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[IC] Ever Dream, The Worlds of Life (Closed)

THe agent in the star was rejoined with his master, as were the assasins of Eldon and the peices of the crazed and the mad all over the world. The great pillar of Umbryn and the buried stone, forever altering their surroundings.

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@ the asteroid field of Prime I

The great asteroid which once held the Forge of Jo'Karr sits abandoned in space, no longer home to a deity. But it is a holy place, filled with divine energy and sanctified by centuries of being a home to a god.

The asteroid is approached by three massive, pyramid shaped ships filled with angels. The 'Truth', the 'Reconciliation', and the 'Uneven Elephant' (complete with a massive pink elephant painted on the side) are here on a holy mission. The ships each fire a single blue point of light, the size of an apple, at the asteroid. The points of light burst into thousands of points of light, and carve up the asteroid with technologically enhanced alchemical power. The three-mile asteroid is transmuted into millions of small statuettes of Joxandar, and the statuettes are sent to holy sites throughout the material plane.

These holy sites draw in worthy, good filled individuals of all mortal races. These mortals are blessed with a sacred transformation upon picking up the statuettes. The statuettes meld into the recipients' flesh, and transform him/her into a magically animated statue of their former selves. Their new bodies of Starmetal are incredibly strong and durable, more so than even the finest steel. They do not rust or tarnish, they do not require food or air, but they supernaturally age (much slower than normal), and eventually die. The new race of Golems spread the word and will of Joxandar throughout the mortal plane.

Othar was lost in thought when it happened, the very ethaeril shook. It was a mighty shake causing all on the plane to fall to their knees, even Othar himself knelt. "So" he muttered"At long last the time has come for the end... again. The universe will not survive not even Shara could avert the wrath of Volkath and Valkrath. They would battle until the very cosmos was destroyed.

This was the moment he had been waiting for his long, but at the same time short, life. He took up The Anchea in his hand and thrust it into his chest, setting it beside the other one already there. He gather's all of the travellers on ethaeril and bade them to leave the plane at once go into stasis and never come out. It would be far preferable to the alternative. When this was done he gathered himself together, collapsing the ethaeil and expelling its occupants onto nearby planes in the process. The immortal horizon also lost all of his backing weakening it severely. Then he left to fight the real GODS WAR.


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"In order for this plan to work, we are going to need a leader. Someone to organize all of our thoughts. My vote for leader will have to go to Endovior, for he seems the most calm headed about this. As well as the one with the access to the most knowledge. As well, it might help if we enlist the aid of a few more beings before we attempt this. I have a feeling if we screw this up we won't get another shot at it. I have sent a message to my son, so he shall be here soon. As well, I am continueing my search for Jo'karr. He was the one who started this, and he is going to have to see it through to the end. Hopefully, Jemal will respond to me as well. Should we bring anyone else in on this venture, or is the current group sufficient?"


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Rose looks mildly flustered at the mention of Jo'Karr, considering her ferrocity in battle, seeing her blush is more than mildly disturbing.

"Jo'Karr is gone, he has become... something else. He will not listen to us, but instead entrusted me, the greatest of our alchemists and warriors, to take his place in this. He has gone to Shara, for some divine reason that he will not tell us. The Archangel Council and I believe there may be something else coming, something worse than the Demon invasion. We have been preparing for it constantly, but the Tribble war has undone much of our preparations."


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A look of annoyance appears on Albedo. "Is this a game to him? He comes to me looking for aid to stop U-DO, beacause HE believed such retribution was neccesary. And now he has gone off on yet another quest and leaves us to wrap this one up ourselves? What kind of convictions does that being have?" Albedo looks to Endovior, "You are the wisest of us. I have laid some of the ground work down to stop U-DO, and I would like to entrust the preperations of our plans to you. Please accept my most sincere apologies, for there is something I must attend to. I shall try to hurry back." Albedo then leaves the room and ventures to the portal plane. On the way he picks up his son, and the two of them go off to speak to Shara and Jo'karr.


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Rose stops them just before they reach the portal, and slaps Albedo across the face.

"HOW DARE YOU!?" Her face is red with rage, her muscles tense and her voice hateful.

"You would DARE suggest that he doesn't care? Did it ever occur to you that you, and all your vaunted plans and designs might be but small fish compared to his? That there might be something more important? And have you never considered that he might have enlisted you because he knew he might not be able to finish it? YOU SHOULD BE HONORED! My god trusted you with this, NOW GET YOUR HIGH AND MIGHTY HIND QUARTERS BACK IN THAT ROOM AND QUIT WASTING TIME!!"


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slap happy begins anew

Tensok sits back watching the whole scene unfold, quite amused. This little alliance was shorter lived than he thought. He finnishes his ale, then quietly slips out while those two have their quarral.


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Albedo strikes Rose back, sending her flying to the floor. "You know, I actually had considered such things before I left. But I refuse to be a tool. It is my job to determine whether or not your "high and mighty" Jo'karr is using me for some act of good, or just as another method to complete his will. I do not recomend striking me again Rose. You do not know me well enough to judge. Besides, Endovior is the only one who can put any of our plans into action anyways. My job was to figure out a way to stop U-DO and I have formulated my theory. Until the time to perform the deed is here, I can do whatever I wish." With that, Albedo and his son continue their journey to find Shara, leaving a stunned Rose behind.


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Rose stands. The hatred radiating off of her is palpable, tangible.

"He's as bad as U-Do! If I didn't have orders to work with him..." The motions she makes with her fists clearly illustrates her intent. She wipes the blood off her lip.

"Its no wonder, he knows nothing of the divine, of their power and presence. He has never known, none of you do. We Angels, we live with them, we worship them in their presence, we know them, and we have never dissobeyed them."

She turns to Endovior.

"You, my lord, you are the only hope we have. For the blasphemers and heretics will never be able to accomplish anything. I stand with you, m'lord."

She bows in reverence.

Voidrunner's Codex

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