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[IC] Halfling Quest - Rooting Around


Wednesday - Evening

"Oh, he's around back splitting wood, good luck with whatever has been rooting around, I've got more patience for it that my mum, but that doesn't mean much." She returns to her gardening and the three of you begin to circle around back, as you approach you can hear the repetitive kachunk sound of an axe striking wood. A few more steps and you're around to the back, and from what you can tell Mellar woman have similar taste in men. Probably half a score years of age older than you, his arms are corded with muscles and his skin is tanned from hours under the sun on the farm. He wears a broad-brimmed straw hat which covers a shaggy golden blond mop of hair. He doesn't seem to pay any attention to you, although you get the sense that he knows you are there, the axe going up, kachunk, down splitting a log, then another is in its place, kachunk.

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Knowing better than to step too close to a man with an axe, Jerran stops a respectable distance away from the man that he can only assume is Lamir. He waits patiently there, watching Lamir work.


First Post
Evilhalfling said:
Kiylea, im not certain we want a fire, if we scare it off, we will just have to be here longer, although its not so bad...
smiling He turns to meet Bubbles umm Hi, oooh Pie mmmmm.
*munch* Ohm dooin an boaa trap *swallows* you stand on near one end and when it charges
*munch* da Nd pops op and *swallow* spears him, but he hasta be coming at you from sotra that way.
Eddie makes a small gesture with his half eaten pie. You can move it about a bit but if he comes from behind you its no good at all....
He starts blushing again and trails off. He will move over and demonstrate the spear trap showing where to stand and how to make small adjustments. He sets the pie down but glances at it anxiously as if afraid it will be carried off.

Bubbles watches Eddie work the trap and then tries to mimic what he does. "Like this?"


Tarlonniel said:
"Want me to hold that?" she asks, pointing to his piece.
No. I can watch it fine from here. Eddie says quickly glancing from the pie to Kiylea suspciously glaring at both.
Then he grins, turning to Bubbles Is she making fun of me?
Slippshade said:
"Like this?"

Eddie backs away from the spear, glancing at the pie and then a Kiylea with another grin.
He watches Bubbles for a momment as she practices flipping up the pointed end and grounding the other with her feet. Then he steps forward and reaches out with both hands, It would work better if you shifted your legs so, He jerks his hands back quickly before touching her hips. Oh! erm, let me show you with this stick over here. You put the arch of you foot on the shaft and stomp hard, then press down.
Yeah erm. I think youve got it.


First Post
Ringly waits patiently, thought he is not nearly at ease as Jerran. He shifts uneasily as the man chops wood...

Take your time, take your time. I'm in no rush to talk.


First Post
"Why doesn't Jerran say something? Surely he realizes that Lamir will just continue chopping the wood until he's finished. He knows we're here - but why should he stop work just to say hello to us. If we've got something to say, we'd better say it."

Alton tries to catch Jerran's eye but fails to do so. Frowning, he clears his throat and takes a step forward.

"We hear you've been having trouble with beasts rooting up the crops, Lamir. Mero's asked us to look into it. Have you seen anything strange, apart from the damage to the crops, that is?"

Seeing the look of irritation on Jerran's face, he frowns again, shrugs and gestures at the man.


First Post
Eddie said:
Is she making fun of me?

Kiylea giggles, then, when Eddie turns away again, makes a big show of creeping hungrily towards his pie. When he glances over she gasps as if caught red-handed and quickly saunters off with an exaggerated air of innocence. Then, laughing again, she grabs her walking stick from where it was leaning against the tree. "I'm gonna' go find that rabbit. I'll be back before twilight," she says, and waves a farewell.

OoC: Survival +6. Just want some small game for supper.


Wednesday - Evening

Jerran, Ringly and Alton

"Mero's finally getting around to it then eh?" Kachunk. "Good fer 'm. I saw some tracks in the fields," kachunk, "probably a boar of some kind. I can show ya in a minute." The axe comes down one last time, kachunk, and then he gathers up a massive load of split wood and adds it to a pile on the side of the house. Sinking the axe into the cutting block, he turns back, smiling at Alton, "yer lookin' mighty good in all that armor, glad to see someone 'round here has the heart for it." He begins walking back towards the fields, "ye coming?"

OOC: More coming later when I have more time.


Jerran ignores Alton's 'subtle' glances, fully assured that Lamir would talk when he was ready. He rolled his eyes a little when Alton stepped in to interrupt, but grinned to himself as Lamir kept chopping wood while speaking. Then he waited, and sure enough, as soon as Lamir was done with the job at hand, he was ready to help them. Jerran nods his head at Lamir's words as he strides along behind.

"Yes, we are coming. Lead on."


Wednesday - Sunset

Jerran, Ringly and Alton

The three of you follow Lamir out into the fields, he makes idle chatter with Alton, mostly ignoring Jerran and Ringly. The young warrior seems to impress him, perhaps he wishes he himself had become one rather than being wed to Besha at a young age. Lamir stops, looking around, he picks at the edge of his broad-brimmed hat and then nods, walking a short way away he kneels and then beckons the three of your over. He gestures to a set of prints sunk into the dark earth, "like I was saying, probably a small boar." The three of you look, but could barely imagine what it was if no one had told you. "Came in most likely from the tree line over there," pointing towards the edge of the Silvergreen Forest to your west, the sun setting behind the trees, "I'd suggest you set up over there, but your friends seem to have already." With a bit of surprise you strain your eyes and can pick out Eddie and Bubbles fiddling with something close to the ground. Shrugging, he nods a farewell to Alton and then begins walking back towards his farm.


Hunting down rabbits has seemingly never been this hard, your luck seems poor at best, eventually you spot a small rabbit and after a moment of tense watching you manage to nab it with a well-placed arrow. You make your way back to where Eddie and Bubbles are.
OOC: Survival check 11


Eddie and Bubbles fiddle a bit more with the trap, making sure it is secure enough to hopefully stop a boar, Eddie pausing once in a while to take a bite of his pie which eventually disappears.

The others eventually converge on their position, Kiylea carrying a small rabbit, Jerran, Alton and Ringly coming from the fields to your east. The warmth of the day still radiates from the ground, but now the sun has sunk behind the treeline and dusk sets in.

Voidrunner's Codex

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