• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

I have d20 Past



I picked it up two days ago.
It looked bigger on the internet.
The Victorian Shadowchasers is very nice, particularly with the cyclical nature of Shadow. I might just be able to run some nifty time-travel adventures now.
The 30's pulp is also nice.
I'm underwhelmed by the Age of Exploration.
I really wanted to see an magical setting for Imperial Rome, the Trojan War, or magical cavemen.
Oh well...

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What? Me Worry?
(Psi)SeveredHead said:
Why do the authors insist on "naming" firearms instead of just giving generic rules? There wouldn't be complaints about the M1 Garand if they avoided naming the guns. (Ok, that's not really something you can get from D20 Past.)

There's a lot of Nazi stat-blocks in the book. If you remove the allegiances to evil and Naziism, could they make interesting villains for other settings?

On the former point, I gotta say I've wondered the same thing.

On the latter, I don't see why not. I also like the ready-made NPCs for each Advanced and Prestige Class (Mesmerist, Frontier Marshal, etc.). They could be used for any given situation you'd need such a character for.


First Post
(Psi)SeveredHead said:
Why do the authors insist on "naming" firearms instead of just giving generic rules? There wouldn't be complaints about the M1 Garand if they avoided naming the guns.

They did that in the Original Sidewinder: Wild West Adventures (the d20 based game, not the current d20 Modern based "Recoiled" game). They had "single action revolver, double action revolver, lever action rifle" etc, with no specific model or brand of gun identified. One of the top requests of that game was to provide more guns for people, with more details about specific models. The people who know a lot about guns (I do not claim much gun knowledge, myself) know a Colt .45 is not the same as a Colt .44 or a S&W etc. There are differences between guns (perhaps significant, perhaps not) that some people like to see in their games.

Bottom line: You can't please all of the people all of the time. ;)



(Psi)SeveredHead said:
What are the new occupations like? Does the Primitive Occupation give you two feats, or the choice between two feats?

The new occupations are pretty in line with the more modern ones. THere are some changes; for example Dilettante changes to Aristocat, the new Cloistered occupation to represent isolated from society, and Cosmopolitan to represent the 'world travelers' of the day. Primitive gets Track and Archaic WP.

(Psi)SeveredHead said:
Are the AdCs balanced with the AdCs in D20 Modern, or do they more resemble D20 Future AdCs instead? Are there any non-FX AdCs, and if so, how many? Can you use Archaic Weapons Proficiency as a pre-requisite for the Soldier?

I'm not the best judge of balance, but they seem pretty much comparable to the ones in Modern.

(Psi)SeveredHead said:
What are the new feats like? Is Sidekick balanced? How does Obscure Knowledge work?

Minions is like Leadership in the PHB/DMG. Sidekick seems pretty cool; you gain a single follower of higher level rather than a bunch of lesser followers. As for balanced, I dunno. It's kind of like adding another slightly weaker PC to the party, and putting him under the control of the PC or the DM as an NPC of sorts.

(Psi)SeveredHead said:
Why do the authors insist on "naming" firearms instead of just giving generic rules? There wouldn't be complaints about the M1 Garand if they avoided naming the guns. (Ok, that's not really something you can get from D20 Past.)

I'm a big fan of big weapon lists, even if there are only minor differences in the stats. I suppose this falls in the realm of more realism at the cost of extra crunch. I agree with The Shaman, however, that the weapon stats given here are not so accurate.

(Psi)SeveredHead said:
There's a lot of Nazi stat-blocks in the book. If you remove the allegiances to evil and Naziism, could they make interesting villains for other settings?

I suppose you could de-Nazify them for use elsewhere. The only thing that makes them Nazis is the equipment, AL, and flavor. I think they would end up being generic threats at that point. Might as well use anything.

Overall, I think it's a good book. Plenty of ideas for those of us who are not so inventive. I would not say, however, that someone willing to take a bit of time modifying the D20 Modern rules should bother unless they are looking for those ideas. It really doesn't change anything dramatically, especially for a experienced gamer. If you are on a budget and looking to run a Victorian/Wild West, Pirates/Age of Sail, or Pulp/'30s-'40s adventure, I wouldn't buy it. If you have some spare cash, go for it.

