D&D 5E [IC] Against the Slavelords



Tirion Cayde, Cleric Level 6 (Life)
Where: Port Fury/Beneath the Temple
When: 3.5/Morning
Round 0

Tirion put up the hood of his new cloak and pulled it closed to mask his gleaming armor. Saying a prayer for guidance, he followed after the noisy dwarf.

Stealth with Guidance: 1D20+1D4 = [1]+[3] = 4

OOC: Sigh. Not much quieter! Save us, ladies! (and Kelvyn)

[sblock=Tirion’s Actions]
Bonus Action:
Inspiration: 1

[sblock=Mini Stats]
AC: 20 (plate and shield)
HP: 45/45 HD: 3/6d8

Channel Divinity (2/R)
Turn/Destroy Undead (CR 1/2)
Preserve Life (30)

Prepared Spells:
+7/DC 15
Cantrips: Guidance, Thaumaturgy, Mending, Sacred Flame
1st: (Bless, Cure Wounds), Healing Word, Guiding Bolt, Command
2nd: (Lesser Restoration, Spiritual Weapon), Prayer of Healing, Hold Person, Blindness/Deafness, Silence
3rd: (Beacon of Hope, Revivify), Spirit Guardians, Dispel Magic, Mass Healing Word

Spell Slots Remaining/Total
1st: 4/4
2nd: 1/3
3rd: 2/3

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Quellathe shook her head at the dwarf's impulsiveness, and winced at the sound his armor made. making sure the hood of her cloak was on securely, she pulled out her bow, nocked an arrow, and signaled Naeris to come with her down the tunnel, walking as quietly and smoothly as she could

[sblock='Rolls']Stealth Roll for Quellathe with advantage due to Cloak of Elvenkind: Stealth: 1D20+6 = [15]+6 = 21
1D20+6 = [16]+6 = 22

Naeris Stealth: Stealth: 1D20+9 = [19]+9 = 28


[section]Ciymthrax flapped his way to Levanna's forearm held out before her. "There are times when I truly envy you," she said to her familiar. The fey hawk turned his attention to her as if puzzled by what she said. Levanna waved her hand dismissively, sending Ciymthrax to his pocket dimension.

"I can do this. I just need to go away to a happy place of my own..." Levanna whispered to herself as she looked down the tunnel. Before she could lose her nerve, she waded out into the filth. It was a test of her willpower to not splash her way forward recklessly to get out of it as fast as possible.

[sblock='Mini Stat Block']
Levanna (Wizard 6)
Initiative: +1 Perception: +2
Passive Perception: 12
Passive Investigation: 17
Speed: 30'

AC: 16
HP: 27/38

Inspiration: 0 Luck: 3

In Hand:Quarterstaff
Off Hand: None

Spell Save DC: 15

Prepared Spells:
1st: Mage Armor, Shield, Magic Missile, Protection From Evil and Good
2nd: Misty Step, Suggestion, Invisibility, Flaming Sphere
3rd: Counterspell, Fireball

Spell slots remaining/Spell slots total:
1st: 1/4
2nd: 1/3
3rd: 0/3

Spells contained in the Ring of Spell Storing:
Charm Person, Feather Fall

Active Spells: (c) denotes concentration
Mage Armor, Water Breathing, Comprehend Languages, Unseen Servant

Character Sheet


First Post
The party moves down the tunnel as quietly as possible but Tirion and Uhtred make a bit too much noise and just as they approach the open area they hear a shout (in Orcish) "Hey, whos goes there? Whats the password?"

GM: Stealth rolls. NOTE yes the party does benefit from the cloaks as you are trying to sneak up on the guards. Group check 3 +4 +22 +16 +16 = 61/5 = 12.2, round to the nearest is 12. The orcs have a Passive Perception of 12 (they are guards after all) so they heard the group moving through the tunnel.

Initiative for orcs (splitting them into two groups) Initiative: 1D20+1 = [4]+1 = 5; 1D20+1 = [18]+1 = 19. The ogres are still surprised as are some of the orcs that you can't see.

