D&D (2024) How excited are you for the new 2024 edition d&d?

What is your excitement level? (1-5 with 5 being the highest)

  • 1

    Votes: 70 35.0%
  • 2

    Votes: 34 17.0%
  • 3

    Votes: 27 13.5%
  • 4

    Votes: 46 23.0%
  • 5 Most excited

    Votes: 23 11.5%

  • Poll closed .

Argyle King

I'm not sure.

1, maybe.

I wouldn't say that I feel negativity toward 5.24.
I'm currently a bit out of touch with 5E in general.
There are previews (i.e. changes to background features) that I do not like.
There are some changes that I suppose might improve aspects of the game.

Overall, my feeling is that I'm probably not the target audience for the product. So, I don't feel any particular way very strongly.

I'd likely be more excited if it actually was a "new edition" and changed more about the core underlying engine of the game.

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Sometimes it is.

There are 10 or so people here who just won´t stop telling over and over again how unclear WotC´s communication is. While it just does not matter if it is 5.1, 5.2, 5.5, 6.0 or 7.5 or whatever. The 2024 Edition of the books will just be the current iteration of D&D.

It is just people who won´t buy the books who like to take some cheap shots at WotC. That does not mean WotC is perfect and doing everything right. But their communication is clear for 10 years in that regard.
Of course the only reason anyone would ever comment on WotC's marketing or communications would be to take cheap shot. Because of course it is some constant state of war.

If even fans can't agree on something like this, that is a clear messaging problem on their part.


Some do. Lots even. If that's not you, we'll great. But maybe not assume I was was talking about you, Oofta, specifically.
The clear implication was that the reason people only use official material because it's official. I simply disagree, which is an opinion just like yours. Do some people stick with official because it's official? In a sense I suppose. Why look for modifications if you're happy with what you have.

I just get tired of the implied "If the sheeple only knew better they'd agree with me" whether that was the intent of the statement or not.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
Who's appealing to popularity? I'm just saying that many people don't share an opinion. How many? Well, I've never been seen a game in real life that uses extensive 3PP changes to the game. Monsters, locations, lore, etc., sure. But significantly changing rules? Never once over decades. It has nothing to do with anything being "official". But if the game works there's no reason to change.
I do, so it's not unprecedented. I have a voluminous houserule document I've been working on for years.

But I don't see the value of talking about how many people agree with you. What's the benefit there?


I just get tired of the implied "If the sheeple only knew better they'd agree with me" whether that was the intent of the statement or not.
That makes it an inference, which is a you problem. If you assume everyone is always attacking you, it makes discourse difficult.

Greg K

Not gonna lie. It's interesting seeing so many resistant to change. Welcome to the Grognards. Your complimentary youngins' waving cane will be under your chair.
I wonder how many people are not resistant to change, but simply dislike most or even all of the specific changes seen from WOTC and, yet, use or are willing to use third party material more to their liking.
Personally, I found very little of interest to me in both Xanathar's and the playtest packets and even less in Tasha's. However, I have many rules alternatives/variants, new classes, subclasses, and additional/alternative monster abilities both acquired for free online and for purchase at Drivethurpg, and the Dungeon Master's Guild that I would happily use while running a game.
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That makes it an inference, which is a you problem. If you assume everyone is always attacking you, it makes discourse difficult.

I never said you were attacking me. I said that I disagreed that keeping with anything official solely because it is official is widespread or common was anything other than your opinion. In my experience from decades of play, whether rules are official or not has little to do with it, all that matters is whether or not people enjoy playing with the rules that they have.

Of course the only reason anyone would ever comment on WotC's marketing or communications would be to take cheap shot. Because of course it is some constant state of war.

If even fans can't agree on something like this, that is a clear messaging problem on their part.
No. There is no way they could communicate clearer. The whole edition mess has started way before WotC even bought D&D. The did not do better with naming something 3.5.
But for 10 years they try to get away from those silly names. And people don't let them.

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