The Shaman

First Post
(Psi)SeveredHead said:
Are the AdCs balanced with the AdCs in D20 Modern...?
In the Pulp Heroes minigame, David Noonan (the author) wrote, "Characters in a Pulp Heroes game tend to make more saving throws than in many other d20 Modern campaigns, however. Accordingly, the advanced classes presented below provide above-average saving throw bonuses" (Polyhedron 161, p. 15). Looking over the class abilities, I think the same could be said of the AdCs generally: compare the Gangster to the Bodyguard, which both begin as Tough heroes and have similar saving throw progressions - however, in addition to having those good saves, the Gangster also has a huge boost to offensive skills which makes the Gangster more effective on both offense and defense whereas the Bodyguard's good saves are linked to his mostly defensive abilities.

It appears that WotC boosted the PH AdCs with little thought to balance: while the AdCs for Pulp Heroes are internally consistent with one another (so that the relative power level remains the same), they are out-of-kilter with the other d20 Modern AdCs. (BTW, if you have Polyhedron 161, you have the Explorer and Gangster already - aside from swapping the Defense and Reputation scores for the Explorer, the classes are identical.)

For example, the Gangster AdC strikes me as cracked (that is, not quite completely broken...). The Gangster's bonus damage is way overpowered compared to other classes which get extra dice, IMO. It applies anytime an opponent is denied a Dex bonus to Defense - with a high Dex and Improved Initiative, this becomes pretty deadly.

Compare the Gangster to the Dead Shot in The Game Mechanics' Modern Player's Companion which requires expending an Action Point to gain an extra +1d6 damage at 5th level, or the Gunslinger in Dog House Rules' Sidewinder: Recoiled which can expend an AP to gain +3d6 damage at 10th level. (I also created a homebrew AdC, the Hunter, which gains extra damage dice against no Dex bonus - it provided +1d6 at 4th level and +2d6 at 8th level.)

Bobitron said:
Primitive gets Track and Archaic WP.

That's not what I was hoping to hear, actually. There are lots of Primitive concepts that don't involve knowing how to Track.

For that matter, isn't giving it Concentration a bad idea? The only way I've seen to play a spellcaster in D20 Modern as early as possible with Concentration as a class skill is to play a Tough Hero with the Religious occupation.

Now a Dedicated could take this occupation, get Concentration 6 ranks and Skill Emphasis (Concentration)...

Ranger REG

(Psi)SeveredHead said:
That's not what I was hoping to hear, actually. There are lots of Primitive concepts that don't involve knowing how to Track.
Feel free to modify it. This Primitive Occupation (or Background) is styled after Tarzan.


What? Me Worry?
ajanders said:
the Trojan War, or magical cavemen.

Green Ronin already did a whole book on the Trojan War, and given that they did such a great job on Biblical-era stuff in Testament, they probably did a stellar job on Classical Greece. For magical cavemen, or at least cavemen that could do magic, check out Frostburn.


First Post
Bobitron said:
Classes: New Advanced Classes include the Explorer (a sort of non-magical ranger/rogue), a generic one for any time period. The Age of Adventure gets the Musketeer (light acrobatic fighter), the Shaman (traditional magician with Divine magic and some nature based features including Animal Companion and Empathy), and the Sorcerer (a dragon-blooded arcane spellcaster). Shadow Stalkers gets the Frontier Marshal (western-style lawman), the Mesmerist (psion), and the Spiritualist (Divine spellcaster with connections to spirits). The Pulp era gets the Flying Ace (pilot, natch), Gangster (intimidating underworld rogue), and Scientist (invention-based scientist of action, rather than lab-based researcher).

As a note, the Musketeer, the Frontier Marshal, and the Flying Ace are all prestige classes, not Advanced classes...


Voidrunner's Codex

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