D&D 5E I want more flavorful wizard subclasses.


What if the subclasses were literally flavourful?

Imagine a world where wizards are chefs, and their spells are recipes. There could be wizards specializing in spicy or sweet magic, but maybe others mix sweet with sour, or salty with spicy for example.

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What if the subclasses were literally flavourful?

Imagine a world where wizards are chefs, and their spells are recipes. There could be wizards specializing in spicy or sweet magic, but maybe others mix sweet with sour, or salty with spicy for example.
The Arcane Tradition of Gastronomy? ;) "His spellcasting is making me hungry." 😋


A suffusion of yellow
What if the subclasses were literally flavourful?

Imagine a world where wizards are chefs, and their spells are recipes. There could be wizards specializing in spicy or sweet magic, but maybe others mix sweet with sour, or salty with spicy for example.
Stinking Cloud would have entirely different connotations!

(btw I’ve known a couple players who had Characters who were cooks, using various herbs and spices to create healing meals, and cooking other effects into biscuits and soups


Stinking Cloud would have entirely different connotations!

(btw I’ve known a couple players who had Characters who were cooks, using various herbs and spices to create healing meals, and cooking other effects into biscuits and soups
In my homebrew world I have an order of spellcasters that belong to The Mystical Order of Arcane Culinary Arts. My players bought some biscuits off them that gave them 3 temp hp when eaten.


Fine. Reduce spell slots by thirty percent or so and they'll be room for more flavorful mechanics.

I would go the other direction. Instead of reducing spell slots, put in an extra slot and an extra preparation but those must be used exclusively for spells from the chosen school. Also allow a Wizard to use this extra preparation to prepare any spell of the chosen school, from any class list, whether or not it is in his spell book.


A suffusion of yellow
I would go the other direction. Instead of reducing spell slots, put in an extra slot and an extra preparation but those must be used exclusively for spells from the chosen school. Also allow a Wizard to use this extra preparation to prepare any spell of the chosen school, from any class list, whether or not it is in his spell book.
So are we also restricting opposed schools? I think wizards get too many slots now, excluding anything flavourful, but if they took the hit of not having access to some spells I could support adding some extra flavour-rich spells


Welp. Playtest 7 has arrived to provide you with more vanilla.

But not just any vanilla, that kind of 'vanilla' that has never seen a bean, orchid or otherwise and is instead just sugar in milk.


So are we also restricting opposed schools? I think wizards get too many slots now, excluding anything flavourful, but if they took the hit of not having access to some spells I could support adding some extra flavour-rich spells
I'm sort of the opposite, I think spellcasters get too few and that they could do with a handful more of the lower level slots. Not an excessive amount more, but there are spots on the spell chart where no extra slots are gained and I think they could add one more 2nd, 3rd, and 4th level slot. Even with those extra slots, I think there is plenty of space for additional flavourful abilities, and honestly think that every class should have 5 levels where they get subclass features to make them feel distinct from the other subclasses.

Voidrunner's Codex

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