D&D (2024) I am so torn [UPDATE: I bought it]

so what convinced you?
Ultimately my reasoning for not buying it felt flimsy after some examination. And the simple fact that as much as I love other games too, I truly love D&D (warts and all). If buying the books were more pf a financial burden for me, the calculus would have changed, but I have a decent "hobby" budget.

I am already planning a campaign, so...

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too many ‘you said’ here…
No, I meant what I said you said you said. :P
you conflated two issues in your previous response, I said WotC could release it under the OGL if they wanted to, and I asked you for an example of why you think it is important to have it under the OGL
No conflation happened. You were the one who purported that I said that you said that WotC needed to make a case, to which you replied that you hadn't said that WotC needed to; I responded to that by saying that I didn't say that you said that WotC needed to, just that you had said that.
You turned that into ‘Repeatedly saying that a "case" needed to be made for releasing the 5.2 SRD under the OGL, only to then agree that no such case was necessary’ which very much does sound like I asked you for a case for WotC to release it, which I never asked for.
Accurately recounting your previous posts is not "turned that into" anything. You asked for a "case," and I gave you one, which you then turned around and said wasn't a case, and when I pointed out that it not only in fact was but also that such a case wasn't relevant to the topic at hand, you agreed with me.
I also never ‘then agreed’ that none is needed, I agreed that WotC could simply release it under CC and OGL from the very start.
Not from the very start, no. You only agreed with that point after I made it; hence why it's an "agreement" per se.
which is why I clarified that I wanted an example about 5 posts back, and the only thing you offered is ‘because potentially someone somewhere wants to use something from it in a product that already takes OGL stuff and then does not have to figure out how to mix two licenses’, which is about as weak as it gets, as far as cases go (and still is not an example)
You're self-evidently wrong about that being not an example, and even more wrong about it being weak. Quite the contrary, that goes to the very heart of the issue, and is so strong that you not only haven't been able to offer a counterpoint, but instead completely dropped your opposition and agreed with my central premise. Which makes this tangent that you're making now quite bizarre.
You keep misrepresenting stuff and I grow tired of having to correct it.
I'm accurately representing everything you said; if you don't care for that, then there's nothing I can do, since you're the one who said it.
Add to this that the discussion will go nowhere even if we did not have to continue going in circles in each reply, and I am not really interested in continuing this.
I don't see how there's any "have to" about any of it, in all honesty, which is another instance of the language you're using not helping to clarify the point(s) in question.
So I bow out and hope I will not get dragged in again ;)
Nobody is "dragging you in" to anything; either reply or don't, at your discretion.

This has been fun and y'all are free to continue arguing about stuff, but I broke on the side of "buy it."

Thanks everyone.
I consider this a win for me, and no one, not even you, can tell me otherwise
Revenge Of The Sith Evil Laugh GIF by Star Wars

Not from the very start, no. You only agreed with that point after I made it; hence why it's an "agreement" per se.
I cannot agree with something you never said :rolleyes: The point is you did not convince me, so your whole ‘and then you were forced to admit that I was correct’ schtick is just BS

I'm accurately representing everything you said
I disagree with that… just see right above…

At the very best you accurately represent your interpretation of what I wrote, and even that is questionable…

Nobody is "dragging you in" to anything; either reply or don't, at your discretion.
I know, that is what I meant ;)

Not going to reply any further, hopefully ;)

I'm accurately representing everything you said; if you don't care for that, then there's nothing I can do, since you're the one who said it.
It seems to me that if a debate (or even just a conversation) gets to the point where Party A has to insist that they can better represent Party M's position than Party M, then that's really just Party A debating themself...

It seems to me that if a debate (or even just a conversation) gets to the point where Party A has to insist that they can better represent Party M's position than Party M, then that's really just Party A debating themself...
Not when Party M is openly contradicting what they said just a few posts earlier, for all and sundry to see. That's kind of a salient point, not to be casually overlooked by Party E.
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I cannot agree with something you never said :rolleyes: The point is you did not convince me, so your whole ‘and then you were forced to admit that I was correct’ schtick is just BS
I'm not sure what makes you think I was ever trying to convince you in the first place, though the fact that you've said that you agreed with me several times over now, only to apparently retract that here, makes the "never" part of what you've said here rather suspect. 🤷
I disagree with that… just see right above…
And I've pointed our where your disagreement is in contradiction with your own statements earlier in the thread, just like I did before.
At the very best you accurately represent your interpretation of what I wrote, and even that is questionable…
Given that you've openly contradicted yourself multiple times in the course of this thread, this take is highly suspect at best.
I know, that is what I meant ;)
And yet not what you've done. :p
Not going to reply any further, hopefully ;)
Hopefully indeed. :D

Not when Party M is openly contradicting what they said just a few posts earlier, for all and sundry to see. That's kind of a salient point, not to be casually overlooked.
what you call a contradiction, I call a clarification because you misunderstood it the first time around…

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