So I had a couple of threads I thought I'd write this in, and this one seemed to fit best.
So I just got done listening to the podcast When We Were Wizards. If you aren't familiar its an oral history of TSR/D&D. Very good, highly recommend.
One thing I noticed that was before Gary, RPG was basically orally transmitted. Like Teacher and Apprentice. Gary came along and wrote it down. So that you could learn to play it without a teacher. And wow, it took off.
I've been wanting to start a gaming club at my local library. And I want to have a "class" after the game for anyone who wants to learn to run games. But I've noticed that everytime I try to prep the idea, I have "writers" block. I don't really want to stand at the front of the room and "lecture" (although no matter what, there would have to be some of that, you have to go over the rules of the game at least.)
And I think it is because I want to go back to the original way RPGs were transmitted. I think I want to play RPGs with prospective game runners, not to learn to be players, but to be GMs. Talk them through the process, model it for them, and provide feedback.