Initiative and Actions for the heroes!!! The Orcs that you can see are Readying their Actions (if they go first) this turn to attack anyone who appears out of the tunnel that they do not recognize.

Also the orcs have 1/2 cover (+2 AC) from the tower shields set up next to them vs. ranged attacks. They are all armed with axes & javelins and have their shields out BUT not readied until their action.

Medium humanoid (orc), chaotic evil
Armor Class 16 (mail shirts, shield)
Hit Points 18 (2d8+6)
Saves Str +5, Con +5
Speed 30 ft.
STR 16 (+3), DEX 12 (+1), CON 16 (+3), INT 8 (-1), WIS 11 (+0), CHA 8 (−1)
Skills Intimidate +1, Perception +2
Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 12
Languages Orc, giant
Aggressive. As a bonus action, the orc can move up to its speed towards a hostile creature that it can see.
Battle Axe. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 1d8+3 slashing damage.
(6 orcs have 3) Javelin. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 30/120ft, one target. Hit: 1d6+3 piercing damage.
(6 orcs have) Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 100/400ft., one target. Hit: 1d10+1 piercing damage. Heavy, two-handed, loading. 10 bolts each.
Large giant, chaotic evil
Armor Class 12 (studded leather armor and natural hide)
Hit Points 69 (7d10+21)
Saves Str +8, Con +6
Speed 40 ft.
STR 20 (+5), DEX 8 (-1), CON 16 (+3), INT 8 (-1), WIS 8 (-1), CHA 7 (−2)
Skills Intimidate +8
Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 9
Languages Giant, orc
Oversized Battleaxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 2d10+5 slashing damage.
Javelin. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range 30/120ft., one target. Hit: 2d6+5 piercing damage.


Quellathe cursed silently when the orcs heard them. Focusing on one of the orcs, she spoke a word in English and fired twice quickly.

[sblock='Actions and Rolls']
Initiative (with advantage due to Bow of Warning): Initiative (w/advantage due to bow of warning): 1D20+3 = [16]+3 = 19
1D20+3 = [6]+3 = 9

bonus action to shift hunters mark (still in effect from last fight) to orc in k4
Two attacks with bow
attack: [roll0] damage: [roll1] piercing plus [roll2] from hunter's mark
attack: [roll3] damage: [roll4] piercing plus [roll5] from hunter's mark

had to switch to enworld roller as cayote code suddenly wasn't working right. Hope it works![/sblock]


Fighter 6

Uhtred clanked along the sewer, wincing as his beaten up armour gave them away. Some unintelligible Orcish floated down the corridor, well so much for that thought Uhtred.

Throwing out any subtlety Uhtred charged at the tower shields. Axe swinging.

[SBLOCK=Actions and Rolls]
Move and attack the closest enemy, if none are in reach he'll move and hold until anything comes within reach or, if nothing does, dash at the end of the round.
Uhtred Initiative: 1D20+1 = [4]+1 = 5
Uhtred atack and damage: 1D20+7 = [6]+7 = 13
1D12+4 = [6]+4 = 10
1D20+7 = [11]+7 = 18
1D12+4 = [6]+4 = 10

EDIT: forgot alloy the help from Cymanthrix Advantage on first attack roll: 1D20+5 = [13]+5 = 18


[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]
Conditions: None
Action Surge: 0/1
Second Wind: 0/1
Inspiration: 1

Great Axe +1: +7 1d12+4S
Maul: +6 2d6 +3B

Initiative: +1
Perception: +5 (Passive: 15)
Speed 25 AC: 17 (Splint)
HP: 64/64 HD: 6/6d10
Main Hand: Great Axe
Last edited:


[section]With something to focus on instead of the muck, Levanna readied herself for another fight. The wizard once again summoned her fey hawk.

"So much for the stealth approach," she said regretfully. "Aid my companions," she commanded her familiar.

