Hitting things isn’t the same as blasting them though, so complex fighter and simple caster please and thank you WizardsThis is a large part of why so many love the fighter, they just want a simple "I hit things" class.
Hitting things isn’t the same as blasting them though, so complex fighter and simple caster please and thank you WizardsThis is a large part of why so many love the fighter, they just want a simple "I hit things" class.
We have a simple caster. It's the Warlock. You use Eldritch Blast 90% of the time and occasionally throw in a spell or invocation. That's why there's such a divide between the people who like the Warlock mechanics as they are and the people who like the Warlock flavor but want it to be more mechanically complex again.Hitting things isn’t the same as blasting them though, so complex fighter and simple caster please and thank you Wizards
Maybe not, but what I was getting at was that many people want that simple fighter that hits things just like they want that simple wizard that blasts things.Hitting things isn’t the same as blasting them though, so complex fighter and simple caster please and thank you Wizards
Oh, it's really quite simple:Trying to explain to new players what the schools are about is also an exercise in frustration.
It would be so much simpler if they just framed conjuration as the summoning and/or teleportation school of magic, because really, what does it matter if you evoked that fire yourself or conjured it from the elemental plane? It’s still just regular fire doing fire damage, no extra bonuses or quirks to it, give conjuration it's own stronger theme.Oh, it's really quite simple:
Conjuration is about evoking elemental and astral energy. Also summoning.
Evocation is conjuring elemental and astral energy to do damage.
Nope. Totally on purpose because they're the same thing with extra jargon.Sorry but I just had to point out, if you did this on purpose sorry I missed the joke
It would be so much simpler if they just framed conjuration as the summoning and/or teleportation school of magic, because really, what does it matter if you evoked that fire yourself or conjured it from the elemental plane? It’s still just regular fire doing fire damage, no extra bonuses or quirks to it.
Evocation and Abjuration would have tradition-focused fans, I suspect, since they represent some of the most "classically D&D-Wizard" spells. Divination is in kind of a weird spot, because prior to 5e it was extremely weak as a school, but now it's arguably the best of the bunch because of Portent (probably the only truly powerful Wizard subclass feature.)
Conjuration and Transmutation might have fans because they were brokenly OP in 3e, and thus people might want to hold onto them.
Necromancy and Enchantment...harder to say. There's certainly room to argue that Illusion and Enchantment could just be folded into a single school, and that Necromancy could be classified as a subset of Transmutation since...I mean it literally is about transmuting (formerly-)living things into undead things.
If I were combining based on common themes, I would combine Illusion and Enchantment into a single school (probably still called "Enchantment" but "Glamour" could work), and probably just fully merge Necromancy in as a subset of Transmutation. From there, it's just a matter of looking for things that seem reasonable among the remainder. Combining Evocation and Abjuration into a single school seems pretty reasonable, and would make for probably the single most obviously "D&D Wizard" subclass you could get what with having fireball, mage armor, counterspell, magic missile, and a host of other quintessentially D&D spells in there.
So that would have Enchantment (absorbing Illusion), Transmutation (absorbing Necromancy), Evocation (absorbing Abjuration), Conjuration, and Divination. And those last two do have a kind of unexpected connection, since Conjuration relates to teleportation and thus depends on knowledge, and Divination depends on going to places (usually with magical sensors or remote viewing) and such. Probably have Conjuration absorb Divination.