page Adventure Path campaign.
Is it better to just cancel all games during these months and restart when schedules "normalize?" Drop the campaign structure and go with one-shots? Try to keep the game moving along outside the regular session using Discord to handle things like posting the notes, getting an idea of what they want to do the next session so you can jump right in?
I'm frustrated by the scheduling - and while I realize it's nobody's fault - I'd prefer not to plan out the session and do the prep to have it cancelled a couple hours before the game.
How do you handle this stuff?

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Moderator Emeritus
I'm not sure what advice to give because my group only meets every 3 to 5 weeks under normal circumstances, which usually lets us get in at least one session a month - even during the holidays. Maybe I am just lucky that my group maintains interest between sessions (though 3 of the 4 of them are pretty casual players who are all-in during sessions and always make it, but are not that interested between sessions).
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I struggle with this myself. I ran a Fallout game for a few months this year, but we missed so many sessions it was hard for me to maintain any interest in the game. We're allegedly in the middle of a 13th Age campaign right now, but the last time we played was in October. I'm not really all that interested in the campaign right now.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
I try not to engage a long campaign or adventure path unless I have a stable, punctual, and committed group. Thats not to say folks who cant meet that criteria are wrong, they likely have good reasons for not being able to be consistent. Sometimes you start out stable, but things can change. In my experience its almost always a campaign killer when it happens.

I would probably change over to one shots and/or game of the month.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
I struggle with this myself. I ran a Fallout game for a few months this year, but we missed so many sessions it was hard for me to maintain any interest in the game. We're allegedly in the middle of a 13th Age campaign right now, but the last time we played was in October. I'm not really all that interested in the campaign right now.
The momentum is a big factor.


I try not to engage a long campaign or adventure path unless I have a stable, punctual, and committed group. Thats not to say folks who cant meet that criteria are wrong, they likely have good reasons for not being able to be consistent. Sometimes you start out stable, but things can change. In my experience its almost always a campaign killer when it happens.

I would probably change over to one shots and/or game of the month.
Yeah, that really stinks, but I think you could be right.
I have a bad reputation for being a "system hopper" and a "Killer DM" who ends campaigns with character deaths. But even despite my best efforts, it seems like I can't keep something moving forward.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
Yeah, that really stinks, but I think you could be right.
I have a bad reputation for being a "system hopper" and a "Killer DM" who ends campaigns with character deaths. But even despite my best efforts, it seems like I can't keep something moving forward.
I enjoyed your games and think you are a good GM.

As a GM who favors long campaigns, you need to be in the right mindset. You gotta stay on it like a dog with a bone. Inception is the biggest part. Find committed players who want a campaign and are in it for the long haul. Even then, life happens and all you can do is try to stay on it as long as can.


We have been a bit intermittent lately in my group. The good news was that there was a few options to play and paths to go. The bad is that they forgot some of the clues that were given to them and hooks that they mentioned at the time.


Victoria Rules
The only thing I can suggest - while being well aware it might not be feasible - is that when some free time does arise, play on two consecutive nights (or days). IME the first night will be a bit of a drag while everyone gets back up to speed, but the second night will flat-out rock as everyone's already in the groove.

bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
Play off table
By using email or chat, have some events that remind people of the campaign. Maybe do some downtown away from the table.

Also, avoid these situations in the future by playing even when only half the group is available.

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