D&D General How would you design the new 5.5 (whatever) ed PHB cover? Art!

Distracted DM

Distracted DM
I assume a design goal of a modern PHB cover is to highlight the characters not the monster. You want players to pick up the book and think "oh it'd be cool to play one of those characters!"

It also makes sense to have a dragon on the cover.
And some treasure.

I actually love the ideas behind Quickleaf's Take the Loot and Laugh a few posts above, but I think the scene would have to be more condensed to size appropriately on a cover.

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Takhisis' (& Soth's) favorite
I assume a design goal of a modern PHB cover is to highlight the characters not the monster. You want players to pick up the book and think "oh it'd be cool to play one of those characters!"

It also makes sense to have a dragon on the cover.
And some treasure.

I actually love the ideas behind Quickleaf's Take the Loot and Laugh a few posts above, but I think the scene would have to be more condensed to size appropriately on a cover.

I see a cool D&D monster and think “Man, I bet that will be a good fight! Can’t wait to fight one!”


Do people not put brown paper book covers over their books to protect them like we did to school books in the 80s?


Next, someone will suggest writing in them all the errata.

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