D&D (2024) I am so torn [UPDATE: I bought it]

It's the entire point of it existing.
I don't think we will agree on that one. WotC created it for a purpose, and that purpose was not for others to create similar games or recreate older versions

you're the one who's agreed with each and every one of my points so far
if each and every one of your points is 'WotC can just release the 2024 SRD under the OGL, they do not need a reason' and 'using one license is easier than two'. I am not seeing much else I agreed with ;)

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I don't think we will agree on that one. WotC created it for a purpose, and that purpose was not for others to create similar games or recreate older versions
WotC's purpose doesn't matter; they don't get to decide what it's used for. The community does.
if each and every one of your points is 'WotC can just release the 2024 SRD under the OGL, they do not need a reason'. I am not seeing much else I agreed with ;)
Interesting how that's actually not what each and every one of my points is. Of course, given that you've just admitted that you agreed with my central point anyway (again), "much else" is just a bonus. :P

WotC's purpose doesn't matter; they don't get to decide what it's used for. The community does.
WotC gets to decide for what purpose they released it. The community gets to decide what they do with it. That has no bearing on the purpose however.

Interesting how that's actually not what each and every one of my points is.
yeah, I added the second one since. Still, calling two 'each and every one' is a bit hyperbolic ;)

WotC gets to decide for what purpose they released it. The community gets to decide what they do with it. That has no bearing on the purpose however.
It's more correct to say that the purpose has no bearing on the use. If someone uses it for a purpose beyond what WotC intended, then so what? Their intentions count for nothing.
yeah, I added the second one since. Still, calling two 'each and every one' is a bit hyperbolic ;)
Calling it hyperbolic is, rather ironically, hyperbolic, since it's actually entirely accurate. :P

It's more correct to say that the purpose has no bearing on the use.
not sure how that is more correct, that is just a rephrasing of what I wrote ('The community gets to decide what they do with it. '). The purpose is still WotC's to decide however and what you called the 'entire point for its existence' is not that purpose, so I'd say you got that one wrong

Calling it hyperbolic is, rather ironically, hyperbolic, since it's actually entirely accurate. :p
assuming you only made two claims (and I do not think that is accurate), maybe, but that phrasing certainly makes it sound like there were a lot more :D

not sure how that is more correct, that is just a rephrasing of what I wrote ('The community gets to decide what they do with it. '). The purpose is still WotC's to decide however and what you called the 'entire point for its existence' is not that purpose, so I'd say you got that one wrong
Nope! You keep bringing up purpose, and I keep pointing out that's an irrelevant point. But I suppose this is going to be like when you kept talking about a "case," only to, when pressed on that point, admit that it doesn't matter at all. Likewise here, the entire point of its existence is whatever the community decides it is, not WotC's meaningless "purpose."
assuming you only made two claims (and I do not think that is accurate), maybe, but that phrasing certainly makes it sound like there were a lot more :D
You seem to overlook that it's three claims (and counting), but since at this point you're debating precisely how many times you've admitted that I'm right, I'd say that at this point one more victory lap on my part doesn't matter too much. :lol:

Nope! You keep bringing up purpose, and I keep pointing out that's an irrelevant point.
when you said it is the reason for its existence, you brought up purpose, I just disagreed with your stated purpose

you've admitted that I'm right
I agreed with you, there was nothing to admit, I never disagreed with those parts

This is going nowhere…

related question, do you think having 3e in CC is more important or 2024 under OGL? I know they can do both, that is not the point and not what I am asking ;)

Well, they have made 5.0e unavailable for new purchases, when you can currently buy all other editions in digital format, so there's that excuse to not like them if you liked 5.0e and don't want it to vanish into history.

And that's not even counting gutting some of the material (like alignment commentary in PC races, never intended to be restrictive in the first place) from more recent printings, so even if they do release it in 15 years, getting the tidbits about a general tendency for dwarves to be lawful, with the explanations of why, will be relagated to the same black hole as the lost pantheons from original printings 1e Deities & Demigods.

There's a lot of really cool things in the 2024 books. I'm going to use this space to talk about what I've liked.

First and foremost, this may seem shallow, but the art is phenomenal and that matters a lot. For what feels like the first time to me, D&D art isn't just self-referential, it is fresh. There are legitimately cool ideas for what characters are and look like, and new aesthetics to explore Fantasy as a genre through. More then ever does D&D feel like it aesthetically stands on its own two feet to me in the contemporary/WotC era.

Next, the classes are just flat out more fun to play and more fun to DM for. There are some sensible new limitations, like Paladin's not dropping two mega smites a turn or Druids having a menagerie of wild shapes instead of an infinity. But there's a lot a lot of cool things mechanically like weapon mastery that make for more exciting combats. Finally, combat in D&D feels more dynamic to me, because using weapons leads to interesting changes in the environment and the game state beyond just damage being dealt. "Push" and "Trip" are, frankly, revolutionary despite being minor and simple, just because they make use of the entire space instead of isolating things to 5 foot squares. Other classes, like Sorcerer, have more of an identity now, and classes like the Barbarian no longer feel like the same old trick at low and high levels alike. In other words, the game has more texture now, and that is display primarily through the classes.

The DMG is a far better book now. It provides good advice that IMO is a great refresher for experienced DMs. It has good tables and solid ideas for running the game and changing it to suit your needs. It fixes issues with the Adventuring Day, it gives an actual exploration procedure, and the Greyhawk redux is a great foundation to use for one-shots and quick games. I like the various bits of advice for worldbuilding in here too, and will be using some of them to make my own personal "Material Plane" for funsies shortly -- things like creating one god per plane in the Great Wheel to make your own pantheon, etc etc.

Overall, the books create a better foundation than 2014, and are IMO a flatout upgrade as a GAME. Highly recommend.

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