[sblock=actions]Levanna summons her familiar again. :p She dismissed him in case it would interfere with her stealth roll. She'll command him to Help Uthred. I'm not sure exactly when that can happen.
Levanna's Initiative [roll0]
Ciymthrax's Initiative [roll1][/sblock]

[sblock='Mini Stat Block']
Levanna (Wizard 6)
Initiative: +1 Perception: +2
Passive Perception: 12
Passive Investigation: 17
Speed: 30'

AC: 16
HP: 27/38

Inspiration: 0 Luck: 3

In Hand:Quarterstaff
Off Hand: None

Spell Save DC: 15

Prepared Spells:
1st: Mage Armor, Shield, Magic Missile, Protection From Evil and Good
2nd: Misty Step, Suggestion, Invisibility, Flaming Sphere
3rd: Counterspell, Fireball

Spell slots remaining/Spell slots total:
1st: 1/4
2nd: 1/3
3rd: 0/3

Spells contained in the Ring of Spell Storing:
Charm Person, Feather Fall

Active Spells: (c) denotes concentration
Mage Armor, Water Breathing, Comprehend Languages, Unseen Servant

Character Sheet


Kelvyn gulps at the forces arrayed against him and the smiles as an idea hits him. "I might be able to disrupt some of those shields." He begins moving, the words of a spell on his lips. As he approaches he toss a bit of colored sand at the first couple of Orcs. A chaotic flash of color erupts forward from him in a cone to dazzle the Orcs.

OOC: [roll0] [roll1] Move to J7 and cast Color Spray.

[sblock=color spray]
Color Spray
1st-level illusion
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: S e l f (15-foot cone)
Components: V, S, M (a pinch of powder or sand that is
colored red, yellow, and blue)
Duration: 1 round
A dazzling array o f flashing, colored light springs from
your hand. Roll 6d10; the total is how many hit points
o f creatures this spell can effect. Creatures in a 15-foot
cone originating from you are affected in ascending
order o f their current hit points (ignoring unconscious
creatures and creatures that can’t see).
Starting with the creature that has the lowest current
hit points, each creature affected by this spell is blinded
until the spell ends. Subtract each creature’s hit points
from the total before moving on to the creature with
the next lowest hit points. A creature’s hit points must
be equal to or less than the remaining total for that
creature to be affected.[/sblock]



Tirion Cayde, Cleric Level 6 (Life)
Where: Port Fury/Beneath the Temple
When: 3.5/Morning
Round 1

OOC: Well, then, I would have rolled with advantage from the cloak. Oh well.

Tirion banged his mace against his shield and the holy symbol emblazoned there glowed as he yelled a prayer to Pelor. The air around him started to glow and the light formed into countless winged spirits that zipped through the air thirty feet around him as he charged after Uhtred and toward the orcs.

[sblock=Tirion’s Actions]
Initiative: 1D20 = [9] = 9
Move: To the nearest orc
Action: Cast Spirit Guardians Wis save DC 15 takes half damage
Spirit Guardians damage: 3D8 = [2, 4, 6] = 12
Bonus Action:
Concentration: Spirit Guardians (100/100r)
Inspiration: 1

[sblock=Mini Stats]
AC: 20 (plate and shield)
HP: 45/45 HD: 3/6d8

Channel Divinity (2/R)
Turn/Destroy Undead (CR 1/2)
Preserve Life (30)

Prepared Spells:
+7/DC 15
Cantrips: Guidance, Thaumaturgy, Mending, Sacred Flame
1st: (Bless, Cure Wounds), Healing Word, Guiding Bolt, Command
2nd: (Lesser Restoration, Spiritual Weapon), Prayer of Healing, Hold Person, Blindness/Deafness, Silence
3rd: (Beacon of Hope, Revivify), Spirit Guardians, Dispel Magic, Mass Healing Word

Spell Slots Remaining/Total
1st: 4/4
2nd: 1/3
3rd: 1/3

Voidrunner's Codex

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