D&D General How would you design the new 5.5 (whatever) ed PHB cover? Art!


Takhisis' (& Soth's) favorite
Special Edition cover to boost sales.

View attachment 363618

Any depictions of actual people are purely coincidence and not reflect the blah, blah, blah

Not going to lie, I'd by it.

Thanks AI:

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Do people not put brown paper book covers over their books to protect them like we did to school books in the 80s?

View attachment 363538

Next, someone will suggest writing in them all the errata.
You jest, but I put my 2E core books in plastic covers with inserts that had my own hand-drawn art on them.

If I could justify the cost, I'd like to cover my 5E books thusly:



Moderator Emeritus
Next, someone will suggest writing in them all the errata.

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